[comp.sys.amiga.games] HD'able games..

IO91461@MAINE.BITNET (Tom Nezwek) (09/19/90)

   Greetings from Maine....
   Yes, Its back....
   Here are the games that work on Hard Hisk:
   (also ones which work on 2500 or 3000)
    Game                   HD Compatable      2500/20   2500/30   3000
   ------                 ---------------     -------   -------   ----
    Aunt Arctic Adventure        No              ?         ?       No
    Batman: The Movie            No              ?         ?      Yes 1
    Battle Chess                YES             YES       YES      YES
    Battle Squadron              NO             YES        ?        ?
    Beyond Dark Castle           No              ?         ?      Yes
    Black Magic                  No              ?         ?       No
    Blood Money                  No              ?         ?      Yes 2
    Breach                      Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Breach 2                    Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Captain Blood                No              ?         ?       No
    Chamber Of Sci-Mutant Priest No              ?         ?       No
    Champions of Krynn          Yes M            ?         ?        ?
    Colony                      Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Dark Century                 No              ?         ?       No
    Dragon Force                Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Dragon's Lair II            Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Dungeon Master               No              ?         ?       No
    Earl Weaver Baseball         No              ?         ?        ?
    Empire 2.1 (Gray,Wright)    Yes              ?        Yes       ?
    F-18 Interceptor            Yes              ?        Yes       ?
    Falcon 1.1                  YES             YES       YES      YES4
    FalconMission (from floppy) n/a              ?         ?      Yes 5
    FalconMission (run on HD)   Yes              ?         ?      Yes 6
    Fire Brigade                YES             YES       YES      YES
    Flight Simulator            Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Footman                      NO             YES        ?      YES 7
    Gauntlet II                  NO             YES        ?      YES 8
    GravityWars 2.0             YES             YES      YES       YES
    Gunship                     Yes              ?         ?       No 9
    Hardball II                 Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Hybris                      NO              YES        NO       NO
    Infocom text Adv.           Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Interceptor                 Yes (needs patch)?         ?        ?
    International Soccer         NO              NO       NO        NO
    Interstel Empire 1.03       Yes              ?        Yes       ?
    Interstel Empire 2.05       Yes M            ?         ?        ?
    It came from the Desert     YES             YES        ?        ?
    Jetsons                     Yes             Yes        ?        ?
    Leader Board Golf           Yes             Yes        ?        ?
    Leisure Suit Larry III0     Yes              ?         ?      Yes 10
    Leonardo                     No              ?         ?      Yes
    Lurking Horror              Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Manic Mansion               Yes              ?         ?       No
    Marble Madness               No              ?         ?       No
    Mean 18                     YES              ?         ?        ?
    Might & Magic II            Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Mindwalker                  YES             YES       YES      YES
    Nethack 3.0                 YES             YES       YES      YES
    Nuclear War (keydisk)       Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Pacmania                     No              ?         ?       No 11
    Paperboy                     No              ?         ?      Yes
    Pirates                     Yes              ?         ?       Yes
    Planet of Lust               NO              ?         ?        ?
    Pocoman                     Yes              ?         ?       Yes
    Populous                     NO             YES       NO        NO
    Ports of Call               Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Prospector                  Yes              ?         ?      Yes 12
    Rick Dangerous               No              ?         ?        ?
    Risk                         No              ?         ?      Yes
    Roger Rabbit                Yes             Yes        ?        ?
    Rogue                       Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Romance of the 3 Kingdoms   YES             YES      YES       YES
    Shadow Of The Beast          No              ?         ?       No 13
    Shanghai                    YES             YES       YES      YES
    Sideshow (ACTIONWARE)       YES             YES        ?        ?
    Sidewinder                  Yes              ?        No        ?
    SimCity 1.0                 Yes (Keydisk)    ?        No        ?
    SimCity 1.2                 Yes             Yes       Yes       ?
    Space Ace                    No              ?         ?      Yes
    Space Harrier                No              ?         ?      Yes
    Speedball                    No              ?         ?       NO
    Spellbreaker (1.0?)         Yes              ?        Yes       ?
    StarGlider 2                 NO             YES      YES        ?
    Stellar Crusade             YES             YES       YES      YES
    SuperGridRunner             Yes (needs patch)?         ?        ?
    Sword of Aragon             YES             YES       YES      YES
    Sword Of Sodan               No              ?         ?      Yes
    The Duel: Testdrive II      YES             YES        ?      YES 3
    Three Stooges               Yes              ?         ?        ?
    TV Sports Basketball        Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Universal Military Simltr   YES             YES       YES      YES
    Waterloo                    YES             YES       YES      YES
    Where in the Wrld is C S    Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Zany Golf                   Yes             Yes        ?       Yes
    Zork Zero                   Yes              ?         ?        ?
 ****** FOOTNOTES ********
1. Runs fine on 3000, but there are intermittent graphics glitches where
     floors and wall seem to disappear or smear.
2. Plays fine on 3000. However all the title pages and intro screens with
     "tiles" the graphics are completely messed up. This does not affect game
     play at all.
3. Game play is fine on 3000 but the graphics glitch throughout the game. It
     is still playable, but annoying.
4. On 3000 game won't even load from floppy. From HD under 2.0 the game hangs
     when you try to "Takeoff" from Armament screen. Under 1.3 once you are
     in the cockpit the keyboard is hung/frozen.
5. Runs fine on 3000 from floppy only if you boot under 1.3. Won't run with 2.0
6. If run from HD on 3000: under 2.0 the game seems to play fine but if you
     hit <esc> to get menus the game crashes. Under 1.3 once in the cockpit
     the keyboard is hung/frozen.
7. Game runs fine on 3000 if you are on speed. In other words, the game runs,
     but it is VERY VERY fast and nearly impossible to play at this speed.
8. Freezes on title screen under 2.0. Under 1.3, if it loads (sometimes it
     does, sometimes not) it plays fine.
9. Doesn't run on 3000. But just a note that if you are running it on another
     machine from hard disk you must use the original floppy as a key disk.
10. Plays fine under 2.0 and 1.3 but at accelerated speed on 3000. This doesn't
     hinder play for this game.
11. Game runs on 3000 but with massive graphic glitches on the screen at all
     times. Not really playable, but it runs.
12. Seems to run fine on 3000. It seems to have minor glitches undere 2.0 like
     the sound sometimes disappears.
13. Game seems to load fine on 3000 but as soon as you attempt to move the game
     hangs and crashes.
The patches are to change DF0: to something else, like F18: & GRD:.
M denotes a Multitasking Program.
     PD Games                   HD            2500/20   2500/30   3000
     ---------                  ---          ---------  --------  -----
     Tetrix                     Yes             YES        ?        ?
     Omega                      Yes              ?         ?        ?
     Battletech                 Yes              ?         ?        ?
     Amoeba Invaders            Yes             YES        ?        ?
     Mechforce (PD) 3.71        Yes              ?        Yes       ?
     Startrek (PD)              Yes              ?        Yes       ?
     Asteroids (PD)             Yes              ?        Yes       ?
     Tetris (PD, Andy Hook)     Yes             Yes       Yes       ?
     Missile Command (PD)       Yes              ?         No       ?
   ******************* Important Information ************************
   If you know a specific way to copy a Game to HD
   a brief explanation 'how to' would be welcome...
   Some of you have sent PD listings too... Is this a good idea? I mean
   PD by definition is free anyway and some of the same games have
   different names so shouldn't we leave them out? Your choice.. I'll
   Post PD also if enough people request it...
   Also When You add to the list It would be nice if you used this format
            Game             HD      2500/20  2500/30  3000
           --------------   ----     -------  -------  ----
            Sim City 1.0     No         Yes      No     No
   Because it takes a long time to edit everyones output to match
   And please specify if the game still needs a floppy key disk...
                    -Thanks Response has been good
                         -Lets keep the list growing
               ___                    ____
              ////  /\    |\  /|  |  |          /\    TM
         ___ ////  /  \   | \/ |  |  |  __     /  \
         \\\X///  /----\  |    |  |  |    |   /----\     -Later
          \XXX/  /      \ |    |  |  |____|  /      \     -TOM

