[comp.sys.amiga.games] Where is David Townsend, writer of Bull Run, the civil war game?

valentin@public.BTR.COM (Valentin Pepelea) (03/21/91)

As the subject line says, I'm trying to contact David Townsend, the author
of Bull Run, a civil war wargame simulator. I'm so hooked to his game, I have
to send in my shareware contribution.

David was also promising to send a manual, keyboard overlay and source code
to contributors. Should I not be able to contact him, I would like to obtain
the source code from someone else. Somebody has to get this game running under

"An operating system without virtual memory      Name:      Valentin Pepelea
 is an operating system without virtue."         Phone:     (408) 985-1700
                                                 Usenet:    mips!btr!valentin
                     - Ancient Inca Proverb      Internet:  valentin@btr.com

westbroo@dtrc.dt.navy.mil (Westbrook) (03/22/91)

In article <2168@public.BTR.COM> valentin@public.BTR.COM (Valentin Pepelea) writes:
>As the subject line says, I'm trying to contact David Townsend, the author
>of Bull Run, a civil war wargame simulator. I'm so hooked to his game, I have
>to send in my shareware contribution.
>David was also promising to send a manual, keyboard overlay and source code
>to contributors. Should I not be able to contact him, I would like to obtain
>the source code from someone else. Somebody has to get this game running under

He's right here, courtesy of his girlfriend's UseNet account (I have no
posting access myself).

I've moved around enough recently that any mail directed to the address
published with _Bull Run_ no longer gets to me.  However, I can be reached
via the routes at the bottom of this message.

I still have plenty of manuals and keyboard overlays, so anyone interested
should feel free to contact me.  The shareware terms for _Bull Run_ are the
same as when it was originally released: $20 gets you a nice printed manual
(historical notes, better instructions, orders of battle), a keyboard
template, and the source code.

I've been toying with the idea of re-releasing _Bull Run_; I'll add
2.0 compatibility on the list of things to do.  I'd be interested in hearing
any suggestions you may have (e-mail, please).  Now if I can only get
Commodore to release 2.0 for the 2000s and send me some documentation.... :-)

Dave Townsend
...!sun!sundc!capitol!townsend  (UseNet)
D.TOWNSEND3                     (GEnie)
3336 Conquistador Ct.		(U.S.Mail)
Annandale, VA   22003

Westbrook@voice (Westbrook) (03/28/91)


 UUCP: ...!tuvie!edvvie!voice!Westbrook
 ARPA: Westbrook@voice
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