(Stephen M. Smith) (01/26/91) (GIBBS) writes: >I have been playing for about a day on this game, and haven't figured >out, through reading the manual or game play how to get back spell >points. Any tips? Thanks, You can't naturally regenerate spell points in this game like you can in other games (e.g. MM2--resting; ADnD--resting and memorizing, etc.). In Dragon Wars you need to either find a magical place to regenerate points, or you need to find a place where they sell dragon stones which can be used to regenerate points. There *is* a magical place in Purgatory where you can regenerate all your points. If you want to know where it is, keep reading this message; if not, skip the rest of this message and search for it yourself. (regeneration spot spoiler) There's a magical pool located all the way south and east of where you started in the game (i.e., in the southeast corner of Purgatory). S. "Stevie" Smith \ + / <smsmith@hpuxa. \+++++/ " #*&<-[89s]*(k#$@-_=//a2$]'+=.(2_&*%>,,@ ircc.ohio-state. \ + / {7%*@,..":27g)-=,#*:.#,/6&1*.4-,l@#9:-) " edu> \ + / BTW, WYSInaWYG \ + / --witty.saying.ARC