[comp.sys.mac.comm] Zterm doesn't do scripts?

kr1@bushido (kahlil rowter) (06/13/90)

 Does anyone know if ZTerm 0.85 does any scripting?

 Email OK. Thanks.

 kr1@bushido.ann arbor.mi.us
 kr1@m-net.ann arbor.mi.us

dankg@volcano.Berkeley.EDU (Dan KoGai) (06/16/90)

In article <1990Jun12.234642.5126@bushido.uucp> kr1@bushido (kahlil rowter) writes:

> Does anyone know if ZTerm 0.85 does any scripting?

	Simple answer: No.  It has keyboard Macro but this is not script
since it has now flow control whatsoever.  Scripting is one of the biggest
author's wishlist but it'll take time and scripting is not that necessary
for me--I have MicroPhone and its scripting is very powerful but it's
awfully slow.
	Despite lack of scripting, Zterm is the best telecom appl for Macintosh
I know so far.  If you don't have one, get it now!

____  __  __    + Dan The "Posting via Zterm" Man
    ||__||__|   + E-mail:       dankg@ocf.berkeley.edu
____| ______    + Voice:        +1 415-549-6111
|     |__|__|   + USnail:       1730 Laloma Berkeley, CA 94709 U.S.A
|___  |__|__|   +
    |____|____  + "Unix is not insecure. It's people who are"
  \_|    |      + "Unix doesn't have pain.  It's people who do"