[comp.robotics] CHIMERA II Contact

cjpaul@bahamas.ece.cmu.edu (Chakkalamattam J. Paul) (05/21/91)

CHIMERA II is a real-time operating system targeted towards robotics
applications.  CHIMERA II is being used at Carnegie Mellon University
and elsewhere, on a variety of sensor-based control systems including
the CMU Direct Drive Arm II and the CMU Reconfigurable Modular Manipulator

CHIMERA II is free and is available under license from Carnegie Mellon

For details about CHIMERA II, and for any additional information, you
can contact the developer, Dave Stewart, at:


David Stewart
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

smith@sndpit.enet.dec.com (Willie Smith) (05/21/91)

In article <1991May21.011059.23931@fs7.ece.cmu.edu>, cjpaul@bahamas.ece.cmu.edu (Chakkalamattam J. Paul) writes...
>CHIMERA II is a real-time operating system targeted towards robotics
>CHIMERA II is free and is available under license from Carnegie Mellon
>For details about CHIMERA II, and for any additional information, you
>David Stewart
>Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
>Carnegie Mellon University
>Pittsburgh, PA 15213

So, Dave, tell us about CHIMERA II!  What platforms does it run on, how 
much memory does it need, and what does it do?

Willie Smith