[comp.sys.mac.announce] About Macintosh Usenet Groups

geoff@pmafire.UUCP (Geoff Allen) (06/01/90)

This is a regular posting providing information about Usenet Macintosh
groups.  It is designed to help you find the best place to post your
Macintosh questions/discussions.  A companion posting answers some of
the more commonly asked questions.

[Note from me:  The q-and-a posting is almost ready to go.  Honest! 
 You'll hopefully be seeing it soon.  I could use some volunteers to
 review it for technical accuracy.  So, if you're a Macintosh expert and
 would like to review the ``Frequently Asked Questions,'' drop me a note.
 -- geoff]

Feel free to send comments, questions, etc. about this posting to

Before going to the group descriptions, let's look at some general

If You're New to Usenet

If you're new to Usenet, be sure to read news.announce.newusers and
news.newusers.questions.  You'll find lots of valuable information
there, along with some friendly folks who can help with the things we
all had to learn. 


You should have little need to crosspost within the Macintosh
newsgroups.  Try to find the group that most specifically fits your
topic and post to it only.  If you have a programming question, it
should be posted to comp.sys.mac.programmer.  Don't crosspost to
comp.sys.mac.misc ``just to be sure everyone sees it.''  There are folks
reading comp.sys.mac.misc who don't really care about programming the
Macintosh, and they shouldn't have to wade through programming
discussions.  That's why comp.sys.mac.programmer exists. 

This, of course, applies to the other groups as well.

For Sale Postings

For sale items should be posted to a .forsale group (e.g. misc.forsale,
ba.forsale, etc).  That's why those groups exist.

Usenet Macintosh groups

There are several newsgroups for discussions related to the Macintosh. 
Here are group names, along with their ``official'' definitions taken
from the monthly ``List of Active Newsgroups'' posted in
news.announce.newusers, news.lists, and news.groups (except in the case
of the new groups, which have yet to appear on the ``official'' list --
their descriptions come from the call for votes and the newgroup
messages that created them).  Each of these is followed by a more
detailed explanation of the newsgroup. 


comp.sys.mac		Discussions about the Apple Macintosh & Lisa.

Don't post here.  This group is going away.  It is to be replaced by


comp.sys.mac.misc	Discussions about the Apple Macintosh & Lisa.

This is the main Macintosh newsgroup.  This is where general Macintosh
discussions (i.e., those without a specific group) should go.  Volume is
very high in this group, so please try to do your part by not posting
here if a more specific group exists. 


comp.sys.mac.announce	Announcements of interest to Macintosh users

The exact scope of what constitutes an ``announcement of interest to
Macintosh users'' has yet to be defined. 

The moderator is Chuq Von Rospach <chuq@apple.com>.  Your news software
should automatically mail anything posted to this group to him.  If it
doesn't, mail your message to him at the above address. 


comp.sys.mac.apps	Discussion of Macintosh applications

If it's an application (and doesn't have another group in which it fits,
such as HyperCard in comp.sys.mac.hypercard, programming tools in
comp.sys.mac.programmer, and communications programs in
comp.sys.mac.comm), this is the place to talk about it. 


comp.sys.mac.comm	Discussion of Macintosh communications

This includes telecommunications and networking.


comp.sys.mac.digest	Apple Macintosh: info&uses, but no programs. (Moderated)

This newsgroup (which is actually a gatewayed mailing list) presents a
digest of postings covering all Macintosh topics.  It is also the source
of information for files available for FTP from sumex-aim.stanford.edu. 
(See the Q & A posting for information on FTP and alternatives for those
not on the Internet.)

The moderators' address (in case your news software won't mail your
postings for you) is info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.


comp.sys.mac.games	Discussion of Macintosh games

This one is pretty self-explanatory.


comp.sys.mac.hardware	Macintosh hardware issues & discussions.

This newsgroup is for discussing Macintosh hardware.  If you have a
question about your ImageWriter or want to know about upgrading the
memory in your Mac, this is the place. 


comp.sys.mac.hypercard	The Macintosh Hypercard: info & uses.

This one is pretty self-explanatory.  If you have a question or comment
about HyperCard, it belongs here.  By extension, discussions about
SuperCard and Plus (two HyperCard-like programs from other vendors) also
belong here. 


comp.sys.mac.programmer	Discussion by people programming the Apple Macintosh.

This group is for those involved in Macintosh programming.  (If
your Macintosh programming is in HyperTalk, then it belongs in
comp.sys.mac.hypercard.  Questions and discussions about writing XCMDs
and XFCNs for HyperCard should probably also go in


comp.sys.mac.system	Discussion of Macintosh system software

This group is for anything that goes in your system folder (INITs,
CDEVs, DAs, etc.) in addition to Macintosh System software (System
6.0.x, System 7.0, Finder, Multifinder, etc.).


comp.sys.mac.wanted	For ``wanted'' postings

This is the place to post, ``I missed part x of ...'', ``I need a ...'',
or anything else that fits the ``wanted'' label.


comp.binaries.mac	Encoded Macintosh programs in binary. (Moderated)

Macintosh programs in BinHex form appear here.  For more information
about this newsgroup, see the companion Q & A posting. 

The moderator of this group is Roger Long.  If your news software
doesn't mail your message, you may send it to macintosh@felix.uucp.


comp.sources.mac	Software for the Apple Macintosh. (Moderated)

This group is for text listings of Macintosh source code.  It hardly
ever sees any traffic.  This is because people posting source code
usually post StuffIt archives of the actual source files (often along
with an executable version of the program for those without compilers). 
These would then go to comp.binaries.mac.  Generally the only things
you'll see here are UNIX sources of interest to Macintosh users.

The moderator of this group is Roger Long.  If your news software
doesn't mail your message, you may send it to macintosh@felix.uucp.


comp.protocols.appletalk	Applebus hardware & software.

Questions and discussions relating to AppleTalk (LocalTalk) and
Macintosh networking belong here.


comp.unix.aux		The version of UNIX for Apple Macintosh II computers.

If you want to talk about A/UX, this is the place.


