[comp.sys.amiga.games] Awesome and A500 glitch...

mmoore@ux.acs.umn.edu (Malcolm Diallo Moore) (03/30/91)

I got a few letters telling me that I should turn off my df1: in order to 
boot this game and have it work past the first scene.

I would like to set the record straight: I bought the game BEFORE I had a 
df1:.  So this could not possibly be the answer.

When I first encountered this problem, I went to my Amiga dealer, and they
said that it was a glitch with Psygnosis.  They said that the first batches
of Awesome came and they didn't work, so they sent them back and Psygnosis
sent them some more...half of them worked, half of them didn't. So they 
sent those copies back...and it all goes into a vicious circle.

So thanks for your advice, but the df1: is not a problem.
