rabbits@ucscb.ucsc.edu (66314000) (04/15/91)
Anyone out there playing tobison trek ?? ive been playing for a few months i have a few questions: 1) any plans for a non-PAL version, my eyes hate the flicker 2) i keep getting sent to x - y cordinates to rondevue with ships but what do the x y cordiantes corespond to ??? they dont seem to deal with any of the star fleet cordinates 3) i keep getting sent to repel enemy ships but when i get there noone is there. star fleet keeps bothering me to repel these guys but they are not at the red dots on the nav screen. 4) sometimes when i deliver on a mission the planet never relizes that i gave them what they needed, so once again star fleet keeps bothering me. 5) i cannot seem to save games, has anyone been able to do this 6) i cannot seem to finish a game, has anyone? 7) are these all just bugs ? 8) is there a new release planned ??