IO91461@MAINE.BITNET (Tom Nezwek) (11/02/90)

   Greetings from Maine....
   If there is no further interest in this, then I'll bag this project..
   Here are the games that work on Hard Hisk:
   (also ones which work on 2500 or 3000)
    Game                   HD Compatable      2500/20   2500/30   3000
   ------                 ---------------     -------   -------   ----
    Aunt Arctic Adventure        No              ?         ?       No
    Batman: The Movie            No              ?         ?      Yes 1
    Battle Chess                YES             YES       YES      YES
    Battle Squadron              NO             YES        ?        ?
    Beyond Dark Castle           No              ?         ?      Yes
    Black Magic                  No              ?         ?       No
    Blood Money                  No              ?         ?      Yes 2
    Breach                      Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Breach 2                    Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Captain Blood                No              ?         ?       No
    Chamber Of Sci-Mutant Priest No              ?         ?       No
    Champions of Krynn          Yes M            ?         ?        ?
    Colony                      Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Dark Century                 No              ?         ?       No
    Dragon Force                Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Dragon's Lair II            Yes             Yes       Yes       ?
    Dungeon Master               No              ?         ?       No
    Earl Weaver Baseball         No              ?         ?        ?
    Empire 2.1 (Gray,Wright)    Yes              ?        Yes       ?
    F-18 Interceptor            Yes              ?        Yes       ?
    Falcon 1.1                  YES             YES       YES      YES4
    FalconMission (from floppy) n/a              ?         ?      Yes 5
    FalconMission (run on HD)   Yes              ?         ?      Yes 6
    Fire Brigade                YES             YES       YES      YES
    Flight Simulator            Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Footman                      NO             YES        ?      YES 7
    Gauntlet II                  NO             YES        ?      YES 8
    GravityWars 2.0             YES             YES      YES       YES
    Gunship                     Yes              ?         ?       No 9
    Hardball II                 Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Hybris                      NO              YES        NO       NO
    Infocom text Adv.           Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Interceptor                 Yes (needs patch)?         ?        ?
    International Soccer         NO              NO       NO        NO
    Interstel Empire 1.03       Yes              ?        Yes       ?
    Interstel Empire 2.05       Yes M            ?         ?        ?
    It came from the Desert     YES             YES        ?        ?
    Jetsons                     Yes             Yes        ?        ?
    Leader Board Golf           Yes             Yes        ?        ?
    Leisure Suit Larry III0     Yes              ?         ?      Yes 10
    Leonardo                     No              ?         ?      Yes
    Lurking Horror              Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Manic Mansion               Yes              ?         ?       No
    Marble Madness               No              ?         ?       No
    Mean 18                     YES              ?         ?        ?
    Might & Magic II            Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Mindwalker                  YES             YES       YES      YES
    Nethack 3.0                 YES             YES       YES      YES
    Nuclear War (keydisk)       Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Pacmania                     No              ?         ?       No 11
    Paperboy                     No              ?         ?      Yes
    Pirates                     Yes              ?         ?       Yes
    Planet of Lust               NO              ?         ?        ?
    Pocoman                     Yes              ?         ?       Yes
    Populous                     NO             YES       NO        NO
    Ports of Call               Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Prospector                  Yes              ?         ?      Yes 12
    Rick Dangerous               No              ?         ?        ?
    Risk                         No              ?         ?      Yes
    Roger Rabbit                Yes             Yes        ?        ?
    Rogue                       Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Romance of the 3 Kingdoms   YES             YES      YES       YES
    Shadow Of The Beast          No              ?         ?       No 13
    Shanghai                    YES             YES       YES      YES
    Sideshow (ACTIONWARE)       YES             YES        ?        ?
    Sidewinder                  Yes              ?        No        ?
    SimCity 1.0                 Yes (Keydisk)    ?        No        ?
    SimCity 1.2                 Yes             Yes       Yes       ?
    Space Ace                    No              ?         ?      Yes
    Space Harrier                No              ?         ?      Yes
    Speedball                    No              ?         ?       NO
    Spellbreaker (1.0?)         Yes              ?        Yes       ?
    StarGlider 2                 NO             YES      YES        ?
    Stellar Crusade             YES             YES       YES      YES
    SuperGridRunner             Yes (needs patch)?         ?        ?
    Sword of Aragon             YES             YES       YES      YES
    Sword Of Sodan               No              ?         ?      Yes
    The Duel: Testdrive II      YES             YES        ?      YES 3
    Three Stooges               Yes              ?         ?        ?
    TV Sports Basketball        Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Universal Military Simltr   YES             YES       YES      YES
    Waterloo                    YES             YES       YES      YES
    Where in the Wrld is C S    Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Zany Golf                   Yes             Yes        ?       Yes
    Zork Zero                   Yes              ?         ?        ?
 ****** FOOTNOTES ********
1. Runs fine on 3000, but there are intermittent graphics glitches where
     floors and wall seem to disappear or smear.
2. Plays fine on 3000. However all the title pages and intro screens with
     "tiles" the graphics are completely messed up. This does not affect game
     play at all.
3. Game play is fine on 3000 but the graphics glitch throughout the game. It
     is still playable, but annoying.
4. On 3000 game won't even load from floppy. From HD under 2.0 the game hangs
     when you try to "Takeoff" from Armament screen. Under 1.3 once you are
     in the cockpit the keyboard is hung/frozen.
5. Runs fine on 3000 from floppy only if you boot under 1.3. Won't run with 2.0
6. If run from HD on 3000: under 2.0 the game seems to play fine but if you
     hit <esc> to get menus the game crashes. Under 1.3 once in the cockpit
     the keyboard is hung/frozen.
7. Game runs fine on 3000 if you are on speed. In other words, the game runs,
     but it is VERY VERY fast and nearly impossible to play at this speed.
8. Freezes on title screen under 2.0. Under 1.3, if it loads (sometimes it
     does, sometimes not) it plays fine.
9. Doesn't run on 3000. But just a note that if you are running it on another
     machine from hard disk you must use the original floppy as a key disk.
10. Plays fine under 2.0 and 1.3 but at accelerated speed on 3000. This doesn't
     hinder play for this game.
11. Game runs on 3000 but with massive graphic glitches on the screen at all
     times. Not really playable, but it runs.
12. Seems to run fine on 3000. It seems to have minor glitches undere 2.0 like
     the sound sometimes disappears.
13. Game seems to load fine on 3000 but as soon as you attempt to move the game
     hangs and crashes.
The patches are to change DF0: to something else, like F18: & GRD:.
M denotes a Multitasking Program.
     PD Games                   HD            2500/20   2500/30   3000
     ---------                  ---          ---------  --------  -----
     Tetrix                     Yes             YES        ?        ?
     Omega                      Yes              ?         ?        ?
     Battletech                 Yes              ?         ?        ?
     Amoeba Invaders            Yes             YES        ?        ?
     Mechforce (PD) 3.71        Yes              ?        Yes       ?
     Startrek (PD)              Yes              ?        Yes       ?
     Asteroids (PD)             Yes              ?        Yes       ?
     Tetris (PD, Andy Hook)     Yes             Yes       Yes       ?
     Missile Command (PD)       Yes              ?         No       ?
   ******************* Important Information ************************
   If you know a specific way to copy a Game to HD
   a brief explanation 'how to' would be welcome...
   Some of you have sent PD listings too... Is this a good idea? I mean
   PD by definition is free anyway and some of the same games have
   different names so shouldn't we leave them out? Your choice.. I'll
   Post PD also if enough people request it...
   Also When You add to the list It would be nice if you used this format
            Game             HD      2500/20  2500/30  3000
           --------------   ----     -------  -------  ----
            Sim City 1.0     No         Yes      No     No
   Because it takes a long time to edit everyones output to match
   And please specify if the game still needs a floppy key disk...
   PS: Nib2.0 will deprotect my commercial games so that they can be
       installed on Hard Drive...
                         -Tom Nezwek

