rickf@Apple.COM (Rick Fleischman) (04/16/91)
MOVED OVER PR NEWSWIRE AT 9:00 AM, PDT, MONDAY, APRIL 15, 1991. Contact: Jackie Promes Apple Computer, Inc (408) 974-3609 Apple Makes Macintosh Programming Easier For New Developers "Developer Resource Kit" and "Getting Started" Bundles Provide Low Cost, Self-Help Tools for Apple Developers CUPERTINO, California--April 15, 1991--Apple Computer, Inc.'s Developer Group today announced the availability of the "Developer Resource Kit" and "Getting Started" bundles, cost-effective packages of self-help development support tools for people new to Macintosh computer programming. Also announced today was the availability of AppleLink, Apple's online information and communication network, to any Apple development customer. These new self-support products are made available from Apple through APDA (Apple Programmers and Developers Association). "These new tool bundles are a complete collection of Macintosh technical resources for both new and existing Macintosh developers," said Kirk Loevner, director of the Apple Developer Group. "These bundles demonstrate Apple's continued commitment to assisting developers in their initial and ongoing programming efforts." "Developer Resource Kit" The Developer Resource Kit provides a complete bundle of the most valuable self-support tools from Apple's library of development resources. Developers new to Apple programming, or any developer desiring up-to-date Apple development information and a connection to the Apple community, will find the resources they need to help keep them referenced and informed. The Developer Resource Kit includes such items as AppleLink, subscriptions to develop, Apple's quarterly technical journal, and APDAlog, a quarterly product catalog, as well as coupons for free offers or discounts on future development product purchases. The individual resource tools contained in this kit provide developers a convenient and cost-effective bundle. "Getting Started" in Macintosh Programming For a limited time, C and Pascal programmers getting started in Macintosh computer programming can purchase specially priced third- party language and documentation bundles. For the C programmer, Apple offers Getting Started in Macintosh C Programming, a package containing THINK C v. 4.0, as well as four volumes of technical documentation. For the Pascal programmer, Apple has developed Getting Started in Macintosh Pascal Programming, which includes THINK Pascal v. 3.0, Just Enough Pascal and three volumes of technical documentation. THINK C and THINK Pascal from Symantec Corporation have been the popular choice for thousands of development customers getting started in Macintosh programming. Both Getting Started bundles are available through August 1, 1991. AppleLink For the first time, Apple developers and programmers can now subscribe to AppleLink through APDA. AppleLink provides a direct connection to the Apple community and access to technical and marketing information. Special bulletin boards offer access to development information and the opportunity to exchange ideas with other developers. AppleLink is currently available to U.S. developers only as a stand-alone product, or as part of the Developer Resource Kit. Availability and Distribution The Developer Resource Kit, the Getting Started bundles, and AppleLink are all available immediately from Apple through APDA. In the U.S., interested developers should call (800) 282-2732. In Canada, call (800) 637-0029. International developers, call (408) 562-3910. Contents and Pricing Developer Resource Kit: - AppleLink - Annual subscription to develop, Apple's quarterly technical journal and CD - Annual subscription to APDAlog, Apple's development products catalog - Developer University course catalog - Macintosh Directory of Development Services - Developer Resource Guide - Coupons for free offers or discounts on future development product purchases with AppleLink (U.S.) $125 Part#R0014LL/A without AppleLink (U.S.) $ 90 Part #R0015LL/A without AppleLink (Outside U.S.) $110 Part #R0015ZP/A Getting Started Bundles Macintosh C Programming $250 Part #B0473LL/A - THINK C v.4.0 (Symantec Corporation) - Macintosh C Programming Primer; Volumes 1-2, by Dave Mark and Cartwright Reed (Addison-Wesley Publishing Company) - Human Interface Guidelines, by Apple Computer, Inc. (Addison- Wesley) - Macintosh Programming Secrets, by Scott Knaster (Addison-Wesley) Macintosh Pascal Programming $275 Part #B0472LL/A - THINK Pascal v. 3.0 (Symantec) - Just Enough Pascal (Symantec) - Macintosh Pascal Programming Primer; Volume 1, by Dave Mark and Cartwright Reed (Addison-Wesley) - Human Interface Guidelines, by Apple Computer, Inc. (Addison- Wesley) - Macintosh Programming Secrets, by Scott Knaster (Addison-Wesley) AppleLink $ 70 Part #R0049LL/A - AppleLink software kit NOTE: AppleLink connect charges are billed separately based on usage. -30- Apple, the Apple logo, Macintosh, AppleLink and APDAlog are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. APDA and Develop are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. THINK is a trademark of Symantec Corporation. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Rick Fleischman Developer Programs/APDA Apple Computer, Inc. e-mail: rickf@apple.com AppleLink: FLEISCHMAN@applelink.apple.com