[comp.sys.amiga.games] Questions on Dungeon Master

Stewart.Mckinnon@p0.f178.n221.z1.fidonet.org (Stewart Mckinnon) (03/30/91)

RE: Questions on Dungeon Master (lots!).....OK Dan, first - you're 
NOT an idiot! This can be a frustrating game sometimes! Anyway, I 
captured your letter before and sat down to prepare a message to upload 
for you. Here are the answers to your questions - hope it helps!
1. The spell for MAGIC FOOTPRINTS is (power) then Ya Bro Ros.....as 
for spell that ends with 'devil's sign', other than DARKNESS is 
INVISIBILITY - which is (power) Oh Ew Sar.....
2. The area you are referring to as regards the spot that opens a 
wall   section in the "you'd better run/I hate cowards" section. You 
ARE on the right track! You freeze a SKELETON on that spot (make sure 
it's the right spot - that YOU'RE not standing on it) and the wall 
section will open. Once inside, there's a button that opens up another 
part and you won't need the SKELETON any more.
3  The room you are referring to with the iron gate and teleport and 
pits etc. has puzzled more than a few! Here is the solution: Stand 
in front of the lever for the teleport. It's OFF. Place an object 
on the floor where the teleport will catch it. Switch ON the lever. 
Object will be teleported aound the corner into cul-de-sac, activate 
pressure plate and open the gate. Go in, get key, then enter the teleport 
mist YOURSELF. You will be in the cul-de-sac. Press button to your 
left, get your item and exit!
4. THE GIGGLERS....these rotten little swine can give you all sorts 
of grief! The area you are referring to is THE ARENA and this is VERY 
tough to locate where you are in it (it's HUGE) If a thief has some 
of your things, you CAN get them back by blasting him, but you gotta 
FIND him first! Anyway, to keep them from stealing your stuff, put 
all the items in your non-fighting hand (left as YOU look at it) into 
your pack until you are out of the area. The GIGGLERS do keep 
regenerating, as do the MUMMIES and GHOSTS.
5. The long hallway is just that - nothing down here. Kind of a Red 
Anyway, Dan, I hope that helps you! Don't hesitate to write again, 
if you have trouble - I enjoy it!!

Stewart Mckinnon - via FidoNet node 1:221/171
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