[comp.sys.amiga.games] DM: Spell Info. and List

johnu@syma.sussex.ac.uk (John E Upham) (04/13/91)

Somebody requested a Dungeon Master Spell list. Here is my help file
on the subject...

  Welcome to DUNGEON MASTER....        [typed by ALKI of STEEL PULSE]
  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

 The power symbols are the starting point for all spells. Where the other
 symbols give substance to spells, these symbols impart strength. Starting
 from the weakest symbol, LO, up to the most powerful, MON, the spellcaster
 may control the power of a spell to suit the situation. Each step on the 
 scale is equal, so the additional Mana needed for a specific spell of the
 next level should always be the same.

 Symbol #
 1.      The shrinking pattern of LO elicits an effect opposite to MON by
	 drawing power away from the other syllables in the spell. The re-
	 sulting spell is weaker, but easier for the neophyte magic-user
	 to control.

 2.	 UM controls and directs the forces of stupidity and lethargy. Its
	 weakening effect on other syllables is less drastic than LO, so
	 spells of this power require more experience to cast safely.

 3.	 The effect of the syllable ON is that of equality. The natural 
	 strength of the other syllables in the spell determines the power
	 of the finished incantation.

 4.	 A subtle opposite to UM, the tilted square appears balanced on a
	 point, poised for movement in any direction. UM's dull corners
	 have become the sharp points of the symbol EE. Speed and in-
	 telligence are the forces that combine to make spells of this
	 symbol more powerful (and costly) than normal.

 5. 	 The basis for the symbol PA is still being debated by scholars,
	 but the effect of the spell syllable is much better known. Its
	 ability to increase the power of a spell is second only to MON.

 6.	 Tapping the strength that builds mountains is the greatest of the
	 power symbols, MON. Only a well practiced magic-user can control
	 spells of this size and power.

                             ELEMENTAL INFLUENCE

 1.1 	 Solidity and structure are the main components of the symbol YA,
	 used to represent the elemental influence of earth. A useful 
	 syllable, YA is the basis of many protection spells.

 2.2	 Water is the most precious of the elemental influences, for, more
	 than a thirst quencher, water can both restore health and give 
	 life. The syllable VI petitions the aid of this least abundant

 3.3	 The elemental influence of air is conjured with the spell syllable
	 OH, and the properties of gases are often imparted to the result.
	 In knowledgeable hands, this symbol can be used to temporarily
	 alter solid objects so they no longer block vision.

 4.4	 The syllable FUl invokes the elemental power of fire. It extracts
	 the essence of heat and flame from the air and all nearby sub-
	 stances and temporarily concentrates them under the control of the
	 magic user. Further syllables can bottle this power or send it 
	 flying, before the inherent instability of the concentrated energy
	 explodes intro a devastating fireball.

 5.5     The sun burns the desolate plain of the symbol DES. Like the barren
	 desert it represents, this syllable invokes destitution, de-
	 solation, absence, the void. The power of the void is one of the
	 few that can damage creatures of vapor and denizens of the ethereal

 6.6     The most dangerous of the elemental influences is not fire, but the
	 negative material ZO. However, a great deal of Mana must be expended
	 to keep this essence under control, for negative material can absorb
	 the matter from any material object or being in an instant.


 1.1.1	 The queen of venom, the black-window spider brandishes a single spot
	 of color on her otherwise jetblack form. Hourglass-shaped, she seems
	 to warn that time will soon run out for the unfortunate soul she 
 	 bites. In the symbology VEN, which encompasses and conducts all 
 	 things poisonous.

 2.2.2   EW depicts the head and arm of a beast. This syllable is used to
	 fashion the elemental component into the form of a creature. Though
	 the conjuration of elementals is still only a theoretical possibili-
	 ty, the syllable is still useful to "sculpt" a spell to affect only
	 the monsters targeted.

 3.3.3   The expanding lines of the symbol KATH characterise the shockwaves
	 emanating from a single source. This follows, for the syllable KATH
	 imparts explosive force to spells which already involve energetic
	 elements such as light or air.

 4.4.4   IR abstracts the arc of a swing, and, appropriately, imparts the 
	 ability to float or fly to a cast spell. By giving motion to the
	 completed incantation, the spell can be sent traveling through the

 5.5.5   The reciprocal arms of the symbol BRO represent the mutual support
	 and honesty of true friendship. However, recent usage of this con-
	 struct has drawn upon its power for the creation of beneficial

 6.6.6   Constructed from components of fire, lightning and the spear, the
  	 jagged line of the symbol GOR combines to invoke the attributes of
 	 an enemy. Like its opposite, BRO, recent usage has broadened the 
	 power of GOR to the creation of dangerous potions.

                                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ sword of the fighter is clearly symbolized by KU, the evoker
	 of all things martial. symbol for ROS depicts a hand reaching for an object of value,
	 and, as such, is the abstraction for a syllable that involves all
	 aspects of the thief and his art. depicts the spell leaving the magician's raised staff, and in
	 turn conjures the realm of the wizard and draws around the skills
	 and power of their art. cross is unmistakable in the priestly character NETA. But, 
	 unlike the syllables for the other classes, NETA is unfluenced far
	 less by the natural forces. Instead, the power of this symbol is
	 related to the magic-user's standing with his or her god. But the
	 favor of a deity is not easily bottled, so potions having this
	 intent are rarely effective. is the most energetic and powerful of the spell syllables. The
	 light and heat of the sun and stars are the sources tapped with this
	 syllable. Fortunately, it happens to be a somewhat cooperative form
	 of energy and is relatively easy to channel once the magic-user has
	 learned how to draw it forth. is the effective opposite of RA. The symbol depicts the head of
	 a demon. The demon stands for darkness and evil and the guardian of
	 night, the moon. The power of darkness is great, but unruly, so
	 magic-users must expend more of their own Mana energy when attempt-
	 ing to control it. Evil owes no allegiance, and is therefore an
	 inherently dangerous element to include in a spell.

 Hope ya guys have a lot of fun with thiz nice game...

 Special greetinx and thanx must go to CRAY for the original...

 Call our BBS at: 216-923-6569 (STEEL PULSE HQ USA)

                        Dungeon Master Spell List  
                        Compiled By Michel Stetter

 Note:  The power symbols are required for all spells.  Power effects
        the strength and duration of the spell.  All potions require
        a empty flask.
 Power         1=LO,  2=UM,  3=ON,   4=EE,   5=PAL, 6=MON
 Elemental     1=YA,  2=VI,  3=OH,   4=FUL,  5=DES, 6=ZO
 Form          1=VEN, 2=EW,  3=KATH, 4=IR,   5=BRO, 6=GOR
 Class         1=KU,  2=ROS, 3=DAIN, 4=NETA, 5=RA,  6=SAR
 Power  Elemental  Form  Class    Caster     Effect
  1-6       1                       P        MON Potion (Stamina)
  1-6       2                       P        VI Potion (Healing)
  1-6       4                       W        Light
  1-6       6                       W        Open Button Doors
  1-6       1       4               P        Spell Shield
  1-6       1       5               P        YA Potion (Protection)
  1-6       2       5               P        BRO Potion (Cures Poison)
  1-6       3       1               P        Poison Cloud
  1-6       4       4               W        Fireball
  1-6       5       1               W        Poisonball
  1-6       5       2               W        Weaken Non-Material Beings
  1-6       6       1               W        Poison Potion
  1-6       1       5      2        P        Magic Footprints
  1-6       1       5      3        P        DANE Potion (Wisdom)
  1-6       1       5      4        P        NETA Potion (Vitality)
  1-6       3       2      5        P        Look Through Solid Objects
  1-6       3       3      5        W        Lightning Bolt
  1-6       3       3      6        P        Monster Confusion
  1-6       3       4      5        W        Light
  1-6       3       5      2        P        ROS Potion (Dexterity)
  1-6       4       2      6        W        ?
  1-6       4       5      1        P        KU Potion (Strength)
  1-6       4       5      4        P        Fire Shield
  1-6       5       4      6        W        Darkness
  1-6       6       3      5        W        ZOKATHRA Spell
  1-6       6       5      5        P        EE Potion (Mana)
                               End Of File

