(steve) (03/07/91)
I bought Wizardry: Bane of the Cosmic Forge two or three weeks ago. I am enjoying the game - there is a lot of detail in it. The only major complaint I have is that the animation during combat is too SLOW. It would be nice to turn off the animation to greatly speed up the encounters. Anyway, for the past few days I've been stumped. I have fully searched all parts of the castle and dungeon that I can get to, and I am unable to progress any further due to locked doors and gates. Special items I have which I have not yet used are: Dagger of Ramm, Goats Mask, Wine Bottle, Kings Diary, Steel Hook & Heavy Rope. (There may be one or two others that I can't quite remember.) I don't know how to cross the chasm where the mysterious black women went, and I can't get through the door with the black metal skull. Three gates I can't get through are: 1) the second one along from the skull-door 2) the one behind which there seems to be a black puddle on the floor 3) one on the level above the starting level Keys I have left are iron, copper and one Key of Spades. Can anyone give me a clue as to what I am supposed to do next? Thanks in advance. -- | Steve Chell | | 5GL International Ltd | PH: +64.9.3021621 | Auckland, New Zealand | FAX: +64.9.3021617
jimmy@uhunix1.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Jimmy Chan) (03/10/91)
In article <> steve@fivegl (steve) writes: }I have fully searched all parts of the castle and dungeon that I can }get to, and I am unable to progress any further due to locked doors }and gates. } }Special items I have which I have not yet used are: Dagger of Ramm, }Goats Mask, Wine Bottle, Kings Diary, Steel Hook & Heavy Rope. (There }may be one or two others that I can't quite remember.) } }I don't know how to cross the chasm where the mysterious black women }went, and I can't get through the door with the black metal skull. Use the merge command on a couple of your items to get across the chasm.
iknight@irncastl.UUCP (Harry Banker) (03/28/91)
Well, I have been TRYING to withhold doing this... bt I think I am getting desperate. I have been beating myself senseless on trying to figure out how to open the gate on the top of the Amazuli Temple... the one with the impression of a beast that is vaguely familiar. Anyway, I have ignored it for a while, and finished just about everything else I could find. I got into the Wizards labratory, talked with a giant snake that gives a clue or two if you know what to ask for, opened every chest I could find in the temple.... but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to open the blasted Temple gate. I saw something a few messages up about a bag and a tunnel filled with sand. That tells me that I need to do something else, but I highly doubt this is the key... perhaps that part about searching the pits? Please, no need to out right tell me, but a nudge in the right direction would be most appreciated. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Iron Knight (Harry Banker) /// Amiga... !!irncastl!iknight /// There is NO Iron Castle BBS (201)822-0527 /// Substitute! 12/24/48/9600 v.32/.42/.42bis/MNP \\\/// C-Net Amiga v1.92r \XX/ (Laurence R. Brothers) (03/28/91)
I too am currently stuck with the pyramid -- the beast gate ("strangely familiar") and the pharaohs of phyre corridors. The latter I have explored pretty well, but haven't found anything interesting except a lot of fireball damage when my party's reaction is slower than the pharaohs'. One presumes there is SOME reason for all those pits, buttons, etc.... -- Laurence R. Brothers ( Bellcore -- Computer Technology Transfer -- Knowledge-Based Systems "There is no memory with less satisfaction in it than the memory of some temptation we resisted." -- James Branch Cabell (03/29/91)
Hi folks, I need help with "Bane of the..". I finished the gorge (hope so), freed the wizard and the snake and opened the "skull door". But I cannot cross the water - no idea. Is there anyone, who can mail a spoiler? Many thanks...
jimmy@uhunix1.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Jimmy Chan) (04/05/91)
In article <9103270253.08.1085@OTTOKA.ZER> writes: >Hi folks, > I need help with "Bane of the..". >I finished the gorge (hope so), freed the wizard and the snake and >opened the "skull door". But I cannot cross the water - no idea. To cross the water go into the second spire of the castle. To get into the 2nd spire you will need to get the spire key. To get the spire key you will have to search the wizard's lair. Ask the Serpent about the Wizard.