skelley@atreus.umiacs.umd.edu (Stephen Kelley) (11/02/90)


Dungeon Master:	A3000 in 1.3 mode
SimCity:		A3000 in 1.3 mode from HDisk
Sidewinder:		A3000 in 1.3 & 2.0
Torch 2081:		A3000 in 1.3 & 2.0 from HDisk
	(*GOOD* Qix look-a-like)

IO91461@MAINE.BITNET (Tom Nezwek) (12/09/90)

   Hello from Maine....
   Here are the games that work on Hard Hisk:
   (also ones which work on 2500 or 3000)
    Game                   HD Compatable      2500/20   2500/30   3000
   ------                 ---------------     -------   -------   ----
    A10 Tank Killer             Yes              ?         ?       Yes
    Alien Syndrome              Yes              ?         ?       Yes
    Atomic Robokid               No              ?         ?       Yes
    Aunt Arctic Adventure        No              ?         ?       No
    Bandit Kings of Ancient Chn Yes              ?         ?       Yes
    Batman: The Movie            No              ?         ?      Yes 1
    Battle Chess                YES             YES       YES      YES
    Battle Hawks 1942           Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Battle Squadron              NO             YES        ?        No
    Beyond Dark Castle           No              ?         ?      Yes
    Black Magic                  No              ?         ?       No
    Blood Money                  No              ?         ?      Yes 2
    Breach                      Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Breach 2                    Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Captain Blood                No              ?         ?       No
    Chamber Of Sci-Mutant Priest No              ?         ?       No
    Champions of Krynn          Yes M            ?         ?       Yes
    Colony                      Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Dark Century                 No              ?         ?       No
    Drakkhen                     No nd           ?         ?       NO
    Dragon Force                Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Dragon's Lair II            Yes             Yes        ?       No
    Dungeon Master         Yes(patch on abcfd)   ?         ?       Yes
    Earl Weaver Baseball         No              ?         ?        ?
    Empire 2.1 (Gray,Wright)    Yes              ?        Yes      Yes
    F-18 Interceptor            Yes cw           ?        Yes   Yes 1.3
    Falcon 1.1                  YES             YES       YES      YES4
    FalconMission (from floppy) n/a              ?         ?      Yes 5
    FalconMission (run on HD)   Yes              ?         ?      Yes 6
    Fire Brigade                YES             YES       YES      YES
    Flight Simulator            Yes              ?         ?       Yes
    Footman                      NO             YES        ?      YES 7
    Future Wars                  No              ?         ?        ?
    Gauntlet II                  NO             YES        ?      YES 8
    GravityWars 2.0             YES             YES      YES       YES
    Gunship                     Yes              ?         ?       No 9
    Hardball II                 Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Heart of Dragon             Yes              ?         ?       Yes
    Hybris                      NO              YES        NO       NO
    Indianapolis 500            Yes              ?         ?
    Infocom text Adv.           Yes              ?         ?       Yes
    Interceptor                 Yes (needs patch)?         ?        ?
    International Soccer         NO              NO       NO        NO
    Interstel Empire 1.03       Yes              ?        Yes       ?
    Interstel Empire 2.05       Yes M            ?         ?        ?
    Ishido                      Yes              ?         ?       Yes
    It came from the Desert     YES             YES        ?        No
    Jetsons                     Yes             Yes        ?        ?
    Leader Board Golf           Yes             Yes        ?        ?
    Leisure Suit Larry III0     Yes              ?         ?      Yes 10
    Leonardo                     No              ?         ?      Yes
    Lurking Horror              Yes              ?         ?        ?
    M1 Tank Platoon             Yes              ?         ?       Yes
    Matrix Marauders             No              ?         ?       No
    Manic Mansion               Yes              ?         ?       No
    Marble Madness               No              ?         ?       No
    Mean 18                     YES              ?         ?        ?
    Might & Magic II            Yes              ?         ?       Yes
    Mindwalker                  YES             YES       YES      YES
    Nethack 3.0                 YES             YES       YES      YES
    Nuclear War (keydisk)       Yes              ?         ?       Yes
    Oil Empirium                Yes             no         no      no
    Pacmania                     No              ?         ?       No 11
    Paperboy                     No              ?         ?      Yes
    Pirates                     Yes              ?         ?       Yes
    Planet of Lust               NO              ?         ?        ?
    Pocoman                     Yes              ?         ?       Yes
    Populous                     NO             YES       NO        NO
    Ports of Call               Yes             Yes        ?       Yes
    Prospector                  Yes              ?         ?      Yes 12
    Red Storm Rising            Yes              ?         ?       Yes
    Rick Dangerous               No              ?         ?        ?
    Rick Dangerous II            No              ?         ?       Yes
    Risk                         No              ?         ?      Yes
