[net.railroad] Private Railway Car Trip

msm (03/09/83)

The following message  is  presented  for  your  information.   The  sponsoring
organization is a non-profit railway museum. 


                             RENO WINTER WONDERLAND
                            April 2nd and April 3rd

Once again, the BAY AREA ELECTRIC RAILROAD ASSOCIATION will sponsor  its  first
annual first class rail trek to Reno, Nevada, on April 2nd  and 3rd, 1983. This
extremely  popular  outing  beckons  to those who appreciate the  amenities  of
travel by private rail cars.  This year's event promises to be the best ever. 

Excursionists  will  meet  at  Amtrak's  venerable 16th street depot in Oakland
where they will be greeted by their personal host  and  escort  -- Neil Lang --
and will board the private car "Yerba Buena" which will be attached to the rear
of  Amtrak's  "San  Francisco  Zephyr".  This  car,  previously  used   by  the
association in similar outings, is under new ownership which  has substantially
invested in its renovation; mechanical  and  structural  components  have  been
rebuilt and interior appointments have been refurbished.   The  rear lounge has
been enlarged in area, a smart dining alcove has been  created,  and the pantry
has been expanded and rebuilt. 

Once underway, your on-board staff  will  be available at all times to care for
your  needs  and  wants.  Full cocktail and lounge service will be available at
popular prices.  Shortly  after  our  departure  from Martinez, a complementary
luncheon will be served in the dining room.  With stomach content, relax in the
rear lounge  or  within one of the private rooms.  This might be a good time to
finish  that  novel  you've  had  on  hand  so long but never had the  time  to

Dashing east, the flatlands of the fertile Sacramento Valley will soon give way
to the flanks of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Now may be the time to don a warm
jacket or coat  and  position  yourself  on the open rear platform.  Photograph
opportunities  will abound.  Don't miss the spectacular views as we  pass  Cape
Horn. Slowing a bit, the train will commence its assult of the mountains.  This
year, the sierras received a  record  snowfall -- the winter wonderland will be
at hand. 

We'll be arriving in Reno  in  the  early  evening  with  ample time for a fine
dinner and a night of gamboling about the town.  May good  luck  be  with you. 
But  don't  stay out too late; you'll not want to miss our morning departure on

Boarding the cozy confines of the private car on  the following morning, you'll
be  greeted  by our staff and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee.   After  your
luggage has been properly stowed, a complementary continental breakfast will be
served,  enhanced  by a glass of sparkling wine.  Soon we'll be approaching the
mountains again with  panoramic  views  broken  only  by  the eerie darkness of
snowsheds  which  protect  our  path  of  steel.   WIth  hot  coffee  in  hand,
contemplate  the  chill  of  Donner Lake located far below and the spectacle of
conifers laid low with a heavy mantle of snow and icicles. 

By  early  afternoon, the mountains will be behind us as we commence a fast run
west.  But there'll still be time to partake of another delicious complementary
luncheon  accompanied  by  premium  wines.   Afterwards,  relax and  enjoy  the
conviviality of your fellow passengers. 

All too soon, however, we'll  arrive  back  at  the 16th street depot, bringing
this exciting and fun-packed weekend to a close. 

Plan now to be aboard the  private  car  "Yerba  Buena"  for  the  Reno  Winter
Wonderland tour.  Space aboard the private car will be limited to the number of
passengers which can be comfortably accommodated (20-24), so be certain to make
your reservations early. 

                               Schedule and Fares

Fare -- $179.95 per  person,  includes  first  class round-trip fare aboard the
private car "Yerba Buena," meals and selected beverages aboard the private  car
as outlined, and the services of an experienced by area tour escort and private
car attendants. 

Hotels -- A bountiful number of  hotel  rooms  are available in Reno at varying
rates, thus affording  the budget minded and the luxury traveller a wide choice
of accommodations.  The  association's  excursion  committee  will  pleased  to
assist in securing reservations in your behalf. 

The  schedule  is  the  same  as  that for Amtrak's SAN FRANCISCO ZEPHYR: leave
Oakland 1:05pm, arrive Reno 7:22pm (2 April); leave Reno 8:10am, arrive Oakland
4:10pm (3 April).


For reservations and information, please contact Dr. Neil Lang of the  Bay Area
Electric Railroad Association, 811 York Street, Suite #201, Oakland, California
94610. (Telephone 415/444-4714 evenings). 

Should you desire, a portion of your excursion fare may  be deducted from state
and federal income  taxes  as  a  donation  to  the  Bay Area Electric Railroad
Association. An invoice for your records will  be  furnished upon request.  All
net proceeds from the operation of  the  Reno  Winter Wonderland excursion will
accrue solely to the Association for the enhancement  of its California Railway


                                        Michael S. Maiten
                                        Silicon Gulch, California

dws (03/11/83)

Would readers please post any experiences or information about the Lake Shore Limited
to Buffalo and Chicago from Boston?