[comp.sys.amiga.games] BattleTech-Infocom

kanta@sapphire.idbsu.edu (cs12501- Jay A Kanta) (03/03/91)

Hi, can anyone tell me what to do in the map room?  I have the map and can't
figure out which ones to light up..  I know this a pretty old game, but I
hope someone out there can tell me what to do..  Thanks!

patrick_meloy@outbound.wimsey.bc.ca (Patrick Meloy) (03/05/91)

>Hi, can anyone tell me what to do in the map room?  I have the map and can't
>figure out which ones to light up..  I know this a pretty old game, but I
>hope someone out there can tell me what to do..  Thanks!
>	                Jay

Take a look at the star map in your manual. That will give you the answer

| patrick_meloy@outbound.wimsey.bc.ca |
| 'The Outbound' BBS Vancouver BC     |

bryanh@amix.commodore.com (Bryan Harpel) (03/05/91)

kanta@sapphire.idbsu.edu (cs12501- Jay A Kanta) writes:

> Hi, can anyone tell me what to do in the map room?  I have the map and can't
> figure out which ones to light up..  I know this a pretty old game, but I
> hope someone out there can tell me what to do..  Thanks!
> 	                Jay

   You have to look in your instruction manual, I forget where (like page 
17 or 19  I think).  Anyway, its in the book.

                                                           ///  Only
   - Bryan                                                ///   AMIGA
                                                      \\\///    Makes it
                                                       \XX/     Possible....
Bryan Harpel
UUCP: {rugters|uuwest|uunet}!cbmvax!amix!undrground!bryanh
INTERNET: undrground!bryanh@amix.commodore.com
         "You will die by my hand, For it is I who rule the land"