    Roger Rabbit                Yes             Yes        ?        ?
    Rogue                       Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Romance of the 3 Kingdoms   YES             YES      YES       YES
    Shadow Of The Beast          No              ?         ?       No 13
    Shadow Of The Beast II       No              ?         ?       Yes
    Shanghai                    YES             YES       YES      YES
    Sideshow (ACTIONWARE)       YES             YES        ?        ?
    Sidewinder                  Yes              ?        No       Yes
    SimCity 1.0                 Yes (Keydisk)    ?        No       Yes
    SimCity 1.1                  ?               ?         ?       Yes
    SimCity 1.2                 Yes             Yes       Yes      Yes
    Space Ace                    No              ?         ?      Yes
    Space Harrier                No              ?         ?      Yes
    Speedball                    No              ?         ?       NO
    Spellbreaker (1.0?)         Yes              ?        Yes       ?
    StarGlider 2                 NO             YES      YES        ?
    Stellar Crusade             YES             YES       YES      YES
    SuperGridRunner             Yes (needs patch)?         ?        ?
    Sword of Aragon             YES             YES       YES      YES
    Sword Of Sodan               No              ?         ?      Yes
    The Duel: Testdrive II      YES             YES        ?      YES 3
    Thier Finest hour           Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Three Stooges               Yes              ?         ?        No
    Torch 2081                   ?               ?         ?       Yes
    TV Sports Basketball        Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Universal Military Simltr   YES             YES       YES      YES
    Waterloo                    YES             YES       YES      YES
    Where in the Wrld is C S    Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Wings                       Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Zany Golf                   Yes             Yes        ?       Yes
    Zork Zero                   Yes              ?         ?       Yes
    668 Attack Sub              Yes              ?         ?        ?
 ****** FOOTNOTES ********
1. Runs fine on 3000, but there are intermittent graphics glitches where
     floors and wall seem to disappear or smear.
2. Plays fine on 3000. However all the title pages and intro screens with
     "tiles" the graphics are completely messed up. This does not affect game
     play at all.
3. Game play is fine on 3000 but the graphics glitch throughout the game. It
     is still playable, but annoying.
4. On 3000 game won't even load from floppy. From HD under 2.0 the game hangs
     when you try to "Takeoff" from Armament screen. Under 1.3 once you are
     in the cockpit the keyboard is hung/frozen.
5. Runs fine on 3000 from floppy only if you boot under 1.3. Won't run with 2.0
6. If run from HD on 3000: under 2.0 the game seems to play fine but if you
     hit <esc> to get menus the game crashes. Under 1.3 once in the cockpit
     the keyboard is hung/frozen.
7. Game runs fine on 3000 if you are on speed. In other words, the game runs,
     but it is VERY VERY fast and nearly impossible to play at this speed.
8. Freezes on title screen under 2.0. Under 1.3, if it loads (sometimes it
     does, sometimes not) it plays fine.
9. Doesn't run on 3000. But just a note that if you are running it on another
     machine from hard disk you must use the original floppy as a key disk.
10. Plays fine under 2.0 and 1.3 but at accelerated speed on 3000. This doesn't
     hinder play for this game.
11. Game runs on 3000 but with massive graphic glitches on the screen at all
     times. Not really playable, but it runs.
12. Seems to run fine on 3000. It seems to have minor glitches undere 2.0 like
     the sound sometimes disappears.
13. Game seems to load fine on 3000 but as soon as you attempt to move the game
     hangs and crashes.
The patches are to change DF0: to something else, like F18: & GRD:.
     PD Games                   HD            2500/20   2500/30   3000
     ---------                  ---          ---------  --------  -----
     Tetrix                     Yes             YES        ?        ?
     Omega                      Yes              ?         ?        ?
     Battletech                 Yes              ?         ?        ?
     Amoeba Invaders            Yes             YES        ?        ?
     Mechforce (PD) 3.71        Yes              ?        Yes       ?
     Startrek (PD)              Yes              ?        Yes       ?
     Asteroids (PD)             Yes              ?        Yes       ?
     Tetris (PD, Andy Hook)     Yes             Yes       Yes       ?
     Missile Command (PD)       Yes              ?         No       ?
   ******************* Important Information ************************
   If you know a specific way to copy a Game to HD
   a brief explanation 'how to' would be welcome...  (like nib2.0)
   Also When You add to the list It would be nice if you used this format
            Game             HD      2500/20  2500/30  3000
           --------------   ----     -------  -------  ----
            Sim City 1.0     No         Yes      No     No
   Because it takes a long time to edit everyones output to match
   And please specify if the game still needs a floppy key disk...
               ___                    ____
              ////  /\    |\  /|  |  |          /\    TM
         ___ ////  /  \   | \/ |  |  |  __     /  \
         \\\X///  /----\  |    |  |  |    |   /----\     -Later
          \XXX/  /      \ |    |  |  |____|  /      \     -Tom Nezwek

