[comp.sys.amiga.games] Flight Simulators

a23@mindlink.UUCP (Joel Murray) (07/24/90)

I saw it at a local software retailer.

The graphics were not that great, definitely nothing like Falcon.  The
documentation wasn't impressive, either.

I'm fascinated by flight simulators and planes in general.  I'd even like to
learn to fly the real thing if I ever have enough spare time to devote to
flying.  Having said this, a flight simulator has to be a dog for me not to buy
it.  I haven't bought 737 Flight Simulator....

     //    ///         CIS: 73200,3117         |  Clyde Wells for
   \X/oel ///urray  Usenet: a23@mindlink.UUCP  |  Prime Minister!

gripple@caen.engin.umich.edu (Thomas A Roper ) (07/25/90)

Has anyone heard of or played a flight simulator called
"Flight Path 737"? I'm really into flight simulators, and
I read about this one in AC's guide. Any comments would be

pwvicory@uokmax.ecn.uoknor.edu (Paul William Vicory) (02/10/91)

     The purpose of my posting is to express my opinion on the flight sims
currently available for the Amiga; the programs I wish to discuss are:

          1) Jet
          2) F-18 Interceptor
          3) Flight Simulator II
          4) Falcon
             a) first release 
             b) mission disk I (operation: counterstrike)
             c) mission disk II (operation: firefight)
          5) F-19 Stealth Fighter

1) Jet:
        This sim is neither a realistic portrayal of flight (i.e., a take-
off and landing can occur almost anywhere and the flight interface has no-
thing to do with actual flight display within a F-16 or F/A-18) nor an in-
teresting combat scenario generator. Your choices are limited to: 
          1) F-16 ground attack (night)
          2) F/A-18 ground attack (day/sea)
          3) F-16 combined attack (day/land)
          4) other uninteresting scenarios

Without being excessively derogoratory, I will simply state that this program
provides arcade-type flt. sim. excitement with very little in the way of stra-
tegic options.

2) F/A-18:
        This sim is expertly done, with respect to items such as scenery 
refresh rate and overall graphic quality, but rates poorly with respect to
realistic scenarios and accurate combat faculties. This program forces you
to use the rudder excessively in manuveurs that typically do not require a
yaw input. Also, the carrier sub mission (your last mission) is horrible in
every sense. Without any provided info you are required to attack the sub
(a surface target) with air-to-air missiles. Extremely anticlimactic consid-
ering the graphic quality of the game. Still, the game does provide enough
of the Bay Area (San Francisco) to be of interest. If you are as disappoint-
ed with the game as I was, the Electronic Arts complex in San Mateo is present
and available for your strafing pleasure.

3) Flt. Sim. II
       This program is a highly realistic depiction of civilian flight and
allows a significant degree of scenario control, but does have one major
defect: no joystick flight control and no keyboard input with regard to
menu selectable items (i.e., VOR stations and bearings can only be entered
via mouse clicks, which is quite annoying). BTW, scenario control in this
case means weather and time (night flight and inst. flight is provided).

4) Falcon
       This excellent sim possesses, I would suspect, nearly all the features
of an actual F-16 Falcon, and thus presents a rather steep learning curve to
the flt. sim. novice, but once mastered, is the most enjoyable of the sims
available for the Amiga. The original program's F-16 is very difficult to
land, and has a couple of unimplemented "features" such as the zoomed Mav-
erick T.V. image, which is somewhat corrected in the first Mission Disk:
Operation: Counterstrike. There are two bugs in the second Mission Disk:
Operation: Firefight that I have noticed. First, while landing at your home
base or the friendly airfield at waypoint 7 can rearm your plane, you cannot
refuel. Second, the HUD Up/Down function does not appear to work. Otherwise,
however, this program is excellent and is required playing for any flt. sim.
enthusiast (pacifists included).

5) F-19 Stealth Fighter
       Overall, this is the best flt. sim. package currently available for
the Amiga. Combining RPG elements with a believable flight interface (al-
though I'd like to know how the F-19 can track a target without emitting
a radar signal), this program is beautifully executed; buy it and enjoy it!
A couple of tricks and tips: to reduce your radar image (which is practically
the object of the game if you hope to succeed) fly low (200 ft.), slow (250-
300 knts.) and near something (preferably a mountain). The stealth tactics
discussed in the manual do, indeed, work but at the more difficult levels,
plan on having a lot of company in the sky. BTW, when did IL-76's become
equipped with AA missiles? Probably at the same time that AMRAAM's became
sub killers.

Please observe that these comments are only meant to provide basic info to
those who are interested in flt. sims and discuss a few of the more pop-
ular programs out for the Amiga. Any dispute to these points can be addressed
via e-mail and settled over the modem.
Paul W. Vicory                       "Sex is greater than five."
Professional Student
several menu selectable items (i.e.,