[comp.sys.mac.comm] MacPortable Trackball

rbrink@hubcap.clemson.edu (Rick Brink) (10/01/90)

I have 2 portables in my collection to manage.  The users of both wanted
the number keypads so I got and installed them.  Now I have 2 trackballs
siting here in a box.  Anybody have any idea how I can rig up an adb    
connection and use this on my regular macs?  I like the trackball for
most simple desktop manuvers.  My mouse cord is always tangled up with 
the cables from the other 3 terminals on my desk....



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ngg@bridge2.ESD.3Com.COM (Norman Goodger) (10/02/90)

 This is a test. please ignore...sorry
Norm Goodger				SysOp - MacInfo BBS @415-795-8862
3Com Corp.				Co-SysOp FreeSoft RT - GEnie.
Enterprise Systems Division             (I disclaim anything and everything)
UUCP: {3comvax,auspex,sun}!bridge2!ngg  Internet: ngg@bridge2.ESD.3Com.COM