bunny@cbnewsm.att.com (Laura A. Eppright) (12/27/90)

In article <90342.213338IO91461@MAINE.BITNET>, IO91461@MAINE.BITNET (Tom Nezwek) writes:
>    Hello from Maine....
>    Here are the games that work on Hard Hisk:
>    (also ones which work on 2500 or 3000)
>     Game                   HD Compatable      2500/20   2500/30   3000
>    ------                 ---------------     -------   -------   ----
>     It came from the Desert     YES             YES        ?        No

I have It Came From The Desert.  It works fine on my 3000.
Laura A. Eppright                
AT&T, 30 Knightsbridge Rd 
Piscataway, NJ     

a481@mindlink.UUCP (J.D. Frazer) (12/27/90)

Does anyone know if the Ultima Trilogy (I, II and III) are Hd'able? Also, any
reviews on the Trilogy Pack? I'd like it alot if the first three were made a
little friendlier.
<    J.D. Frazer         | "How can the same sh*t happen to the     >
< a481@mindlink.UUCP     |  same guy TWICE?!" - Officer John McLain >
<   Vancouver, B.C.      |  in a bad situation; DIE HARD II         >
<      CANADA            |                                          >

thad@cup.portal.com (Thad P Floryan) (12/28/90)

IO91461@MAINE.BITNET (Tom Nezwek) in <90342.213338IO91461@MAINE.BITNET> writes:
	Here are the games that work on Hard Hisk:
	(also ones which work on 2500 or 3000)
	Game                   HD Compatable      2500/20   2500/30   3000
	------                 ---------------     -------   -------   ----
	Marble Madness               No              ?         ?       No

Please note that Marble Madness DOES work from either RAM: or a hard disk if
you "fix" it using a program that circulated among the BBS systems over four
years ago.  It also works on an '020 or '030 Amiga.  The program:

	CLI6> ls -l arc010:eacopy
	-----rwed 86-08-18 22:38:57    2      637 qcopy.doc
	-----rwed 86-08-18 22:42:20   15     7212 quickcopy
	-----rwed 86-08-18 22:43:46   17     7816 quickeac
	Dirs:0    Files:3    Blocks:34    Bytes:15665   

and the contents of ``qcopy.doc'':

	To all who use quickea:

	This program unprotects Electronic Arts programs such as DVIDEO,INSTANT
	MUSIC and MARBLE MADNESS.  Once those programs are copied with quickea
	they are unprotected and can be copied at any time with diskcopy.
	PLEASE 	use discretion and just use it to back up YOUR originals. We
	don't want to see the AMIGA software dry up because of illegal programs
	floating around.  Use it wisely and use it well.

	P.S. Ignore the requester asking for volume "L" on Marble Madness, just
	click cancel when it appears each time and double-click the MM icon as
	usual to play game.
                     Mike T.

Thad Floryan [ thad@cup.portal.com (OR) ..!sun!portal!cup.portal.com!thad ]

cs220x0b@ducvax.auburn.edu (HASH BROWNS) (01/10/91)

>     Chamber Of Sci-Mutant Priest No              ?         ?       No

This game can be put onto HD, IF you edit the main program file using
FileZap, NewZap, or a similar HEX editor.  Search for the string
"DF0" and replace every occurance with another string, "ZZZ" for example.
After you have moved all the game files to you HD, simply assign "ZZZ:" to
the directory into which you have moved the game.

I'm not sure, but you may also be able to "assign df0: remove"
then "assign df0: <full-path-name>"

IO91461@MAINE.BITNET (Tom Nezwek) (02/07/91)

