[comp.sys.mac.comm] Enough tar/untar, already


It just goes to show how many people read these boards, I guess,
but enough advice about obtaining Mactar and MacCompress.  As was
pointed out to me, both are available by anonymous ftp from sumex
in the util directory; I got both, tested them, and both work
flawlessly.  Thanks for the help, but please stop!  My clogged
mailer is earning me dirty looks from the sysop.... :-)
Josh Hayes, Zoology Department, Miami University, Oxford OH 45056
voice: 513-529-1679      fax: 513-529-6900
         miamiu.bitnet (good)                | The moon just ate
        /                                    | a great big pink
jahayes@-miamiu.acs.muohio.edu (also good)   | kumquat.
        c                                    |
         miavx1.acs.muohio.edu (not so good) |