[comp.sys.amiga.games] Unsolved Games

havir@pnet51.orb.mn.org (Eric Havir) (05/08/91)

Has anyone gotten through the game "Aurther", a 'new' Infocom game with
graphics, etc. based in the age of King Aurther??  I bought it from the budget
rack at a local computer store a while ago...got through almost the whole
game...but got stuck near the end.  There is a point at which it refers to a
poem written in the manual, as being the clue to the answer.  I've read the
poem 50 million times, and still haven't figured it out.  It must be something
little I'm doing wrong.  The poem refers to the 'hawthorn flower' and it's
blooming on Christmas day.  I found the bud of the flower...but haven't been
able to get it to bloom before Christmas day (and my death).  Anyone do this

Has anyone ever gotten through the game "Enlightenment"?  I bought this one a
long time ago, and have picked it up from time to time to try finish it.  I am
stuck in what appears the stage before the final leg of the game.  It's where
you get this key, and a horn which is supposed to bring the 'gatekeeper' from
across the waters to bring you to the 'bad guys' palace.  You are supposed to
blow the horn, and when the guy comes...you give him a coin.  He grants you
passage on his boat.  That's according to the manual.  Well, I've got the
coin, the horn, and the (other thing, can't remember at this second)...and
I've blown the horn at every bridge with water...with no result.  I'm at the
north-eastern corner of the game...  I've also found a 'secret' set of levels
in the game.  There is a passage which opens to a whole new area.  It's the
horn and the guy that haven't worked...and are holding me back.  Who's done

"Stryx".  That's a great Psygnosis game.  Hard, but good.  I heard about a
cheat, but haven't really used it yet.  Has anyone gotten through it, or not? 
I need some motivation to complete it...heh.

"Lords of the Rising Sun".  Well done by Cinemaware.  It takes days to
complete...and I have gotten very far into it...but still haven't killed the
last enemy.  Any tips?


Those are a few games I've been stuck on, or just haven't finished.  If you
have any of them, and have a tip...please let me know.  Thanks!

  Eric "Rangorin" Havir
    UUCP: {crash tcnet}!orbit!pnet51!havir
    ARPA: crash!orbit!pnet51!havir@nosc.mil
    INET: havir@pnet51.orb.mn.org

tony@uc780.umd.edu (05/08/91)

In a previous article, havir@pnet51.orb.mn.org (Eric Havir) wrote:
>Has anyone gotten through the game "Aurther", a 'new' Infocom game with
>graphics, etc. based in the age of King Aurther??  I bought it from the budget
>rack at a local computer store a while ago...got through almost the whole
>game...but got stuck near the end.  There is a point at which it refers to a
>poem written in the manual, as being the clue to the answer.  I've read the
>poem 50 million times, and still haven't figured it out.  It must be something
>little I'm doing wrong.  The poem refers to the 'hawthorn flower' and it's
>blooming on Christmas day.  I found the bud of the flower...but haven't been
>able to get it to bloom before Christmas day (and my death).  Anyone do this
>  Eric "Rangorin" Havir
>    UUCP: {crash tcnet}!orbit!pnet51!havir
>    ARPA: crash!orbit!pnet51!havir@nosc.mil
>    INET: havir@pnet51.orb.mn.org

You're not supposed to get the flower to bloom before Christmas day.
Do as much of the game as possible and then wait (preferably near the
town) until the point where Christmas day just begins.  The go get the
flower.  It will be blooming when you get to it.  You will still have
time to take it where you need to.

--Tony   (tony@uc780.umd.edu   or  uc780.bitnet)