Other Groups of Interest

There are other groups that, while not Macintosh-specific, may be of
interest.  For example:

comp.fonts		Typefonts -- design, conversion, use, etc.
comp.text		Text processing issues and methods.
comp.text.desktop	Technology & techniques of desktop publishing.

These groups would be a better place for desktop publishing discussions,
since they exist for just such a purpose.  

comp.lang.c		Discussion about C.
comp.lang.pascal	Discussion about Pascal.
(or .fortran, .c++, .smalltalk, ...  You get the idea.)

If you have questions or discussions about the language you're
programming in rather than a Macintosh-specific programming question,
the appropriate comp.lang.* group would be a better place to post.

In short, check the list of active newsgroups (posted monthly to
news.announce.newusers, news.lists, and news.groups) for newsgroups that
might be of interest.  Some examples you might wish to explore include:

comp.graphics		Computer graphics, art, animation, image processing.
comp.graphics.digest	Graphics software, hardware, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.ivideodisc		Interactive videodiscs -- uses, potential, etc.
comp.lang.postscript	The PostScript Page Description Language.
comp.laser-printers	Laser printers, hardware & software. (Moderated)
comp.object		Object-oriented programming and languages.

comp.os.mach		The MACH OS from CMU & other places.
comp.os.minix		Discussion of Tanenbaum's MINIX system.
[These two represent UNIX-like systems available for the Macintosh.]

comp.unix		Discussion of UNIX* features and bugs. (Moderated)
comp.unix.questions	UNIX neophytes group.
comp.unix.wizards	Discussions, bug reports, and fixes on and for UNIX.
comp.windows.misc	Various issues about windowing systems.
comp.windows.x		Discussion about the X Window System.
comp.virus		Computer viruses & security. (Moderated)

Geoff Allen

geoff@pmafire.UUCP (Geoff Allen) (07/15/90)

This is a regular posting providing information about Usenet Macintosh
groups.  It is designed to help you find the best place to post your
Macintosh questions/discussions.  A companion posting answers some of
the more commonly asked questions.

[Note from me:  The q-and-a posting is almost ready to go.  Honest! 
 You'll hopefully be seeing it soon.  To everyone who volunteered to
 review it: Thanks, you should be hearing from me as soon as I get the
 chance.  -- geoff]

Feel free to send comments, questions, etc. about this posting to

Before going to the group descriptions, let's look at some general

If You're New to Usenet

If you're new to Usenet, be sure to read news.announce.newusers and
news.newusers.questions.  You'll find lots of valuable information
there, along with some friendly folks who can help with the things we
all had to learn. 


You should have little need to crosspost within the Macintosh
newsgroups.  Try to find the group that most specifically fits your
topic and post to it only.  If you have a programming question, it
should be posted to comp.sys.mac.programmer.  Don't crosspost to
comp.sys.mac.misc ``just to be sure everyone sees it.''  There are folks
reading comp.sys.mac.misc who don't really care about programming the
Macintosh, and they shouldn't have to wade through programming
discussions.  That's why comp.sys.mac.programmer exists. 

This, of course, applies to the other groups as well.

For Sale Postings

For sale items should be posted to a .forsale group (e.g. misc.forsale,
ba.forsale, or, especially, the new misc.forsale.computers).  That's why
those groups exist.

Usenet Macintosh groups

There are several newsgroups for discussions related to the Macintosh. 
Here are group names, along with their ``official'' definitions taken
from the monthly ``List of Active Newsgroups'' posted in
news.announce.newusers, news.lists, and news.groups (except in the case
of the new groups, which have yet to appear on the ``official'' list --
their descriptions come from the call for votes and the newgroup
messages that created them).  Each of these is followed by a more
detailed explanation of the newsgroup. 


comp.sys.mac		Discussions about the Apple Macintosh & Lisa.

Don't post here.  This group is going away.  It is to be replaced by


comp.sys.mac.misc	Discussions about the Apple Macintosh & Lisa.

This is the main Macintosh newsgroup.  This is where general Macintosh
discussions (i.e., those without a specific group) should go.  Volume is
very high in this group, so please try to do your part by not posting
here if a more specific group exists. 


comp.sys.mac.announce	Announcements of interest to Macintosh users

The exact scope of what constitutes an ``announcement of interest to
Macintosh users'' has yet to be defined. 

The moderator is Chuq Von Rospach <chuq@apple.com>.  Your news software
should automatically mail anything posted to this group to him.  If it
doesn't, mail your message to him at the above address. 


comp.sys.mac.apps	Discussion of Macintosh applications

If it's an application (and doesn't have another group in which it fits,
such as HyperCard in comp.sys.mac.hypercard, programming tools in
comp.sys.mac.programmer, and communications programs in
comp.sys.mac.comm), this is the place to talk about it. 


comp.sys.mac.comm	Discussion of Macintosh communications

This includes telecommunications and networking.


comp.sys.mac.digest	Apple Macintosh: info&uses, but no programs. (Moderated)

This newsgroup (which is actually a gatewayed mailing list) presents a
digest of postings covering all Macintosh topics.  It is also the source
of information for files available for FTP from sumex-aim.stanford.edu. 
(See the Q & A posting for information on FTP and alternatives for those
not on the Internet.)

The moderators' address (in case your news software won't mail your
postings for you) is info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.


comp.sys.mac.games	Discussion of Macintosh games

This one is pretty self-explanatory.


comp.sys.mac.hardware	Macintosh hardware issues & discussions.

This newsgroup is for discussing Macintosh hardware.  If you have a
question about your ImageWriter or want to know about upgrading the
memory in your Mac, this is the place. 


comp.sys.mac.hypercard	The Macintosh Hypercard: info & uses.

This one is pretty self-explanatory.  If you have a question or comment
about HyperCard, it belongs here.  By extension, discussions about
SuperCard and Plus (two HyperCard-like programs from other vendors) also
belong here. 


comp.sys.mac.programmer	Discussion by people programming the Apple Macintosh.

