[comp.sys.amiga.games] WANTED: F/A-18, Battlechess, Faery Tale PATCHES

greg@pfloyd.lonestar.org (Greg Harp) (06/26/91)

Would someone please send me the patches for the games F/A-18, Battlechess,
and Faery Tale Adventure which remove the copy protection?  I assure you
that I own a legal, original copy of each of these games, but I don't want
to deal with the protection.  If such patches are available on a public
site, please just tell me the address and path to the files instead of mailing
it to me.

In the case of F/A-18 and Battlechess, the patches remove the manual copy 
protection.  In the case of Faery Tale, the on-disk protection is removed
so that I can install the game on my HD (I've only heard once that such a
patch exists, but since the game is so disk-intensive I'd like to get it).

I had the F/A-18 and BChess patches, but I lost them along with my failed 
hard disk.  I didn't have them backed up -- oh well...

Thanks in advance...
"How I wish.  How I wish you were here.  We're just two lost souls swimming in
 a fishbowl year after year.  Running over the same old ground.  What have we
 found?  The same old fears.  Wish you were here."  --  Pink Floyd

Jason_Robertson@tvbbs.UUCP (Jason Robertson) (06/27/91)

Greg, if you try Nib 1.0 (or buy 2.0) written by Shawn Liptak (sp?), it
should remove the manual and key protection from the above games.  You should
be able to find 1.0 on your nearest Amiga BBS.
Jason Robertson

xanthian@zorch.SF-Bay.ORG (Kent Paul Dolan) (06/30/91)

 greg@pfloyd.lonestar.org (Greg Harp) writes:

> In the case of Faery Tale, the on-disk protection
> is removed so that I can install the game on my HD
> (I've only heard once that such a patch exists,
> but since the game is so disk-intensive I'd like
> to get it).

Drool!  Could this possibly be true?  I'd _love_ to
patch one of my _3_ store bought copies (it's a long
story) to play from hard disk, since I tried to play 
this _great_ game over and found I've totally lost
my patience for playing from floppies since I got a
hard drive and started playing games from it.

That has to be a heck of a patch, since FTA has hidden
files, probably proprietary compression, etc.

Kent, the man from xanth.
<xanthian@Zorch.SF-Bay.ORG> <xanthian@well.sf.ca.us>
Convener, rec.arts.sf.* grand reorganization.

greg@pfloyd.lonestar.org (Greg Harp) (06/30/91)

In article <1991Jun29.171854.10137@zorch.SF-Bay.ORG> xanthian@zorch.SF-Bay.ORG (Kent Paul Dolan) writes:
> greg@pfloyd.lonestar.org (Greg Harp) writes:
>> In the case of Faery Tale, the on-disk protection
>> is removed so that I can install the game on my HD
>> (I've only heard once that such a patch exists,
>> but since the game is so disk-intensive I'd like
>> to get it).
>Drool!  Could this possibly be true?  I'd _love_ to
>patch one of my _3_ store bought copies (it's a long
>story) to play from hard disk, since I tried to play 
>this _great_ game over and found I've totally lost
>my patience for playing from floppies since I got a
>hard drive and started playing games from it.
>That has to be a heck of a patch, since FTA has hidden
>files, probably proprietary compression, etc.

Well, I've only heard that the patch exists.  That's obviously not much to
go on.  I did, however, get FreeCopy from Fish Disk 498 and remove the 
on-disk protection.  Now I can play from a backup instead of the original.
I think it also makes the "manual" protection (completing the phrases from
the map) accept any answer, so you can just hit <RETURN>.  I usually just
automatically type the answers, but I think I goofed on one and it still

Here's what I've tried:  I took the backup (non-protected) disk and 
diskcopied it to RAD:.  I then went in with NewZap and changed all the
references to df0: to sys:.  It made it as far as the storybook, but no 
farther. Incidentally, I tried just copying the files from the non-protected 
version to my HD and running it from there, too.  That had the same result.

I guess part of the hidden code is referencing the floppy at some point.
When I stick a disk in the drive goes mad looking for stuff, but it never
quite finds it.  I guess I'll get out the disk editor and see what I can
find.  I expect, like Kent said, that it's compressed in some way.  I 
don't figure I'll find much, but it's worth a try...
This looks like a job for someone who likes to pour through other's code 
[i.e. NOT ME! :) ].

BTW, FreeCopy also took care of F/A-18 for me (see the Subject: line).  I'm
still looking for a patch for BattleChess.  Anyone?  Anyone?!
>Kent, the man from xanth.
><xanthian@Zorch.SF-Bay.ORG> <xanthian@well.sf.ca.us>
>Convener, rec.arts.sf.* grand reorganization.

What a busy man!  Whatcha gonna reorganize next? ;)
"How I wish.  How I wish you were here.  We're just two lost souls swimming in
 a fishbowl year after year.  Running over the same old ground.  What have we
 found?  The same old fears.  Wish you were here."  --  Pink Floyd