[comp.robotics] Help With Grad School

panaro@zodiac.rutgers.edu (08/09/90)

  I am posting this for a friend and I thought that this would be as good a
   place as any.

I am a senior at Rutgers University - The State University of New Jersey.  I
am interested in a graduate school that has a good robotics program that I
will be able to get into.

I have a GPA of 3.4/4.0 and majors in Electrical Engineering (Computer
Engineering Option) and Computer Science.  My major GPA'a are 3.6 and 3.8

I would prefer to stay on the east coast (maybe I would be willing to venture
out as far as Chicago).

Any advice would be helpful.

Thanks in advance.    Joe P.

post help or send Email to Panaro@Zodiac.Rutgers.Edu

						-Paul Panaro
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