df@sei.cmu.edu (Dan Farmer) (06/22/91)
(The source code, in three parts, was posted to alt.sources, along with this intro:) Hello! Here is the beta release of perl cops. Not too many incredibly major changes from the alpha version, but for the next (real :-)) release I should have a uucp checking module ready, and both perl and shell versions will be up to 1.03. This should happen Real Soon Now! (Drum roll please...) The real big thing that needs to be updated is the documentation. Sigh. For those not in the know, cops is a collection of security modules that hunts around your system and tells you what problems it finds. The shell version probably finds a root-serious hole 75%+ of the time, if you've never run it before. I'm not so sure about the perl version -- porting a project to perl, even only of this size (only about 5K lines of code, I think) has brought some interesting questions about the portability of anything but bourne shell. Sigh. Anyway, if it works, it should be faster, smarter, and generally just neater than the shell version. In particular, I've had trouble with my DECstation (ultrix really bites); your mileage may vary. I'd like to hear about any troubles or suggestions you may have with it, in any case, so that the final version will be as trouble free as possible. Tom Christiansen (tchrist@convex.com) is the co-author of the perl version; I'd also like to thank Steve Romig (Mr. Kuang Jr.), Jeff Kellem, Mitch Wright, Tim Tessin, Matthew Farwell, Martin Foord, David Lawrence, Vik Lall, Brian Utterback, Terry McGonigal, and Chris (ckd@cs.bu.edu), who all helped out in this project. Enjoy! -- dan p.s. You can get this and the shell cops beta release for 1.03 via anon-ftp, at cert.sei.cmu.edu, in ~pub/cops/1.03.beta, in either the shell or perl subdirectory. Here's some more comprehensive info, stolen from my last release: ==================================================================== Welcome! This is a quick intro to COPS (Computer Oracle and Password System.) COPS is a collection of security tools that are designed specifically to aid the typical UNIX systems administrator, programmer, operator, or consultant in the oft neglected area of computer security. 1) Specifics ------------- COPS is a collection of about a dozen (actually, a few more, but a dozen is such a good sounding number) programs that each attempt to tackle a different problem area of UNIX security. Here is what it currently checks: o file, directory, and device permissions/modes. o poor passwords. o content, format, and security of password and group files. o the programs and files run in /etc/rc* cron(tab) files. o finds SUID files, and checks for their writability and if they are shell scripts. o runs a crc check against important binaries or key files, and reports any changes therein. o writability of users home directories and startup files (.profile, .cshrc, etc.), as well as the readability of .netrc and .rhosts files. o anonymous ftp setup. o unrestricted tftp, decode alias in sendmail, SUID uudecode problems. o miscellaneous root checks -- current directory in the search path, a "+" in /etc/host.equiv, unrestricted NFS mounts, ensures root is in /etc/ftpusers, etc. o includes the Kuang expert system, that takes a set of rules and tries to determine if your system can be compromised (for a more complete list of all of the checks, look at the kuang documentation.) All of the programs merely warn the user of a potential problem -- COPS DOES NOT ATTEMPT TO CORRECT OR EXPLOIT ANY OF THE POTENTIAL PROBLEMS IT FINDS! COPS either mails or creates a file (user selectable) of any of the problems it finds while running on your system. And because COPS does not correct potential hazards it finds, it does _not_ have to be run by a privileged account (i.e. root or whomever.) The only security check that should be run by root to get maximum results is the SUID checker; although it can be run as an unprivileged user, to find all the SUID files in a system, it should be run as root. In addition, COPS cannot used to probe a host remotely; all the tests and checks made require a shell that is on the site being tested. 2) What COPS is _not_ ---------------------- COPS merely provides a method of checking for common procedural errors. It is not meant to be used as a replacement for common sense or user/ operator/administrative alertness! Think of it as an aid, a first line of defense -- not as an impenetrable shield against security woes. An experienced wrong-doer could easily circumnavigate _any_ protection that COPS can give. However, COPS _can_ aid a system in protecting its users from (their own?) ignorance, carelessness, and the occasional malcontent user. Once again, COPS does not correct any errors found. There are several reasons for this; first and foremost, computer security is a slippery beast. What is a major breach in security at one site may be a standard policy of openness at another site. Additionally, in order to correct all problems it finds, it would have to be run as a privileged user; and I'm not going to go into the myriad problems of running SUID shell scripts (See the bibliography at the end of the technical report for pointer to a good paper on this subject by Matt Bishop.) At this time, COPS does not attempt to detect bugs or features (such as infamous ftpd, fingerd, etc) that may cause security problems. Although this may change in future versions, the current line of reasoning to avoid general publication of programs such as these is that all the problems that COPS detects can be repaired on any system it runs on. However, many bugs can be readily repaired only be having source code (and possibly a good vendor to repair it), and many sites would have serious troubles if they suddenly discovered unrepairable problems that could compromise their livelihood. Summary -------- COPS is meant to be a tool to aid in the tightening of security, not as a weapon to be used by an enemy to find security flaws in a system. It may be argued that allowing anyone to have access to such a tool may be dangerous. But hopefully the overall benefit for systems that use this package will outweigh any negative impact. To me it is akin to a law enforcement problem -- that although telling the public how to break into a house may foster a slight rise in break-in attempts, the overall rise in public awareness on how to defend themselves would actually result in a drop in break-ins. The crackers with black hats already know how to crush system defenses and have similar tools, I'm sure. It's time we fought back. COPS is not the final answer to anyone's security woes. You can use the system as long as you realize that COPS has no warranty, implied or otherwise, and that any problems that you may have with it are not my or any of the other authors' fault. I will certainly attempt to help you solve them, if I am able. If you have ideas for additional programs, or a better implementation of any of the programs here, I would be very interested in seeing them. So good luck, and I hope you find COPS useful as we plunge into UNIX of the 1990's. dan df@cert.sei.cmu.edu May 17, 1991