vthrc@uqvax.cc.uq.oz.au (Danny Thomas) (10/04/90)
I have been looking for Mac (and PC) software to install on our LocalTalk network for internet mail. Our link to the world is an IP-only gateway [PCRoute] to the university network. I'm including a list of the non- commercial mail software I am currently aware of along with some discussion of features I would like. Comments, additions and corrections are welcome for summary and reposting. The situation here is roughly a dozen macs, three PCs and a low volume of email - though this may change when a system is installed and convenient to use. Most macs only have 1M and there are quite a few floppy Mac+s. Purely local mail is not considered important, but it may have its uses. Normally straight text will be sufficient (I trust any reasonable client will map non-ASCII mac characters appropriately), but it shouldn't be too difficult to enclose binary files. It would be nice to have a centralised address directory to make additions and changes easier to distribute, but we could use a simple text file accessible over our network, with people copying and pasting addresses from it into their own directory. We are using a PC running Vance Morrison's PCROUTE 2.1 as the gateway between our LocalTalk network, and the university's ethernet world. While it *only* handles IP traffic (no AppleTalk encapsulation) it is sufficient for our immediate needs, and I've just got it to work with two LocalTalk interfaces - half a MultiGate, but at a much lower cost. To put things in perspective, in Australia a FastPath sells for around $5000 and a MultiGate for $6000. We had an XT and TOPS FlashCard sitting around, so the gateway only required the purchase of a PC ethernet card. I haven't yet checked to see whether it is acting as a bridge between the LocalTalk nets, but that isn't important as the second port is a connection for a completely distinct research unit. We may also add another ethernet interface, so we'd have one ethernet line to the campus network, bridging to 2 separate LocalTalk nets along with a local ethernet net. PS are there any PD drivers for PC FlashCard/AppleTalk cards? Designing such a card is simple enough and it would be a lot cheaper to make them than the A$350- A$450 they retail for in Australia. To put things in context: the reason for having a mail server is because your own computer is a personal machine - it isn't always available to accept forwarded mail, e.g. switched off or crashed, or it might not have the resources (disk space/background activity) to adequately handle mail. It might even lack the network connection to do so directly. The POP protocols were developed to support a sufficiently available and "powerful" server handling mail for a network of personal computers, which can connect when the user wants to check/read/post mail. Some of POP3 was specifically designed so that only one copy of mail to/from newsgroup distributions was passed around and stored, but that isnUt important in my situation (yet), so POP2 would suffice, but it seems that there are many more POP3 clients. Perhaps POP3 is more widely installed on campus computer centres as it is here, whereas neither Mac server I have supports it. I would also prefer to run the server locally, for reasons including it won't cost us anything to run (except disk space), cf running on a host from the computer centre, when it would also be particularly tricky to allocate funds to the accounts that will need them, without tying up money needlessly in dormant ones, and to manage this funding allocation on a continuous basis it is easy to add users, etc., since administration would be local Of course, there can be problems with a local mail server, or at least one not dedicated to serving, in losing too much responsiveness and being susceptible to crashes precipitated by the foreground application(s). At present I have MailStop/POPMail installed. Although it hasn't been seriously used, I haven't had any problems with the MailStop server but POPMail is the only client I've got that will work with it. I really would prefer a client application rather than a HyperCard stack, particularly for the floppy-based Macs. I also find the limitations of HyperCard 1.x annoying. I would also be interested to hear whether it is worthwhile to consider commercial packages, e.g. QuickMail. Our local dealer got in contact with the Australian QM reps who had not had any(?) other inquiries about interfacing QM to VMS/Unix/SMTP mail. Some mail packages are relatively cheap, but what about the gateway I'd need? Do these packages offer much more? (going through internet mail places its own limitations in adding functionality, I believe). BeaverGate claims to act as an SMTP/QuickMail gateway, and may work with TOPS InBox as well. DESIRABLE CLIENT