[comp.robotics] Wanted: information on the RRC 7 dof arm

sharkey@robots.ox.ac.uk (Paul Sharkey) (06/21/91)

I'm looking for any info available on the RRC (Robotics Research
Corporation ??) 7 degree of freedom arm. I think this is made in Nth

Any info will be gratefully received and summary posted if required


Paul M Sharkey                      Phone:  +44 (0)865 273 150
Robotics Research Group             Fax:    +44 (0)865 273 908
Dept Engineering Science            
Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PJ          Email:  sharkey@uk.ac.ox.robots

abg@mars.ornl.gov (Alex L. Bangs) (06/29/91)

Robotics Research Corportation
5400 DuPont Circle, TechneCenter
Milford, OH 45150 USA
(513) 831-9570
FAX: (513) 831-9604

Alex L. Bangs ---> bangsal@ornl.gov         Of course, my opinions are
Oak Ridge National Laboratory/CESAR            my own darned business...
Autonomous Robotic Systems Group