[comp.sys.amiga.games] games for sale/TRADE

jac423@leah.albany.edu (Jules Cisek) (11/28/90)

I have a  bunch of games  that I would  like to either  sell or trade.
I'm not looking  for anything in particular,  so just name some titles
you might want to trade.

Leisure Suit Larry III..................................$25 (paid $50) 5disks
 Serria On-Line graphic adventure.  Humorous and lewd and lots of fun.

Windwalker..............................................$20 (paid $40) 1disk
 Origin oriental adventure.  Very atmospheric game with good (unique) graphics

The Hound of Shadow.....................................$10 (paid $30) 2disks
 EA text adventure with limited graphics.  H.P.Lovecraft setting.  Good mood.

3D Pool.................................................$15 (paid $30) 1disk
 Microplay tournament pool.  True 3D (table rotation, zoom).  Many options.

Strike Aces.............................................$20 (paid $45) 2disks
 Accolade bomber simulation.  Excellent 3D flight sim. with mission editor.

Jigsaw..................................................$10 (paid $30) 1disk
 Britannica Software puzzle game.  You can use your own IFF pics.  Nice game.

Champions of Krynn......................................$25 (paid $50) 3disks
 SSI D&D adventure.  Good stuff.  I'll also include the hint booklet.

Shark Attack: Ultimate Golf.............................$20 (paid $50) 1disk
 Melbourne House golf simulator.  Extremelly detailed golf simulator. (3D)

All  of the above  are in  the  original  boxes with original manuals.
Alas, no registration cards.

I also have Fantavision (docs but no box and no card).   I sell it for
$30 or trade it for something...

You're welcome to tell  me if my  prices are unreasonable.  This is my
first attempt at selling this stuff.
|    // .______. J.Cisek  CSC MiniSystems  "i don't want the world,   \_o_/ |
|  \X/--|UU UUU| jac423@leah.albany.edu     i just want your half..." \\|   |
| AMIGA |______| Amiga Student On Campus Consultant  SUNY@Albany, USA  \\   |

amhartma@silver.ucs.indiana.edu (Andy Hartman - AmigaMan) (01/22/91)

I've got Dragon Force (from Interstel) and Falcon (Spectrum Holobyte) for sale
or trade.

Dragon Force is a game where you're part of a commando unit and have to take 
out the bad guys
Falcon is a great flight simulator.

Both have all orig. docs, packaging, prot. stuff, etc.

Make offer on one or both or offer a trade.

* Andy Hartman       | I'd deny half of this crap anyway!| Support the troops
* Indiana University |   amhartma@silver.ucs.indiana.edu |  in Saudi Arabia! 
*  Computer Science  |   AMHARTMA@rose.ucs.indiana.edu   |     // Amiga Man 
*Professional Student|        or just "Hey putz!"        |   \X/  At Large!

AAW450@uriacc.uri.edu (brian) (02/14/91)

         Here is what I have for sale:
european releases: Murder-$12   (great graphics,great clue sort of game)
                   Sly spy secret agent-$12 (james bond type game)
                   Street hockey -$12

other releases:    Operation Stealth -$12
                   Micro league wrestling-$12
                   Golden Axe-$20
                   Hooked on lottery-$10
    Trades are welcome,(of any sort?!?!)prices include shipping.