This group is for those involved in Macintosh programming.  (If
your Macintosh programming is in HyperTalk, then it belongs in
comp.sys.mac.hypercard.  Questions and discussions about writing XCMDs
and XFCNs for HyperCard should probably also go in


comp.sys.mac.system	Discussion of Macintosh system software

This group is for anything that goes in your system folder (INITs,
CDEVs, DAs, etc.) in addition to Macintosh System software (System
6.0.x, System 7.0, Finder, Multifinder, etc.).


comp.sys.mac.wanted	For ``wanted'' postings

This is the place to post, ``I missed part x of ...'', ``I need a ...'',
or anything else that fits the ``wanted'' label.


comp.binaries.mac	Encoded Macintosh programs in binary. (Moderated)

Macintosh programs in BinHex form appear here.  For more information
about this newsgroup, see the companion Q & A posting. 

The moderator of this group is Roger Long.  If your news software
doesn't mail your message, you may send it to macintosh@felix.uucp.


comp.sources.mac	Software for the Apple Macintosh. (Moderated)

This group is for text listings of Macintosh source code.  It hardly
ever sees any traffic.  This is because people posting source code
usually post StuffIt archives of the actual source files (often along
with an executable version of the program for those without compilers). 
These would then go to comp.binaries.mac.  Generally the only things
you'll see here are UNIX sources of interest to Macintosh users.

The moderator of this group is Roger Long.  If your news software
doesn't mail your message, you may send it to macintosh@felix.uucp.


comp.protocols.appletalk	Applebus hardware & software.

Questions and discussions relating to AppleTalk (LocalTalk) and
Macintosh networking belong here.


comp.unix.aux		The version of UNIX for Apple Macintosh II computers.

If you want to talk about A/UX, this is the place.


Other Groups of Interest

There are other groups that, while not Macintosh-specific, may be of
interest.  For example:

comp.fonts		Typefonts -- design, conversion, use, etc.
comp.text		Text processing issues and methods.
comp.text.desktop	Technology & techniques of desktop publishing.

These groups would be a better place for desktop publishing discussions,
since they exist for just such a purpose.  

comp.lang.c		Discussion about C.
comp.lang.pascal	Discussion about Pascal.
(or .fortran, .c++, .smalltalk, ...  You get the idea.)

If you have questions or discussions about the language you're
programming in rather than a Macintosh-specific programming question,
the appropriate comp.lang.* group would be a better place to post.

comp.protocols.* groups might be of value of you're doing much
communicating between systems.

In short, check the list of active newsgroups (posted monthly to
news.announce.newusers, news.lists, and news.groups) for newsgroups that
might be of interest.  Some examples you might wish to explore include:

comp.graphics		Computer graphics, art, animation, image processing.
comp.graphics.digest	Graphics software, hardware, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.ivideodisc		Interactive videodiscs -- uses, potential, etc.
comp.lang.postscript	The PostScript Page Description Language.
comp.laser-printers	Laser printers, hardware & software. (Moderated)
comp.object		Object-oriented programming and languages.

comp.os.mach		The MACH OS from CMU & other places.
comp.os.minix		Discussion of Tanenbaum's MINIX system.
[These two represent UNIX-like systems available for the Macintosh.]

comp.unix		Discussion of UNIX* features and bugs. (Moderated)
comp.unix.questions	UNIX neophytes group.
comp.unix.wizards	Discussions, bug reports, and fixes on and for UNIX.
comp.windows.misc	Various issues about windowing systems.
comp.windows.x		Discussion about the X Window System.
comp.virus		Computer viruses & security. (Moderated)

Geoff Allen

geoff@pmafire.UUCP (Geoff Allen) (08/15/90)

[Last change: July 23 -- added mention of limiting Distrubution: on for
 sale items.]

This is a regular posting providing information about Usenet Macintosh
groups.  It is designed to help you find the best place to post your
Macintosh questions/discussions.  A companion posting answers some of
the more commonly asked questions.

[Note from me:  Things have been a little busy here at work, so I
 haven't gotten to working the last little bit on the Frequently Asked
 Questions posting.  You'll hopefully be seeing it soon.  To everyone
 who volunteered to review it: I haven't forgotten you; you should be
 hearing from me as soon as I get the chance.  -- geoff]

Feel free to send comments, questions, etc. about this posting to

Before going to the group descriptions, let's look at some general

If You're New to Usenet

If you're new to Usenet, be sure to read news.announce.newusers and
news.newusers.questions.  You'll find lots of valuable information
there, along with some friendly folks who can help with the things we
all had to learn. 


You should have little need to crosspost within the Macintosh
newsgroups.  Try to find the group that most specifically fits your
topic and post to it only.  If you have a programming question, it
should be posted to comp.sys.mac.programmer.  Don't crosspost to
comp.sys.mac.misc ``just to be sure everyone sees it.''  There are folks
reading comp.sys.mac.misc who don't really care about programming the
Macintosh, and they shouldn't have to wade through programming
discussions.  That's why comp.sys.mac.programmer exists. 

This, of course, applies to the other groups as well.

For Sale Postings

For sale items should be posted to a .forsale group (e.g. misc.forsale,
ba.forsale, or, especially, the new misc.forsale.computers).  That's why
those groups exist.  Also, please limit the distribution of for sale
postings.  It probably isn't too practical for someone in New Zealand to
buy the Mac II you're selling in California!

Usenet Macintosh groups

There are several newsgroups for discussions related to the Macintosh. 
Here are group names, along with their ``official'' definitions taken
from the monthly ``List of Active Newsgroups'' posted in
news.announce.newusers, news.lists, and news.groups (except in the case
of the new groups, which have yet to appear on the ``official'' list --
their descriptions come from the call for votes and the newgroup
messages that created them).  Each of these is followed by a more
detailed explanation of the newsgroup. 


comp.sys.mac		Discussions about the Apple Macintosh & Lisa.

Don't post here.  This group is going away.  It is to be replaced by


comp.sys.mac.misc	Discussions about the Apple Macintosh & Lisa.

This is the main Macintosh newsgroup.  This is where general Macintosh
discussions (i.e., those without a specific group) should go.  Volume is
very high in this group, so please try to do your part by not posting
here if a more specific group exists. 


comp.sys.mac.announce	Announcements of interest to Macintosh users

The exact scope of what constitutes an ``announcement of interest to
Macintosh users'' has yet to be defined. 

The moderator is Chuq Von Rospach <chuq@apple.com>.  Your news software
should automatically mail anything posted to this group to him.  If it
doesn't, mail your message to him at the above address. 


comp.sys.mac.apps	Discussion of Macintosh applications

If it's an application (and doesn't have another group in which it fits,
such as HyperCard in comp.sys.mac.hypercard, programming tools in
comp.sys.mac.programmer, and communications programs in
comp.sys.mac.comm), this is the place to talk about it. 


comp.sys.mac.comm	Discussion of Macintosh communications

This includes telecommunications and networking.


comp.sys.mac.digest	Apple Macintosh: info&uses, but no programs. (Moderated)

This newsgroup (which is actually a gatewayed mailing list) presents a
digest of postings covering all Macintosh topics.  It is also the source
of information for files available for FTP from sumex-aim.stanford.edu. 
(See the Q & A posting for information on FTP and alternatives for those
not on the Internet.)

The moderators' address (in case your news software won't mail your
postings for you) is info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.


comp.sys.mac.games	Discussion of Macintosh games

This one is pretty self-explanatory.


comp.sys.mac.hardware	Macintosh hardware issues & discussions.

This newsgroup is for discussing Macintosh hardware.  If you have a
question about your ImageWriter or want to know about upgrading the
memory in your Mac, this is the place. 


comp.sys.mac.hypercard	The Macintosh Hypercard: info & uses.

This one is pretty self-explanatory.  If you have a question or comment
about HyperCard, it belongs here.  By extension, discussions about
SuperCard and Plus (two HyperCard-like programs from other vendors) also
belong here. 


comp.sys.mac.programmer	Discussion by people programming the Apple Macintosh.

This group is for those involved in Macintosh programming.  (If your
Macintosh programming is in HyperTalk, then it belongs in
comp.sys.mac.hypercard.  Questions and discussions about writing XCMDs
and XFCNs for HyperCard should also go in comp.sys.mac.hypercard.)


comp.sys.mac.system	Discussion of Macintosh system software

This group is for anything that goes in your system folder (INITs,
CDEVs, DAs, etc.) in addition to Macintosh System software (System
6.0.x, System 7.0, Finder, Multifinder, etc.).


comp.sys.mac.wanted	For ``wanted'' postings

This is the place to post, ``I missed part x of ...'', ``I need a ...'',
or anything else that fits the ``wanted'' label.


comp.binaries.mac	Encoded Macintosh programs in binary. (Moderated)

Macintosh programs in BinHex form appear here.  For more information
about this newsgroup, see the companion Q & A posting. 

The moderator of this group is Roger Long.  If your news software
doesn't mail your message, you may send it to macintosh@felix.uucp.


comp.sources.mac	Software for the Apple Macintosh. (Moderated)

This group is for text listings of Macintosh source code.  It hardly
ever sees any traffic.  This is because people posting source code
usually post StuffIt archives of the actual source files (often along
with an executable version of the program for those without compilers). 
These would then go to comp.binaries.mac.  Generally the only things
you'll see here are UNIX sources of interest to Macintosh users.

The moderator of this group is Roger Long.  If your news software
doesn't mail your message, you may send it to macintosh@felix.uucp.


comp.protocols.appletalk	Applebus hardware & software.

Questions and discussions relating to AppleTalk (LocalTalk) and
Macintosh networking belong here.


comp.unix.aux		The version of UNIX for Apple Macintosh II computers.

If you want to talk about A/UX, this is the place.


Other Groups of Interest

There are other groups that, while not Macintosh-specific, may be of
interest.  For example:

comp.fonts		Typefonts -- design, conversion, use, etc.
comp.text		Text processing issues and methods.
comp.text.desktop	Technology & techniques of desktop publishing.

These groups would be a better place for desktop publishing discussions,
since they exist for just such a purpose.  

comp.lang.c		Discussion about C.
comp.lang.pascal	Discussion about Pascal.
(or .fortran, .c++, .smalltalk, ...  You get the idea.)

If you have questions or discussions about the language you're
programming in rather than a Macintosh-specific programming question,
the appropriate comp.lang.* group would be a better place to post.

comp.protocols.* groups might be of value of you're doing much
communicating between systems.

In short, check the list of active newsgroups (posted monthly to
news.announce.newusers, news.lists, and news.groups) for newsgroups that
might be of interest.  Some examples you might wish to explore include:

comp.graphics		Computer graphics, art, animation, image processing.
comp.graphics.digest	Graphics software, hardware, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.ivideodisc		Interactive videodiscs -- uses, potential, etc.
comp.lang.postscript	The PostScript Page Description Language.
comp.laser-printers	Laser printers, hardware & software. (Moderated)
comp.object		Object-oriented programming and languages.

comp.os.mach		The MACH OS from CMU & other places.
comp.os.minix		Discussion of Tanenbaum's MINIX system.
[These two represent UNIX-like systems available for the Macintosh.]

comp.unix		Discussion of UNIX* features and bugs. (Moderated)
comp.unix.questions	UNIX neophytes group.
comp.unix.wizards	Discussions, bug reports, and fixes on and for UNIX.
comp.windows.misc	Various issues about windowing systems.
comp.windows.x		Discussion about the X Window System.
comp.virus		Computer viruses & security. (Moderated)

Geoff Allen

geoff@pmafire.UUCP (Geoff Allen) (10/01/90)

[Last change: July 23 -- added mention of limiting Distrubution: on for
 sale items.]

[But the ``Note from me'' has changed, so even if you've seen this since
 the last change, at least read that far.]

This is a regular posting providing information about Usenet Macintosh
groups.  It is designed to help you find the best place to post your
Macintosh questions/discussions.  A companion posting answers some
frequently asked questions.

[Notes from me:

 I've sent a draft of the FAQ posting to those who volunteered ages ago
 to review it for me.  There are still some gaps in it, hopefully those
 will get filled during the review.

 Also, I've been posting this twice a month, based on the theory that
 not all sites believe in the Expires: header and most sites expire news
 rather quickly. The idea was to have it show up in the group fairly
 frequently, so that a copy would (hopefully) be around for folks to
 refer to.  I've gotten some mail indicating that some people are rather
 annoyed with seeing this every other week, especially since traffic
 in c.s.m.announce is so low.  So, would people rather see this monthly,
 with an Expires: header telling sites to keep it around longer than
 most news, or is the current scheme ok?  Whatever is finally decided
 will apply to the FAQ post also.  Send me your opinions, and I'll post a
 summary to c.s.m.misc.  Info about whether the Expires: header works at
 your site -- you can tell by looking for old stuff in
 news.announce.newusers -- would be helpful too.

  -- geoff]

Feel free to send comments, questions, etc. about this posting to

Before going to the group descriptions, let's look at some general

If You're New to Usenet

If you're new to Usenet, be sure to read news.announce.newusers and
news.newusers.questions.  You'll find lots of valuable information
there, along with some friendly folks who can help with the things we
all had to learn. 


You should have little need to crosspost within the Macintosh
newsgroups.  Try to find the group that most specifically fits your
topic and post to it only.  If you have a programming question, it
should be posted to comp.sys.mac.programmer.  Don't crosspost to
comp.sys.mac.misc ``just to be sure everyone sees it.''  There are folks
reading comp.sys.mac.misc who don't really care about programming the
Macintosh, and they shouldn't have to wade through programming
discussions.  That's why comp.sys.mac.programmer exists. 

This, of course, applies to the other groups as well.

For Sale Postings

For sale items should be posted to a .forsale group (e.g. misc.forsale,
ba.forsale, or, especially, the new misc.forsale.computers).  That's why
those groups exist.  Also, please limit the distribution of for sale
postings.  It probably isn't too practical for someone in New Zealand to
buy the Mac II you're selling in California!

Usenet Macintosh groups

There are several newsgroups for discussions related to the Macintosh. 
Here are group names, along with their ``official'' definitions taken
from the monthly ``List of Active Newsgroups'' posted in
news.announce.newusers, news.lists, and news.groups (except in the case
of the new groups, which have yet to appear on the ``official'' list --
their descriptions come from the call for votes and the newgroup
messages that created them).  Each of these is followed by a more
detailed explanation of the newsgroup. 


comp.sys.mac		Discussions about the Apple Macintosh & Lisa.

Don't post here.  This group is going away.  It is to be replaced by


comp.sys.mac.misc	Discussions about the Apple Macintosh & Lisa.

This is the main Macintosh newsgroup.  This is where general Macintosh
discussions (i.e., those without a specific group) should go.  Volume is
very high in this group, so please try to do your part by not posting
here if a more specific group exists. 


comp.sys.mac.announce	Announcements of interest to Macintosh users

The exact scope of what constitutes an ``announcement of interest to
Macintosh users'' has yet to be defined. 

The moderator is Chuq Von Rospach <chuq@apple.com>.  Your news software
should automatically mail anything posted to this group to him.  If it
doesn't, mail your message to him at the above address. 


comp.sys.mac.apps	Discussion of Macintosh applications

If it's an application (and doesn't have another group in which it fits,
such as HyperCard in comp.sys.mac.hypercard, programming tools in
comp.sys.mac.programmer, and communications programs in
comp.sys.mac.comm), this is the place to talk about it. 


comp.sys.mac.comm	Discussion of Macintosh communications

This includes telecommunications and networking.


comp.sys.mac.digest	Apple Macintosh: info&uses, but no programs. (Moderated)

This newsgroup (which is actually a gatewayed mailing list) presents a
digest of postings covering all Macintosh topics.  It is also the source
of information for files available for FTP from sumex-aim.stanford.edu. 
(See the Q & A posting for information on FTP and alternatives for those
not on the Internet.)

The moderators' address (in case your news software won't mail your
postings for you) is info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.


comp.sys.mac.games	Discussion of Macintosh games

This one is pretty self-explanatory.


comp.sys.mac.hardware	Macintosh hardware issues & discussions.

This newsgroup is for discussing Macintosh hardware.  If you have a
question about your ImageWriter or want to know about upgrading the
memory in your Mac, this is the place. 


comp.sys.mac.hypercard	The Macintosh Hypercard: info & uses.

This one is pretty self-explanatory.  If you have a question or comment
about HyperCard, it belongs here.  By extension, discussions about
SuperCard and Plus (two HyperCard-like programs from other vendors) also
belong here. 


comp.sys.mac.programmer	Discussion by people programming the Apple Macintosh.

This group is for those involved in Macintosh programming.  (If your
Macintosh programming is in HyperTalk, then it belongs in
comp.sys.mac.hypercard.  Questions and discussions about writing XCMDs
and XFCNs for HyperCard should also go in comp.sys.mac.hypercard.)


comp.sys.mac.system	Discussion of Macintosh system software

This group is for anything that goes in your system folder (INITs,
CDEVs, DAs, etc.) in addition to Macintosh System software (System
6.0.x, System 7.0, Finder, Multifinder, etc.).


comp.sys.mac.wanted	For ``wanted'' postings

This is the place to post, ``I missed part x of ...'', ``I need a ...'',
or anything else that fits the ``wanted'' label.


comp.binaries.mac	Encoded Macintosh programs in binary. (Moderated)

Macintosh programs in BinHex form appear here.  For more information
about this newsgroup, see the companion Q & A posting. 

The moderator of this group is Roger Long.  If your news software
doesn't mail your message, you may send it to macintosh@felix.uucp.


comp.sources.mac	Software for the Apple Macintosh. (Moderated)

This group is for text listings of Macintosh source code.  It hardly
ever sees any traffic.  This is because people posting source code
usually post StuffIt archives of the actual source files (often along
with an executable version of the program for those without compilers). 
These would then go to comp.binaries.mac.  Generally the only things
you'll see here are UNIX sources of interest to Macintosh users.

The moderator of this group is Roger Long.  If your news software
doesn't mail your message, you may send it to macintosh@felix.uucp.


comp.protocols.appletalk	Applebus hardware & software.

Questions and discussions relating to AppleTalk (LocalTalk) and
Macintosh networking belong here.


comp.unix.aux		The version of UNIX for Apple Macintosh II computers.

If you want to talk about A/UX, this is the place.


Other Groups of Interest

There are other groups that, while not Macintosh-specific, may be of
interest.  For example:

comp.fonts		Typefonts -- design, conversion, use, etc.
comp.text		Text processing issues and methods.
comp.text.desktop	Technology & techniques of desktop publishing.

These groups would be a better place for desktop publishing discussions,
since they exist for just such a purpose.  

comp.lang.c		Discussion about C.
comp.lang.pascal	Discussion about Pascal.
(or .fortran, .c++, .smalltalk, ...  You get the idea.)

If you have questions or discussions about the language you're
programming in rather than a Macintosh-specific programming question,
the appropriate comp.lang.* group would be a better place to post.

comp.protocols.* groups might be of value of you're doing much
communicating between systems.

In short, check the list of active newsgroups (posted monthly to
news.announce.newusers, news.lists, and news.groups) for newsgroups that
might be of interest.  Some examples you might wish to explore include:

comp.graphics		Computer graphics, art, animation, image processing.
comp.graphics.digest	Graphics software, hardware, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.ivideodisc		Interactive videodiscs -- uses, potential, etc.
comp.lang.postscript	The PostScript Page Description Language.
comp.laser-printers	Laser printers, hardware & software. (Moderated)
comp.object		Object-oriented programming and languages.

comp.os.mach		The MACH OS from CMU & other places.
comp.os.minix		Discussion of Tanenbaum's MINIX system.
[These two represent UNIX-like systems available for the Macintosh.]

comp.unix		Discussion of UNIX* features and bugs. (Moderated)
comp.unix.questions	UNIX neophytes group.
comp.unix.wizards	Discussions, bug reports, and fixes on and for UNIX.
comp.windows.misc	Various issues about windowing systems.
comp.windows.x		Discussion about the X Window System.
comp.virus		Computer viruses & security. (Moderated)

Geoff Allen

geoff@pmafire.UUCP (Geoff Allen) (10/02/90)

[Sorry about the last one.  I didn't get it updated before cron sent it
off in the wee hours of October 1. :^(  Changes this time include the
address for the new moderator of comp.sys.mac.announce, switching to the
'official' group descriptions instead of my made up ones for the new
groups, and a new description of comp.sys.mac.]

This is a regular posting providing information about Usenet Macintosh
groups.  It is designed to help you find the best place to post your
Macintosh questions/discussions.  A companion posting answers some
frequently asked questions.

[Notes from me:

 Look for the ``Frequently Asked Questions'' posting *very* soon now.  I
 hope within a week or two.

 I got little response to my request earlier for opinions on whether to
 continue posting semi-monthly or switch to monthly.  Of the opinions I
 got, the consensus was heavily in favor of monthly postings, so as soon
 as I get things arranged to include Expires: and Supersedes: headers,
 I'll be switching to a monthly post of this and the FAQ message.

  -- geoff]

Feel free to send comments, questions, etc. about this posting to

Before going to the group descriptions, let's look at some general

If You're New to Usenet

If you're new to Usenet, be sure to read news.announce.newusers and
news.newusers.questions.  You'll find lots of valuable information
there, along with some friendly folks who can help with the things we
all had to learn. 


You should have little need to crosspost within the Macintosh
newsgroups.  Try to find the group that most specifically fits your
topic and post to it.  If you have a programming question, it should be
posted to comp.sys.mac.programmer.  Don't crosspost to comp.sys.mac.misc
``just to be sure everyone sees it.''  There are folks reading
comp.sys.mac.misc who don't really care about programming the Macintosh,
and they shouldn't have to wade through programming discussions.  That's
why comp.sys.mac.programmer exists. 

This, of course, applies to the other groups as well.

For Sale Postings

For sale items should be posted to a .forsale group (e.g. misc.forsale,
ba.forsale, or, especially, the new misc.forsale.computers).  That's why
those groups exist.  Also, please limit the distribution of for sale
postings.  It probably isn't too practical for someone in New Zealand to
buy the Mac II you're selling in California!

Usenet Macintosh groups

There are several newsgroups for discussions related to the Macintosh. 
Here are group names, along with their ``official'' definitions taken
from the monthly ``List of Active Newsgroups'' posted in
news.announce.newusers, news.lists, and news.groups.  Each of these is
followed by a more detailed explanation of the newsgroup. 


comp.sys.mac		Discussions about the Apple Macintosh & Lisa.

Don't post here.  This group shouldn't even exist on your machine any
more.  It's history.


comp.sys.mac.misc	General discussions about the Apple Macintosh.

This is the main Macintosh newsgroup.  This is where general Macintosh
discussions (i.e., those without a specific group) should go.  Volume is
very high in this group, so please try to do your part by not posting
here if a more specific group exists. 


comp.sys.mac.announce	Important notices for Macintosh users. (Moderated)

The exact scope of what constitutes an ``important notice for Macintosh
users'' has yet to be fully defined. 

The moderator is Werner Uhrig.  Your news software should automatically
mail anything posted to this group to him.  If it doesn't, you can mail
your message to csma@rascal.ics.utexas.edu.


comp.sys.mac.apps	Discussion of Macintosh applications.

If it's an application (and doesn't have another group in which it fits,
such as HyperCard in comp.sys.mac.hypercard, programming tools in
comp.sys.mac.programmer, and communications programs in
comp.sys.mac.comm), this is the place to talk about it. 


comp.sys.mac.comm	Discussion of Macintosh communications.

This includes telecommunications and networking.


comp.sys.mac.digest	Apple Macintosh: info&uses, but no programs. (Moderated)

This newsgroup (which is actually a gatewayed mailing list) presents a
digest of postings covering all Macintosh topics.  It is also the source
of information for files available for FTP from sumex-aim.stanford.edu. 
(See the Q & A posting for information on FTP and alternatives for those
not on the Internet.)

The moderators' address (in case your news software won't mail your
postings for you) is info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.


comp.sys.mac.games	Discussions of games on the Macintosh.

This one is pretty self-explanatory.


comp.sys.mac.hardware	Macintosh hardware issues & discussions.

This newsgroup is for discussing Macintosh hardware.  If you have a
question about your ImageWriter or want to know about upgrading the
memory in your Mac, this is the place. 


comp.sys.mac.hypercard	The Macintosh Hypercard: info & uses.

This one is pretty self-explanatory.  If you have a question or comment
about HyperCard, it belongs here.  By extension, discussions about
SuperCard and Plus (two HyperCard-like programs from other vendors) also
belong here. 


comp.sys.mac.programmer	Discussion by people programming the Apple Macintosh.

This group is for those involved in Macintosh programming.  (If your
Macintosh programming is in HyperTalk, then it belongs in
comp.sys.mac.hypercard.  Questions and discussions about writing XCMDs
and XFCNs for HyperCard should also go in comp.sys.mac.hypercard.)


comp.sys.mac.system	Discussions of Macintosh system software.

This group is for anything that goes in your system folder (INITs,
CDEVs, DAs, etc.) in addition to Macintosh System software (System
6.0.x, System 7.0, Finder, Multifinder, etc.).


comp.sys.mac.wanted	Postings of "I want XYZ for my Mac."

This is the place to post, ``I missed part x of ... on comp.binaries.mac'', 
``I need a ...'', or anything else that fits the ``wanted'' label.


comp.binaries.mac	Encoded Macintosh programs in binary. (Moderated)

Macintosh programs in BinHex form appear here.  For more information
about this newsgroup, see the companion Q & A posting. 

The moderator of this group is Roger Long.  If your news software
doesn't mail your message, you may send it to macintosh@felix.uucp.


comp.sources.mac	Software for the Apple Macintosh. (Moderated)

This group is for text listings of Macintosh source code.  It hardly
ever sees any traffic.  This is because people posting source code
usually post StuffIt archives of the actual source files (often along
with an executable version of the program for those without compilers). 
These would then go to comp.binaries.mac.  Generally the only things
you'll see here are UNIX sources of interest to Macintosh users.

The moderator of this group is Roger Long.  If your news software
doesn't mail your message, you may send it to macintosh@felix.uucp.


comp.protocols.appletalk	Applebus hardware & software.

Questions and discussions relating to AppleTalk (LocalTalk) and
Macintosh networking belong here.


comp.unix.aux		The version of UNIX for Apple Macintosh II computers.

If you want to talk about A/UX, this is the place.


Other Groups of Interest

There are other groups that, while not Macintosh-specific, may be of
interest.  For example:

comp.fonts		Typefonts -- design, conversion, use, etc.
comp.text		Text processing issues and methods.
comp.text.desktop	Technology & techniques of desktop publishing.

These groups would be a better place for desktop publishing discussions,
since they exist for just such a purpose. 

comp.lang.c		Discussion about C.
comp.lang.pascal	Discussion about Pascal.
(or .fortran, .c++, .smalltalk, ...  You get the idea.)

If you have questions or discussions about the language you're
programming in rather than a Macintosh-specific programming question,
the appropriate comp.lang.* group would be a better place to post.

comp.protocols.* groups might be of value of you're doing much
communicating between systems.

In short, check the list of active newsgroups (posted monthly to
news.announce.newusers, news.lists, and news.groups) for newsgroups that
might be of interest.  Some examples you might wish to explore include:

comp.graphics		Computer graphics, art, animation, image processing.
comp.graphics.digest	Graphics software, hardware, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.ivideodisc		Interactive videodiscs -- uses, potential, etc.
comp.lang.postscript	The PostScript Page Description Language.
comp.laser-printers	Laser printers, hardware & software. (Moderated)
comp.object		Object-oriented programming and languages.

comp.os.mach		The MACH OS from CMU & other places.
comp.os.minix		Discussion of Tanenbaum's MINIX system.
[These two represent UNIX-like systems available for the Macintosh.]

comp.unix.* groups

Here's where you can participate in general discussions of UNIX, whether
to learn more about the workings of A/UX, or to learn more about the
operating system most of us use when we read news.  Especially check out
comp.unix.questions if you're new to UNIX. 

comp.windows.misc	Various issues about windowing systems.
comp.windows.x		Discussion about the X Window System.
comp.virus		Computer viruses & security. (Moderated)

Geoff Allen

geoff@pmafire.inel.gov (Geoff Allen) (12/01/90)

[Made some minor editorial changes Nov. 1, 1990.  Last real change in
content was Oct. 1, 1990.]

This is a regular posting providing information about Usenet Macintosh
groups.  It is designed to help you find the best place to post your
Macintosh questions/discussions.  A companion posting answers some
frequently asked questions.

Feel free to send comments, questions, etc. about this posting to

Before going to the group descriptions, let's look at some general

If You're New to Usenet

If you're new to Usenet, be sure to read news.announce.newusers and
news.newusers.questions.  You'll find lots of valuable information
there, along with some friendly folks who can help with the things we
all had to learn. 


You should have little need to crosspost within the Macintosh
newsgroups.  Try to find the group that most specifically fits your
topic and post to it only.  If you have a programming question, post it
to comp.sys.mac.programmer.  Don't crosspost to comp.sys.mac.misc ``just
to be sure everyone sees it.'' There are folks reading comp.sys.mac.misc
who don't really care about programming the Macintosh, and they
shouldn't have to wade through programming discussions.  That's why
comp.sys.mac.programmer exists. 

This, of course, applies to the other groups as well.

For Sale Postings

For sale items should be posted to a .forsale group (e.g.  misc.forsale,
ba.forsale, or, especially, misc.forsale.computers).  That's why those
groups exist.  Also, please limit the distribution of for sale postings. 
It probably isn't too practical for someone in New Zealand to buy the
Mac II you're selling in California!

