caw@miroc.Chi.IL.US (Christopher A. Wichura) (05/27/91)
In article <> (Jason L. Tibbitts III) writes: >A Review of Night Shift, an arcade game by LucasFilm Games. > >By David W. Lowrey [ ... ] >It runs on "all" Amigas, including a 3000 (according to the I have an A3000 and this game and it does run. This is under 2.0. Never tried it under 1.3... :-) >The game Multi-Tasks, to a point. Once you start the game, >you can't get back to the workbench (or any other) screens. >However, programs that are running when the game is started >are still operational when you exit. The games Amiga >Reference Guide states "Do not attempt to multi-task >software with Night Shift as this may cause the game to >malfunction". I have UUCP running in the background while >playing Night Shift, and have noticed no problems with >either program. This is not entirely correct. When the game starts up, it takes over the whole system. All other tasks are locked out (they must run in a Forbid() or Disable()). The only time other tasks can run is when the game is loading information from the drive. I, too, run AmigaUUCP, and quickly learned not to start the game if my machine was connected to another site because AmigaUUCP gets stopped dead and your transfer will fail. >Complaints include that you don't automatically re-start a >game at the last level you were in. You default back to >level one, and you have to re-enter that appropriate >security code for the level you want. I would also like the >game to be fully multi-tasking. I found that I would restart from the beginning every time, anyways. You have a chance to pick up a lot more tools than you would restarting at a higher level. I do agree about the desire to have it fully multitaskable. > Reviewed by Dave Lowrey > > (713)-894-7447 (home) All in all, I thought this game was done very well. The Amiga port actually looks like quite a bit of effort was spent on it, as opposed to the usual drek we get from the IBM world. And it's fun to boot! -=> CAW Christopher A. Wichura Multitasking. Just DO it. (my amiga) ...the Amiga way... (school account) (Joe B Reeves) (05/29/91)
While wr're on the subject of reviewing, how many people read .reviews? -- |Joe Reeves---The Ohio State| | Purple Toupee will show the way when summer brings you down. | | // They Might Be Giants : Lincoln | | \X/ Amiga Rules! "Rhymin' Man's gonna run for prez" - Frank Zappa, 1989 |