   Once again, the latest hd'able game's list from Maine:
   (I would like to see more 2500/20 & 2500/30 support for this list)
    Game                   HD Compatable      2500/20   2500/30   3000
   ------                 ---------------     -------   -------   ----
    A10 Tank Killer             Yes              ?         ?       Yes
    Alien Syndrome              Yes              ?         ?       Yes
    Atomic Robokid               No              ?         ?       Yes
    Aunt Arctic Adventure        No              ?         ?       No
    Bandit Kings of Ancient Chn Yes              ?         ?       Yes
    Batman: The Movie            No              ?         ?      Yes 1
    Battle Chess                YES             YES       YES      YES
    Battle Hawks 1942           Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Battle Squadron              NO             YES        ?        No
    Beyond Dark Castle           No              ?         ?      Yes
    Black Magic                  No              ?         ?       No
    Blood Money                  No              ?         ?      Yes 2
    Breach                      Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Breach 2                    Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Captain Blood                No              ?         ?       No
    Chamber Of Sci-Mutant Priest No              ?         ?       No
    Champions of Krynn          Yes M            ?         ?       Yes
    Chinese Chess               Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Colony                      Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Crystal Quest               Yes a            ?         ?        ?
    Dark Century                 No              ?         ?       No
    Drakkhen                     No nd           ?         ?       NO
    Dragon Force                Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Dragon's Lair II (Escape)   Yes              ?         ?       No
    Dungeon Master         Yes(patch on abcfd)   ?         ?       Yes
    Earl Weaver Baseball         No              ?         ?        ?
    Empire 2.1 (Gray,Wright)    Yes              ?        Yes      Yes
    F-18 Interceptor            Yes cw           ?        Yes      Yes
    Falcon 1.1                  YES             YES       YES      YES4
    FalconMission (from floppy) n/a              ?         ?      Yes 5
    FalconMission (run on HD)   Yes              ?         ?      Yes 6
    Fire Brigade                YES             YES       YES      YES
    Flight Simulator            Yes              ?         ?       Yes
    Footman                      NO             YES        ?      YES 7
    Future Wars                 Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Gauntlet II                  NO             YES        ?      YES 8
    GravityWars 2.0             YES             YES      YES       YES
    Gunship                     Yes              ?         ?       No 9
    Hardball II                 Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Heart of Dragon             Yes              ?         ?       Yes
    Hybris                      NO              YES        NO       NO
    Indianapolis 500            Yes              ?         ?
    Infocom text Adv.           Yes              ?         ?       Yes
    Interceptor                 Yes (needs patch)?         ?        ?
    International Soccer         NO              NO       NO        NO
    Interstel Empire 1.03       Yes              ?        Yes       ?
    Interstel Empire 2.05       Yes M            ?         ?        ?
    Ishido                      Yes              ?         ?       Yes
    It came from the Desert     YES             YES        ?        No
    Jetsons                     Yes             Yes        ?        ?
    Keef The Thief              Yes a            ?         ?        ?
    Leader Board Golf           Yes             Yes        ?        ?
    Leisure Suit Larry III0     Yes              ?         ?      Yes 10
    Leonardo                     No              ?         ?      Yes
    Lurking Horror              Yes              ?         ?        ?
    M1 Tank Platoon             Yes              ?         ?       Yes
    Matrix Marauders             No              ?         ?       No
    Manic Mansion               Yes              ?         ?       No
    Marble Madness               No              ?         ?       No
    Mean 18                     YES              ?         ?        ?
    Might & Magic II            Yes              ?         ?       Yes
    Mindwalker                  YES             YES       YES      YES
    Nethack 3.09                YES             YES       YES      YES
    Nuclear War (keydisk)       Yes              ?         ?       Yes
    Oil Empirium                Yes             no         no      no
    Pacmania                     No              ?         ?       No 11
    Paperboy                     No              ?         ?      Yes
    Pipe Dream                  Yes a            ?         ?        ?
    Pirates                     Yes              ?         ?       Yes
    Planet of Lust               NO              ?         ?        ?
    Pocoman                     Yes              ?         ?       Yes
    Populous                     NO             YES       NO        NO
    Ports of Call               Yes             Yes        ?       Yes
    Prospector                  Yes              ?         ?      Yes 12
    Red Storm Rising            Yes              ?         ?       Yes
    Rick Dangerous               No              ?         ?        ?
    Rick Dangerous II            No              ?         ?       Yes
    Risk                         No              ?         ?      Yes
    Roger Rabbit                Yes             Yes        ?        ?
    Rogue                       Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Romance of the 3 Kingdoms   YES             YES      YES       YES
    Shadow Of The Beast          No              ?         ?       No 13
    Shadow Of The Beast II       No              ?         ?       Yes
    Shanghai                    YES             YES       YES      YES
    Sideshow (ACTIONWARE)       YES             YES        ?        ?
    Sidewinder                  Yes              ?        No       Yes
    SimCity 1.0                 Yes (Keydisk)    ?        No       Yes
    SimCity 1.1                  ?               ?         ?       Yes
    SimCity 1.2                 Yes             Yes       Yes      Yes
    Space Ace                    No              ?         ?      Yes
    Space Harrier                No              ?         ?      Yes
    Speedball                    No              ?         ?       NO
    Spellbreaker (1.0?)         Yes              ?        Yes       ?
    Spy Vs. Spy                 Yes a            ?         ?        ?
    Star Flight                 Yes a            ?         ?        ?
    StarGlider 2                 NO             YES       YES       ?
    Stellar Crusade             YES             YES       YES      YES
    SuperGridRunner             Yes (needs patch)?         ?        ?
    Sword of Aragon             YES             YES       YES      YES
    Sword Of Sodan               No              ?         ?      Yes
    Targis                      Yes              ?         ?        ?
    The Duel: Testdrive II      YES             YES        ?      YES 3
    Their Finest hour (bat Brit)Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Three Stooges               Yes              ?         ?        No
    Torch 2081                   ?               ?         ?       Yes
    TV Sports Basketball        Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Universal Military Simltr   YES             YES       YES      YES
    Waterloo                    YES             YES       YES      YES
    Where in the Wrld is C S    Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Wings                       Yes              ?         ?     d cache
    Zak McKrakin and Alien Mind Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Zany Golf                   Yes             Yes        ?       Yes
    Zork Zero                   Yes              ?         ?       Yes
    668 Attack Sub              Yes              ?         ?        ?
 ****** FOOTNOTES ********
 a   means you must make assignments to make it hdable.
 -   Another hint is to try turning the data & instruction caches on/off
     with cpu.
1. Runs fine on 3000, but there are intermittent graphics glitches where
     floors and wall seem to disappear or smear.
2. Plays fine on 3000. However all the title pages and intro screens with
     "tiles" the graphics are completely messed up. This does not affect game
     play at all.
3. Game play is fine on 3000 but the graphics glitch throughout the game. It
     is still playable, but annoying.
4. On 3000 game won't even load from floppy. From HD under 2.0 the game hangs
     when you try to "Takeoff" from Armament screen. Under 1.3 once you are
     in the cockpit the keyboard is hung/frozen.
5. Runs fine on 3000 from floppy only if you boot under 1.3. Won't run with 2.0
6. If run from HD on 3000: under 2.0 the game seems to play fine but if you
     hit <esc> to get menus the game crashes. Under 1.3 once in the cockpit
     the keyboard is hung/frozen.
7. Game runs fine on 3000 if you are on speed. In other words, the game runs,
     but it is VERY VERY fast and nearly impossible to play at this speed.
8. Freezes on title screen under 2.0. Under 1.3, if it loads (sometimes it
     does, sometimes not) it plays fine.
9. Doesn't run on 3000. But just a note that if you are running it on another
     machine from hard disk you must use the original floppy as a key disk.
10. Plays fine under 2.0 and 1.3 but at accelerated speed on 3000. This doesn't
     hinder play for this game.
11. Game runs on 3000 but with massive graphic glitches on the screen at all
     times. Not really playable, but it runs.
12. Seems to run fine on 3000. It seems to have minor glitches undere 2.0 like
     the sound sometimes disappears.
13. Game seems to load fine on 3000 but as soon as you attempt to move the game
     hangs and crashes.
14. One patch is to change DF0: to something else, like F18: & GRD:.
     PD Games                   HD            2500/20   2500/30   3000
     ---------                  ---          ---------  --------  -----
     Tetrix                     Yes             YES        ?        ?
     Omega                      Yes              ?         ?        ?
     Battletech                 Yes              ?         ?        ?
     Amoeba Invaders            Yes             YES        ?        ?
     Mechforce (PD) 3.71        Yes              ?        Yes       ?
     Startrek (PD)              Yes              ?        Yes       ?
     Asteroids (PD)             Yes              ?        Yes       ?
     Tetris (PD, Andy Hook)     Yes             Yes       Yes       ?
     Missile Command (PD)       Yes              ?         No       ?
   ******************* Important Information ************************
   If you know a specific way to copy a Game to HD
   a brief explanation 'how to' would be welcome...  (like nib2.0)
   Also When You add to the list It would be nice if you used this format
            Game             HD      2500/20  2500/30  3000
           --------------   ----     -------  -------  ----
            Sim City 1.0     No         Yes      No     No
   Because it takes a long time to edit everyones output to match
   And please specify if the game still needs a floppy key disk...
                            -Take it Easy
                                 -Tom Nezwek