Usenet Macintosh groups

There are several newsgroups for discussions related to the Macintosh. 
Here are group names, along with their ``official'' definitions taken
from the monthly ``List of Active Newsgroups'' posted in
news.announce.newusers, news.lists, and news.groups.  Each of these is
followed by a more detailed explanation of the newsgroup. 


comp.sys.mac		Discussions about the Apple Macintosh & Lisa.

Don't post here.  This group shouldn't even exist on your machine any
more.  It's history.


comp.sys.mac.misc	General discussions about the Apple Macintosh.

This is the main Macintosh newsgroup.  This is where general Macintosh
discussions (i.e., those without a specific group) should go.  Volume is
very high in this group, so please try to do your part by not posting
here if a more specific group exists. 


comp.sys.mac.announce	Important notices for Macintosh users. (Moderated)

The exact scope of what constitutes an ``important notice for Macintosh
users'' has yet to be fully defined. 

The moderator is Werner Uhrig.  Your news software should automatically
mail anything posted to this group to him.  If it doesn't, you can mail
your message to csma@rascal.ics.utexas.edu.


comp.sys.mac.apps	Discussion of Macintosh applications.

If it's an application (and doesn't have another group in which it fits,
such as HyperCard in comp.sys.mac.hypercard, programming tools in
comp.sys.mac.programmer, and communications programs in
comp.sys.mac.comm), this is the place to talk about it. 


comp.sys.mac.comm	Discussion of Macintosh communications.

This includes telecommunications and networking.


comp.sys.mac.digest	Apple Macintosh: info&uses, but no programs. (Moderated)

This newsgroup (which is actually a gatewayed mailing list) presents a
digest of postings covering all Macintosh topics.  It is also the source
of information for files available for FTP from sumex-aim.stanford.edu. 
(See the Frequently Asked Questions posting for information on FTP and
alternatives for those not on the Internet.)

The moderators' address (in case your news software won't mail your
postings for you) is info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.


comp.sys.mac.games	Discussions of games on the Macintosh.

This one is pretty self-explanatory.


comp.sys.mac.hardware	Macintosh hardware issues & discussions.

This newsgroup is for discussing Macintosh hardware.  If you have a
question about your ImageWriter or want to know about upgrading the
memory in your Mac, this is the place. 


comp.sys.mac.hypercard	The Macintosh Hypercard: info & uses.

This one is pretty self-explanatory.  If you have a question or comment
about HyperCard, it belongs here.  By extension, discussions about
SuperCard and Plus (two HyperCard-like programs from other vendors) also
belong here. 


comp.sys.mac.programmer	Discussion by people programming the Apple Macintosh.

This group is for those involved in Macintosh programming.  (If your
Macintosh programming is in HyperTalk, then you should post to
comp.sys.mac.hypercard.  Questions and discussions specifically related
to writing XCMDs and XFCNs for HyperCard should also go in


comp.sys.mac.system	Discussions of Macintosh system software.

This group is for anything that goes in your system folder (INITs,
CDEVs, DAs, etc.) in addition to Macintosh System software (System
6.0.x, System 7.0, Finder, Multifinder, etc.).


comp.sys.mac.wanted	Postings of "I want XYZ for my Mac."

This is the place to post, ``I missed part x of ... on comp.binaries.mac'', 
``I need a ...'', or anything else that fits the ``wanted'' label.


comp.binaries.mac	Encoded Macintosh programs in binary. (Moderated)

Macintosh programs in BinHex form appear here.  For more information
about this newsgroup, see the Frequently Asked Questions posting. 

The moderator of this group is Roger Long.  If your news software
doesn't mail your message, you may send it to macintosh@felix.uucp.


comp.sources.mac	Software for the Apple Macintosh. (Moderated)

This group is for text listings of Macintosh source code.  It hardly
ever sees any traffic.  This is because people posting source code
usually post StuffIt archives of the actual source files (often along
with an executable version of the program for those without compilers). 
These would then go to comp.binaries.mac.  Generally the only things
you'll see here are UNIX sources of interest to Macintosh users.

The moderator of this group is Roger Long.  If your news software
doesn't mail your message, you may send it to macintosh@felix.uucp.


comp.protocols.appletalk	Applebus hardware & software.

Questions and discussions relating to AppleTalk (LocalTalk) and
Macintosh networking belong here.


comp.unix.aux		The version of UNIX for Apple Macintosh II computers.

If you want to talk about A/UX, this is the place.


Other Groups of Interest

There are other groups that, while not Macintosh-specific, may be of
interest.  For example:

comp.fonts		Typefonts -- design, conversion, use, etc.
comp.text		Text processing issues and methods.
comp.text.desktop	Technology & techniques of desktop publishing.

These groups would be a better place for desktop publishing discussions,
since they exist for just such a purpose. 

comp.lang.c		Discussion about C.
comp.lang.pascal	Discussion about Pascal.
(or .fortran, .c++, .smalltalk, ...  You get the idea.)

If you have questions or discussions about the language you're
programming in rather than a Macintosh-specific programming question,
the appropriate comp.lang.* group would be a better place to post.

comp.protocols.* groups might be of value of you're doing much
communicating between systems.

In short, check the list of active newsgroups (posted monthly to
news.announce.newusers, news.lists, and news.groups) for newsgroups that
might be of interest.  Some other examples you might wish to explore

comp.graphics		Computer graphics, art, animation, image processing.
comp.graphics.digest	Graphics software, hardware, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.ivideodisc		Interactive videodiscs -- uses, potential, etc.
comp.lang.postscript	The PostScript Page Description Language.
comp.laser-printers	Laser printers, hardware & software. (Moderated)
comp.object		Object-oriented programming and languages.

comp.os.mach		The MACH OS from CMU & other places.
comp.os.minix		Discussion of Tanenbaum's MINIX system.
[These two represent UNIX-like systems available for the Macintosh.]

comp.unix.* groups

To learn more about the workings of A/UX, or to learn more about the
operating system most of us use when we read news.  Especially check out
comp.unix.questions if you're new to UNIX.

comp.windows.misc	Various issues about windowing systems.
comp.windows.x		Discussion about the X Window System.
comp.virus		Computer viruses & security. (Moderated)

Geoff Allen