wdao@girtab.usc.edu (Walter Dao) (02/18/91)
I finally got the game. first, the manual : I grew up with the original wizardry (proving ground of the mad overlord). I loved the manual. The graphics were humorous , simplistic and to the point (reminds me of the AD&D manuals). The one for this new game is trying to make it too realistic. Comic book type. I dont like it. The manual is not as sober, not putting it in a SERIOUS category, the aura given off by the manual is not as intense (for an extremely good manual, check out the Manual for the game ELITE). the game : is it my eyes or are all the icons tiny small ? hell , even the mouse pointer is bigger than some of them. as for the magic ... I want exotic names like Halito, mahalito and the like, not something like "stamina !!!" (DM was a bit of an overkill, playing around with icons ...) races ? with the addition of the extra races (cat,dog,alien,dragon etcc), the world the cosmic forge is less realistic, (unlike Wizardry 1 which was in the world of a possible past . ) . the keyboard commands are a bit slow to respond. Anyway, beside these minor remarks, the game is very interesting and I am kinda hooked already. as for the dungeon graphics, as mentioned in previous postings, there are very c-64 like but they are very effective. not as polished as DM. (hell, DM is so stressfull for me ... argggg) bottom line I like it a lot . Walter