(Neale Type) (02/21/91)
Hi, could anyone help me on the final piece of jigsaw?? i cannot seem to find how to get access to the last piece of corbum in the ROS area... i think there may be a down stair case to the corbum pilar on chaos level in the north east end of the level, the seems to be two doors near each other leading to the staircase?? any hints??? neale -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Neale Type , Computing Service /// | *UK 1990 Kickoff Champion * University of Sussex, Falmer \\\/// | nealet @ England. BN1 9QH \X// | ccfe7 @ (Stewart Mckinnon) (02/25/91)
RE: THE QUEST FOR THE ROS CORBUM......To be perfectly honest, this can really be the PITS....subtle hint there.....What you have to do is locate the right pit to decend - using the ROPE, of course - (you didn't throw THAT away, did you? Anyway, by going down one pit and ascending the stairs, then descending another, you will finally get over to the ROS CORBUM. If you have the PD maps, be aware that there is in innacuracy - it shows a pit where there is not one on Level 3 - the one under the CORBUM LEVEL. If you don't have the maps, you may be in for a great deal of trial and the game before going down a pit and then kill off your characters and restart....Sorry - that's the only way! -- Stewart Mckinnon - via FidoNet node 1:221/171 UUCP : watmath!xenitec!zswamp!178.0!Stewart.Mckinnon Internet: