[comp.sys.amiga.games] Turrican II flying scenes

ameiba@reed.UUCP (Keith Steiger) (05/07/91)

Okay.  I can get to scene 3-1 in Turrican II with about 5 lives.  I can get
through to scene 3-2 with minimal losses--after all, there are a couple of
really easy-to-get lives lying about.

But scene 3-2 has me stymied.  You're forced to move up in this spacecraft,
but you can't fire upwards.  Or downwards.  Or to the left.  I'm constantly
attacked by monsters that I cannot get a firing arc on.  And the alpha weapon
only fires 3 shots at a time, making me prone to go for the laser.

What do you do at this point?  I'm really getting sick of the first two
levels.  And level 3 is driving me crazy with its entirely different set of
reflexes and entirely new set of challenges.

Any helpful hints, useful information or cheat modes would be greatly

 Keith Steiger--ameiba@reed.edu--"I am what you see.  I cannot be otherwise."
  Disclaimer: Reed College tries very hard to ignore its students' opinions.