[comp.sys.amiga.games] Starglider 2. Thanks to all !

paul@abekrd.co.uk (Paul Cameron) (03/16/91)

	Just a short note to all those who responded to my plea for hints on
Starglider 2. I think I now have enough information to work my way though the
whole game. If anyone else is in trouble over this game let me know.

	A special thanks to Paul W. Brooks for his suggestion that I "Buy the
game and get a manual." Well I agree. I think anyone who rips off games is not
only preventing the authors from getting reward for all their efforts, but is
also not taking advantage of some of the `freebies' that come with the game.

	Starglider 2 is a perfect case in point. It isn't the easiest game to
rip off although I'm sure some have. One either has to build up a list of all
the possible entry codes through successive tries at the computer, or find a
way of getting the software to jump the entry code routine altogether. Either
would be a time consuming task and certainly not worth it considering that the
game is dead cheap now ,(5 pounds in some places although I paid 9 pounds when
I got mine) and you get a very readable mini novel as well as a full manual
with the software.

	 Anyone have any idea if there is a Starglider 3 coming out ?