[comp.sys.amiga.games] Lode Runner's history

xanthian@zorch.SF-Bay.ORG (Kent Paul Dolan) (04/09/91)

 ersys!kumbach@nro.cs.athabascau.ca (Kevin Umbach) writes:

> I'd be very intersted in getting *ANY* information regarding Lode
> Runner. I'm trying to develop a good Lode Runner clone for the Amiga
> and any information would be helpful.

Bit of a waste of time; check out the commercial program "Targis" from
Incognito software; it is an excellent Lode Runner clone, with added
bells and whistles, that runs on the Amiga hardware.

The packaging credits David Ashley for the game.

Kent, the man from xanth.
<xanthian@Zorch.SF-Bay.ORG> <xanthian@well.sf.ca.us>

dylan@june.cs.washington.edu (Dylan McNamee) (04/09/91)

xanthian@zorch.SF-Bay.ORG (Kent Paul Dolan) writes:
 - ersys!kumbach@nro.cs.athabascau.ca (Kevin Umbach) writes:
 -> I'd be very intersted in getting *ANY* information regarding Lode
 -> Runner. I'm trying to develop a good Lode Runner clone for the Amiga
 -> and any information would be helpful.
 -Bit of a waste of time; check out the commercial program Targis from
 -Incognito software; it is an excellent Lode Runner clone, with added
 -bells and whistles, that runs on the Amiga hardware.
 -The packaging credits David Ashley for the game.

All true, exept perhaps the waste of time part.  Incognito Software
is out of business, and none of the titles they produced are available
any longer.  I found a copy through the net a while ago, but I'm sure
there are few around anymore.  

Lode Runner is so good, that I'd even buy a new version, if it was good.

 -Kent, the man from xanth.
 -<xanthian@Zorch.SF-Bay.ORG> <xanthian@well.sf.ca.us>
 -Kevin Umbach             ersys!kumbach@nro.cs.athabascau.ca
 -Edmonton Remote Systems:  Serving Northern Alberta since 1982
dylan mcnamee             / "Ten Years After WWIV...there wasn't much to do;
dylan@cs.washington.edu \/all the bowling alleys were wrecked, so I spent most 
                         of my time looking for beer"  from Strange Brew