[alt.security] Need material for Macintosh access control article - SOON!

kovar@biostat.harvard.edu (David C. Kovar) (04/13/91)

  Good afternoon,

  I find myself in something of a crunch situation. I have about four
days to write a 3000 word article on access control for the Macintosh.
I can certainly do it from my perspective, and the perspective of
my company, but it would be nice to get a broader picture.

  If you are using a security system for the Mac, are thinking about
getting one, are developing one, or just have opinions on security and
the Macintosh, I would *really* like to hear from you. Some things I
would like to know are:

  What do you feel about computer security in general? 

  The Mac is supposed to be a "open" machine, is securing it going 
    against the grain?

  What do you want out of a security system?

  What features would you like to see?

  What does security mean to you?

  What does access control mean to you?

  If you are presently using a security system:
	a) What are you using?
	b) Why did you pick it?
	c) What features does it have that you like?
	d) That you dislike?
	e) What other features would you like?

  How secure should your Mac be?

  What are you securing your Mac against?

  Would you like your Macintosh security system to tie into some other
    system? If so, what?

  Do you know what "three factor authentication" means?

  How much interference from your security system are you willing to
    put up with? (How often do you want to type a password in, will you
    carry around an ID card, will you change your password when the system
    asks you to do so, etc...)

  Any other thoughts on the subject are also most welcome.

  Also, if you have a "Case history" that you would like to share that
concerns Macintosh access control, please feel free to send it along.
If it looks interesting, I'll call you back and discuss it, and hopefully
use it.

  I'm not going to have time to reply to many people on this one 'til
after next week, so please don't be insulted if you send something along
and don't hear back from me for awhile. I *will* reply, it's just
going to take some time.

-David C. Kovar
	Consultant				ARPA: kovar@eclectic.com
	Eclectic Associates			AppleLink: ECLECTIC
	Ma Bell: 617-643-3373			MacNET: DKovar
         "It is easier to get forgiveness than permission."

-David C. Kovar
	Consultant				ARPA: kovar@biostat.harvard.edu
	Eclectic Associates			BITNET: corwin@harvarda.bitnet
	Ma Bell: 617-643-3373			MacNET: DKovar

         "It is easier to get forgiveness than permission."