[comp.sys.amiga.games] f-18 flight simulator

jemearl@ms.uky.edu (Jemearl T. Smith) (03/16/91)

I recently bought a copy of f-18 flight simulator and I was wondering
in the third senario, how do you get the f-16 to turn back and land?

All that happens is that I get shot down.  


Jemearl Smith

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--  Jemearl T. Smith                          //      Ondur Ildoch'i  (SCA)
--  Archiving Dude, and Amiga owner.        \X/           Dragonsmark 
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  Extreme feminine beauty is always disturbing.
      -- Spock, "The Cloud Minders," stardate 5818.4.

mikep@hpmwtd.HP.COM (Mike Powell) (03/19/91)

	It is my understanding that if you fly exactly between the 
	f-16's and _slowly_ from behind them, they will return.

	Not having done this myself, I can't say this works for sure,
	but others have clained success....


pwb@newt.phys.unsw.OZ.AU (Paul W. Brooks) (03/20/91)

In article <15080012@hpmwmat.HP.COM>, mikep@hpmwtd.HP.COM (Mike Powell) writes:
> 	It is my understanding that if you fly exactly between the 
> 	f-16's and _slowly_ from behind them, they will return.
> 	Not having done this myself, I can't say this works for sure,
> 	but others have clained success....
> 	-Mike-
I claim numerous successes. As long as your speed matches well
(somewhere between 70% and 80% throttle, if I remember rightly) and you
try to keep nearby (and preferrably between) the F16s, they will
eventually turn around. Of course, you can shoot them out of the sky
like the sitting ducks they are, and you will still win!

Paul Brooks        |Internet: pwb@newt.phys.unsw.edu.au
Uni. of N.S.W.     |If you have trouble sleeping, try lying on the end of
Kensington NSW 2033|   your bed. With a little luck you'll drop off. 
AUSTRALIA          |                              - Mark Twain.