[comp.sys.amiga.games] Lemmings... Taxing Level ^22

MBS110@psuvm.psu.edu (03/19/91)

I think it's 22.... anyway, the level looks like this:
Title: "Come around to my place"

          /       \____/ <- entrance                \
-------\                                             \
        \                                             \
           ----------------                            \
                   II                                    /
                   II                                   /
                   II                       EXIT       /
                   II<- metal               /--\      /
                   II                       |  |      |

You must save 100%. The lemmings start off by walking to the right, falling
down and going "splat." The platform is too thin to get them to turn around
in any way. How do I solve this? (Go ahead, spoil it! I'm desperate!)

/ Mark "Remixed for Common Household Appliances" Sachs - MBS110@psuvm.psu.edu \
| DISCLAIMER? You can't POSSIBLY be serious, can you?         ||   //        ||
|   "Doctor, may I speak with you in private?" "All right..." || \X/  AMIGA  ||
\== "Have you got a DEATH WISH?!" -- Romana & the Doctor, _Warrior's Gate_ ===/

weissman@pianoforte.esd.sgi.com (Terry Weissman) (03/20/91)

As I recall, you do get two umbrellas on this level.  It's a perfect place
for the "place a blocker, and then get rid of him by digging under him" trick.

- Terry

martin@IRO.UMontreal.CA (Daniel Martin) (03/22/91)


   This level was a bit difficult.  Solution follow:

   You must use a digger just after the gap left of the
pillar.  This digger must have a parachute.  As he land,
you build a bridge, the right edge will save the lemmings

   Meanwhile on the platform, you must build a bridge to
go over the hole of the dugger.  One lemmings can't escape
falling thru the hole, but you have another parachute.

   It should look like this:

	---------- ------
            []          ...
            []        ...
            []      ...
            []     ..              Exit
----------------  ------------------------

   Where ... represent a segment of a bridge.

   By the way, I completed the first 85 levels in less than 12 hours.
I think the game is perhaps a little too easy.  I still have hope's in
the Mayhem levels...

   Bye, Daniel.
    // Daniel Martin                            Universite de Montreal   \\
   //  MediaLab, ca vous regarde!               C.P. 6128, Succursale A,  \\
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