[comp.sys.amiga.games] KGS Cheat and more

C503719@UMCVMB.MISSOURI.EDU (Baird McIntosh) (01/19/91)

I have a file from a local BBS that contains cheats (actually memory-patches)
for several Amiga games.  Of particular interest is a small program called
KillingGS.  This program runs from the CLI and asks you 4 y/n questions about
the amount of cheating you want.  If you select 'y' for all the questions, your
robot is invulnerable to enemies (mostly...the skeletons still kill me), you
have infinite energy, and you can press the right mouse button to 'warp' to the
the next level or section.  Using the 'warp' feature, I was able to look at all
the sections of the game, as well as the final credits.  Oh, the cheat also
lets you turn off the rising of the DOLL.

It is more fun to beat each level without any help, but if you are curious
about the upper levels, this cheat is for you.  In case you fear a virus, just
write-protect both KGS disks before running the program.  The program doesn't
write to the disks, but "better safe than sorry", eh?

Assuming ab20.larc.nasa.gov is running this weekend, I will try to put the
cheats.lzh file in the incoming/amiga directory of that site.

| Baird McIntosh | c503719@umcvmb.missouri.edu <-or-> c503719@umcvmb.bitnet |
| COOL DRIVING TECHNIQUE #5: Wait for the closest parking space; ignore the |
| cars behind you who'd be happy with *any* space sometime this millenium.  |

C503719@UMCVMB.MISSOURI.EDU (Baird McIntosh) (01/19/91)

>cheats.lzh file in the incoming/amiga directory of that site.

     I have put the file 'cheats.lzh' in the incoming/amiga/GAMES directory
at ab20.larc.nasa.gov.

| Baird McIntosh | c503719@umcvmb.missouri.edu <-or-> c503719@umcvmb.bitnet |
| COOL DRIVING TECHNIQUE #5: Wait for the closest parking space; ignore the |
| cars behind you who'd be happy with *any* space sometime this millenium.  |