[comp.sys.amiga.games] What is Xybots like???

rahst7@unix.cis.pitt.edu (Russell A Howard) (05/16/91)

Hi all!

Has anyone out there played Xybots?  I've played it in the arcade and I feel 
that it's the most hyper-nifty super-boffo piece `o silicon to hit the malls
in a long time.  I was wondering how Amy's version stacks up.  If it's good,
I will get it ASAP.  If not, I'll find the dorks who did a lame-o con-
version and hunt them down and kill them like the scum they are!!

Russ Howard

S13QC@CUNYVM.BITNET (05/16/91)

It's not bad for a coin op conversion, don't expect anything like the arcade, b
t it's pretty good for an amiga game.

                                      The Dark Mage!!!!!!!!!!