[comp.sys.amiga.games] Overlord - a lot of great graphics, not much interest.

noclues@ucscf.UCSC.EDU (98844000) (03/20/91)

  I bought 'Overlord' a few weeks ago, and have played it a total of
six times. The first time, I figured out the game mechanics. The second,
I defeated 'Wotok'. The third, I defeated 'Smine.' The fourth time
I suffered a minor setback against 'Krart', before realizing
I needed only two other planets, in addition to my starbase, to
win the game. After that, I defeated 'Krart' on the fifth game, and 
on the sixth game defeated 'Rorn.' 

  The game, while graphically impressive, basically boils down to
a tedious strategy of holding your starbase, one volcano planet,
and one metropolis or tropical world (build center, fuel center,
and money center - thats all you need), and raping every other
planet you format for resources and people. Then when your money 
builds up, wear the computers starbase down with massed troop assaults. 
There was little challenge in any of this, in fact some aspects (such
as the fact you cannot commission enough platoons to match the
enemies starbase defense force - you must repeatedly assault it)
were just mindless repetition. I thought "Empire" and "Star
Control" were a bit easy, this game was ridiculously so.

  Other parts of the game I did not like were:

  No starship combat. You can park any number of troop transports
(called Battle Cruisers in the game, although they do not participate
in any combat) above an enemy planet and then send them in at your
leisure, without fear of them being attacked. In fact, you can actually 
leave them in the docking bays of an enemy planet, and retrieve them 
later (the computer not only won't destroy them, it can't).

  Predictable game events. The game has a series of events and
disasters that take place. The sequence is always the same, and
always on the same time schedule. Once you know how it runs, you
can not only plan around them, some of the technology "advances"
you can actually plan for. This made an already easy game even easier.

  Useless troop aggressiveness setting / enemy strength indicators.
I never found a single use for increasing my troops agressiveness
level - the casualties that result are never worth it (unless you
are trying to kill off a platoon). The number value for enemy troop
strength is almost useless - the last two opponent's troops fight
at better than their indicated strength, making what looks like
a sufficient attack / defense force in reality just a quick defeat.
I basically added 1/3 to the enemy troop strength number when
planning attacks or defenses.

  The enemy warning messages in response to your actions are
just game fluff - the computer does not seem to modify its
actions (or hold off attacking until you do) in response to 
your own. In fact, with 'Rorn', the computer starts off with
a massive troop force and almost immediately moves some of it 
(somehow defying normal troop transport fuel range limits) next 
to your newly formatted planets to take them over, regardless
of what you have done prior to that. This, plus the limit
on the number of platoons you can have, seems to limit your
strategies to holding just two essential planets, rather than
trying to expand and conquer. This makes for a rather dull game.

  The ending screens are tastelessly violent. I'm well known for
being more than inclined to such, but somehow I found the deaths
the commander dealt to each of his supposedly challenging opponents
offensive. I know its just a game, but if I was a commander who
fought a long, challenging battle against an opponent I'd think
that opponent would deserve a bit more respect than to haul
him across the galaxy just to sneer at him as you shoot half his
skull off / melt him with a laser / kick him into a trap door 
covered pit.

  To make matters worse, when I defeated 'Rorn', the game locked
up when trying to load the ending screen. This is either a program
bug or just poor quality control, either way it was just one more
strike against the game for me.

  In my opinion, 'Overlord' was another $40 wasted. Buy 'Reach For
The Stars', its a far better game if you can still find it.

|"I didn't expect a Spanish Inquisition."   | Robert Stetler     |
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|           -Monty Python                   |                    |
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