cosell@bbn.com (Bernie Cosell) (02/12/91)

IO91461@MAINE.BITNET (Tom Nezwek) writes:

}    Game                   HD Compatable      2500/20   2500/30   3000
}   ------                 ---------------     -------   -------   ----

}    Marble Madness               No              ?         ?       No

I have Marble Madness installed on my HD and it kind-of works fine.  I
believe that some old version of Maurauder II claimed it would
'deprotect' some games, MM included and I guess they did.  My original
is squirreled away and not long ago I took my MII-made copy of the disk
and simple did a
    copy df0: dh0:games/marblemadness all 
and after ignoring the error that gets reported [there is some file on
the disk that generated an error when I did the copy], I just clicked
on the Marble Icon and it worked!  No assigns, no nothing.

On the other hand, I say "almost": the game gets sick after you play a
while.  There are various death-symptoms [screen just locks up.  Or it
stops displaying the marble [you know it is still there, because you
can hear the sound effects if you run it, blind, off of an edge].


IO91461@MAINE.BITNET (Tom Nezwek) (02/22/91)

   Here is the latest HD'able games list from maine..
   (Yes, I'm pretty steamed over Psygnosis' anti-hd Lemmings! game too!)
   (I'd like to see more 2500 question marks go away)
    Game                   HD Compatable      2500/20   2500/30   3000
   ------                 ---------------     -------   -------   ----
    A10 Tank Killer             Yes              ?         ?       Yes
    Alien Syndrome              Yes              ?         ?       Yes
    Atomic Robokid               No              ?         ?       Yes
    Aunt Arctic Adventure        No              ?         ?       No
    Bandit Kings of Ancient Chn Yes              ?         ?       Yes
    Bard's Tale II              Yes a            ?         ?        ?
    Batman: The Movie            No              ?         ?      Yes 1
    Battle Chess                YES             YES       YES      YES
    Battle Hawks 1942           Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Battle Squadron              NO             YES        ?        No
    Beyond Dark Castle           No              ?         ?      Yes
    Black Magic                  No              ?         ?       No
    Blood Money                  No             Yes        ?      Yes 2
    Breach                      Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Breach 2                    Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Captain Blood                No              ?         ?       No
    Chamber Of Sci-Mutant Priest No              ?         ?       No
    Champions of Krynn          Yes M            ?         ?       Yes
    Chinese Chess               Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Colony                      Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Crystal Quest               Yes a            ?         ?        ?
    Dark Century                 No              ?         ?       No
    Drakkhen                     No nd           ?         ?       NO
    Dragon Force                Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Dragon's Lair II (Escape)   Yes             Yes        ?       No
    Dungeon Master         Yes(patch on abcfd)   ?         ?       Yes
    Earl Weaver Baseball         No              ?         ?        ?
    Empire 2.1 (Gray,Wright)    Yes              ?        Yes      Yes
    F-18 Interceptor            Yes cw           ?        Yes      Yes
    Falcon 1.1                  YES             YES       YES      YES4
    FalconMission (from floppy) n/a              ?         ?      Yes 5
    FalconMission (run on HD)   Yes              ?         ?      Yes 6
    Fire Brigade                YES             YES       YES      YES
    Flight Simulator            Yes              ?         ?       Yes
    Footman                      NO             YES        ?      YES 7
    Future Wars                 Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Gauntlet II                  NO             YES        ?      YES 8
    GravityWars 2.0             YES             YES      YES       YES
    Gunship                     Yes              ?         ?       No 9
    Hardball II                 Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Heart of Dragon             Yes              ?         ?       Yes
    Hybris                      NO              YES        NO       NO
    Indianapolis 500            Yes              ?         ?
    Infocom text Adv.           Yes              ?         ?       Yes
    Interceptor                 Yes (needs patch)?         ?        ?
    International Soccer         NO              NO       NO        NO
    Interstel Empire 1.03       Yes              ?        Yes       ?
    Interstel Empire 2.05       Yes M            ?        Yes       ?
    Ishido                      Yes              ?         ?       Yes
    It came from the Desert     YES             YES        ?        No
    Jetsons                     Yes             Yes        ?        ?
    Keef The Thief              Yes a            ?         ?        ?
    Leader Board Golf           Yes             Yes        ?        ?
    Leisure Suit Larry III      Yes              ?         ?      Yes 10
    Lemmings! (Psygnosis rips us HD owners off again!)    Yes      Yes
    Leonardo                     No              ?         ?      Yes
    Lurking Horror              Yes              ?         ?        ?
    M1 Tank Platoon             Yes              ?         ?       Yes
    Matrix Marauders             No              ?         ?       No
    Manic Mansion               Yes              ?         ?       No
    Marble Madness              Yes a            ?         ?       No
    Mean 18                     YES              ?         ?        ?
    Might & Magic II            Yes              ?         ?       Yes
    Mindwalker                  YES             YES       YES      YES
    Nethack 3.09                YES             YES       YES      YES
    Nuclear War (keydisk)       Yes              ?        Yes      Yes
    Oil Empirium                Yes             no         no      no
    Pacmania                     No              ?         ?       No 11
    Paperboy                     No              ?         ?      Yes
    Pipe Dream                  Yes a            ?         ?        ?
    Pirates                     Yes              ?         ?       Yes
    Planet of Lust               NO              ?         ?        ?