Here's a list of all the working spells:


YA                      Priest  Stamina potion - need flask
YA      IR              Priest  Shield characters
YA      BRO             Priest  Shield potion - need flask
YA      BRO     DAIN    Priest  Wisdom potion - need flask (Temp)
YA      BRO     NETA    Priest  Vitality potion - need flask (Temp)
VI                      Priest  Healing potion - need flask
VI      BRO             Priest  Poison antedote - need flask
OH      KATH    SAR     Priest  Monster confusion
OH      BRO     ROS     Priest  Dexterity potion - need flask (Temp)
FUL     BRO     KU      Priest  Strength potion - need flask (Temp)
FUL     BRO     NETA    Priest  Fire shield
ZO      BRO     RA      Priest  Mana potion - need flask


YA      BRO     ROS     Wizard  Magic Footprints
OH      VEN             Wizard  Poison Gas (Thrown - works on rocks)
OH      EW      RA      Wizard  See through solid objects temporarily
OH      EW      SAR     Wizard  Invisibility
OH      KATH    RA      Wizard  Throw lightning
OH      IR      RA      Wizard  Light
FUL                     Wizard  Torch spell
FUL     IR              Wizard  Throw fireball
DES     VEN             Wizard  Throw poison spell
DES     EW              Wizard  Weakens etherial beings
DES     IR      SAR     Wizard  Darkness
ZO                      Wizard  Open some doors
ZO      VEN             Wizard  Poison potion - need flask (Throw)
ZO      KATH    RA      Wizard  Zokathra spell

Ya		Stamina Potion
Ya Ir		Shield for whole party
Ya Bro		Magic Shield Potion
Ya Bro Ros	Magic Footprints
Ya Bro Dain	Wisdom Potion
Ya Bro Neta	Vitality Potion

Vi		Health Potion
Vi Bro		Cure Poison Potion

Oh Ven		Posionous Cloud
Oh Ew Ra	X-ray Vision
Oh Ew Sar	Invisibility
Oh Kath Ra	Lightening Bolts
Oh Ir Ra	Light
Oh Bro Ros	Dexterity Potion

Ful  		Torch
Ful Ir  	Fireball
Ful Bro Ku	Strength Potion
Ful Bro Neta	Fire Shield for Party

Des Ven		Poison Missle
Des Ew		Weaken Non-material Beings
Des Ir Sar	Darkness

Zo		Open Doors
Zo Ven		Poison Potion
Zo Bro Ra	Mana Potion
ZO IR NETA  - Anchors the map at the point of casting so that as you move 
              around, the map view stays at the anchored position.
Zo Kath Ra	Creates a glowing ball which is placed on the fire gem,
		thus freeing it from the holding gel


GOR IR KU   - Detects Monsters
GOR IR ROS  - Detects fake walls and "invisible" (actually hard to see) pits
GOR IR DAIN - Detects "magic" on screen?
ZO IR NETA  - Anchors the map at the point of casting so that as you move 
              around, the map view stays at the anchored position.

I hope this is useful.


              John Upham, (Chemical Physics Ph.D)
              University of Sussex, Brighton, UK.
              Email: kapn1%cluster.susx.ac.uk@uk.ac (BITnet)
                     kapn1@uk.ac.susx.cluster       (Janet)
                     johnu%syma.susx.ac.uk@uk.ac    (BITnet)
                     johnu@uk.ac.susx.syma          (Janet)
              Tel:   +44 273 680500 (eve)
              Tel:   +44 273 678332 (day)

wulfgar@jwprod.UUCP (Wulfgar of the Tribe of the Elk) (04/21/91)

>GOR IR KU   - Detects Monsters
>GOR IR ROS  - Detects fake walls and "invisible" (actually hard to see) pits
>GOR IR DAIN - Detects "magic" on screen?
How do you get two of the third kind with nothing from the second group?
I mean GOR and IR are from the same group, and there is no element.
Has anyone got any of these working?

NAME: Wulfgar of the Tribe of the Elk
PATH: wybbs!jwprod!wulfgar
DISC: "The opinions expressed in this message are necessarily those of my
       organization...After all, I own the organization."