jbritt@shumv1.ncsu.edu (Joe Britt) (07/17/90)
Ok, guys...I hope someone can help me out...
I'm trying to find *any* info on low-level communicating with the
LaserWriter (thru an AppleTalk net). Just to let you know, I've already
checked out "Inside AppleTalk"--not too much help for what I'm trying to
do. I also wasted $20 on the "Asynchronous LaserWriter Driver
Developer's Kit" from APDA :-< (that thing is basically just a 'driver
compiler'--using what's called Asyncrhonous Connection Lanuage). Again,
not too helpful.
What I want is some documentation from *ANYWHERE* that provides any info
on the down-n-dirty of low-level LW communications.
Well, I sure hope _somebody_ is in-the-know...
Please ignore the origination of this posting (as I am borrowing a
friends account, cuz I can't get news :-b); and send all your (hopefully
massive) correspondance to me at
Thanks for your time & effort...C. Maverick Petersen
| jbritt@shumv1.ncsu.edu || Give me a free Mac II. Please? |
oster@well.sf.ca.us (David Phillip Oster) (07/20/90)
A while back, MacTutor had an article on PAP, the appletalk printer access prototcol. The article described how to copy the driver code resources out of the Laserwrite file, and how to inreface to them once you'd done that. With PAP, you should be able to lookup "=:LaserWriter:*" to get a connection to your local laserwriter, and go to town. -- -- David Phillip Oster - Note new address. Old one has gone Bye Bye. -- oster@well.sf.ca.us = {backbone}!well!oster