    Pocoman                     Yes              ?         ?       Yes
    Populous                     NO             YES       NO        NO
    Ports of Call               Yes             Yes        ?       Yes
    Prospector                  Yes              ?         ?      Yes 12
    Red Storm Rising            Yes              ?         ?       Yes
    Rick Dangerous               No              ?         ?        ?
    Rick Dangerous II            No              ?         ?       Yes
    Risk                         No              ?        Yes     Yes
    Roger Rabbit                Yes             Yes        ?        ?
    Rogue                       Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Romance of the 3 Kingdoms   YES             YES      YES       YES
    Shadow Of The Beast          No              ?         ?       No 13
    Shadow Of The Beast II       No              ?         ?       Yes
    Shanghai                    YES             YES       YES      YES
    Sideshow (ACTIONWARE)       YES             YES        ?        ?
    Sidewinder                  Yes              ?        No       Yes
    SimCity 1.0                 Yes (Keydisk)    ?        No       Yes
    SimCity 1.1                  ?               ?         ?       Yes
    SimCity 1.2                 Yes             Yes       Yes      Yes
    Space Ace                    No              ?         ?      Yes
    Space Harrier                No              ?         ?      Yes
    Speedball                    No              ?         ?       NO
    Spellbreaker (1.0?)         Yes              ?        Yes       ?
    Spy Vs. Spy                 Yes a            ?         ?        ?
    Star Flight                 Yes a            ?         ?        ?
    StarGlider 2                 NO             YES       YES       ?
    Stellar Crusade             YES             YES       YES      YES
    SuperGridRunner             Yes (needs patch)?         ?        ?
    Sword of Aragon             YES             YES       YES      YES
    Sword Of Sodan               No              ?         ?      Yes
    Targis                      Yes              ?         ?        ?
    The Duel: Testdrive II      YES             YES        ?      YES 3
    Their Finest hour (bat Brit)Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Three Stooges               Yes              ?         ?        No
    Torch 2081                   ?               ?         ?       Yes
    TV Sports Basketball        Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Universal Military Simltr   YES             YES       YES      YES
    Waterloo                    YES             YES       YES      YES
    Where in the Wrld is C S    Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Wings                       Yes              ?         ?     d cache
    Zak McKrakin and Alien Mind Yes              ?         ?        ?
    Zany Golf                   Yes             Yes        ?       Yes
    Zork Zero                   Yes              ?         ?       Yes
    668 Attack Sub              Yes              ?         ?        ?
 ****** FOOTNOTES ********
 a   means you must make assignments to make it hdable.
     Another hint is to try turning the data & instruction caches on/off
     with cpu.
1. Runs fine on 3000, but there are intermittent graphics glitches where
     floors and wall seem to disappear or smear.
2. Plays fine on 3000. However all the title pages and intro screens with
     "tiles" the graphics are completely messed up. This does not affect game
     play at all.
3. Game play is fine on 3000 but the graphics glitch throughout the game. It
     is still playable, but annoying.
4. On 3000 game won't even load from floppy. From HD under 2.0 the game hangs
     when you try to "Takeoff" from Armament screen. Under 1.3 once you are
     in the cockpit the keyboard is hung/frozen.
5. Runs fine on 3000 from floppy only if you boot under 1.3. Won't run with 2.0
6. If run from HD on 3000: under 2.0 the game seems to play fine but if you
     hit <esc> to get menus the game crashes. Under 1.3 once in the cockpit
     the keyboard is hung/frozen.
7. Game runs fine on 3000 if you are on speed. In other words, the game runs,
     but it is VERY VERY fast and nearly impossible to play at this speed.
8. Freezes on title screen under 2.0. Under 1.3, if it loads (sometimes it
     does, sometimes not) it plays fine.
9. Doesn't run on 3000. But just a note that if you are running it on another
     machine from hard disk you must use the original floppy as a key disk.
10. Plays fine under 2.0 and 1.3 but at accelerated speed on 3000. This doesn't
     hinder play for this game.
11. Game runs on 3000 but with massive graphic glitches on the screen at all
     times. Not really playable, but it runs.
12. Seems to run fine on 3000. It seems to have minor glitches undere 2.0 like
     the sound sometimes disappears.
13. Game seems to load fine on 3000 but as soon as you attempt to move the game
     hangs and crashes.
The patches are to change DF0: to something else, like F18: & GRD:.
     PD Games                   HD            2500/20   2500/30   3000
     ---------                  ---          ---------  --------  -----
     Tetrix                     Yes             YES        ?        ?
     Omega                      Yes              ?         ?        ?
     Battletech                 Yes              ?         ?        ?
     Amoeba Invaders            Yes             YES        ?        ?
     Mechforce (PD) 3.71        Yes              ?        Yes       ?
     Startrek (PD)              Yes              ?        Yes       ?
     Asteroids (PD)             Yes              ?        Yes       ?
     Tetris (PD, Andy Hook)     Yes             Yes       Yes       ?
     Missile Command (PD)       Yes              ?         No       ?
   ******************* Important Information ************************
   If you know a specific way to copy a Game to HD
   a brief explanation 'how to' would be welcome...  (like nib2.0)
   Nib2.0 states in its docs that it makes some games hdable. It works!
   Also When You add to the list It would be nice if you used this format
            Game             HD      2500/20  2500/30  3000
           --------------   ----     -------  -------  ----
            Sim City 1.0     No         Yes      No     No
   Because it takes a long time to edit everyones output to match
   And please specify if the game still needs a floppy key disk...
                            -Take it easy
                                 -Tom Nezwek