FEATURES (other than obvious) One feature I particularly want for the clients is an automatic check for new mail. A lot of the people here will get little if any mail to start with, and are simply not going to find it rewarding to check an empty mailbox every day; tardy replies aren't going to encourage active correspondence either. The check could run under MultiFinder as part of the client (as in Eudora) or as a stand-alone application (as in MailStop's NAG), but I would prefer an INIT that would occupy even less memory and wouldn't require the application nor MultiFinder to be running. Ideally the server would try to notify the listening INIT only when mail arrives, and since it could be based on AppleTalk wouldn't require MacTCP to be present. Since neither mail nor even subject would have to be transmitted, the INIT would not require knowledge of the user(s) mail passwords. Another advantage of using a specific listener rather than regular queries, is a reduction in network traffic to the server that could otherwise weaken its responsiveness. Neither of those automatic mail checks allows multiple mailboxes to be queried, as would be required for the several shared macs we have. I don't think it would be necessary to look at a mailbox more than once an hour, particularly since the mail system is not intended for local use. DESIRABLE SERVER FEATURES One limitation of MailStop is apparent lack of support for aliases. The email address I want to deploy is user@vthrc.uq.oz.au, where vthrc is a sub-domain on campus (we may well have a few Suns soon, so it can't just be a host name). This seems to work OK, but it would be nice for the SMTP component to be told to treat pop_server.vthrc.uq.oz.au as equivalent, where pop_server is the name of the Mac running MailStop. This allows for people (or software) incorrectly interpreting the SMTP header in mail from us and sending to pop_server. I don't want to have the host as part of the address, to allow for changes since the situation will be fluid for quite a while. It should be possible for users and/or postmaster to redirect mail, e.g. while person is away I'd prefer mail to unrecognized users to be accepted from the forwarding SMTP host so I could deal with it, and if not handled promptly (say a day) would like the server to automatically return it to the sender with an error like "user not known in this domain", as would normally have happened. Here I'm thinking of handling the situation of either an accidental misspelling, or mail from people unfamiliar with the address but making a stab at it. I would also like to be able to select at least two levels of logging detail from recording every transaction for those problem times, e.g. during installation when things don't seem to work, to simply listing the status of each mailbox. I would like to use that status check regularly to see whether any mail is sitting unread. One approach with a POP server is to add more commands, but then you not only have a non-standard server, but also need a special client to use them [or use telnet]. To find out which accounts have uncollected mail you could query each account in turn, but then the postmaster has to have all the passwords (at least with POP3) although a macro could be used for convenience. I think a simpler approach might be to modify the server and make the various logging reports accessible through (pseudo, read-only) accounts linked to the postmaster's password, as MailStop's log currently is accessed. So to get a list of the undelivered mail I'd simply query the account "pm-unread" using the normal postmaster password, and that could be done from any standard client. Another pseudo-account might be "pm-unknown-users", and another might be "pm-account-activity" with a line for each account like "thomas: 15 in, 2 unread, 17 sent". NB I don't think MailStop's log reports unknown users, it only records the SMTP arrival, whereas smtp_recv's log is explicit. MAIL SERVERS I'M AWARE OF MailStop 1.0.1 from University of Minnesota boombox.micro.umn.edu /pub/POPmail/macintosh/MailStop. I'm not sure whether source code is available. Runs in the background under MultiFinder and can coexist with AppleShare and the QuickMail servers. There are apparently no immediate plans to offer POP3 functionality, though a POP3 client application might be released in the future. It accepts mail via SMTP and offers a POP2 server for client macs and PCs. It doesn't dispatch mail itself, but provides clients with the address of a SMTP relay host. Clients can run a small (64K) application under MultiFinder called NAG to alert them when mail arrives; it is impractical to keep a transaction log when any clients run NAG. Our trial installation seems to work OK under System 6.0.3 on an SE/30 with Virtual increasing memory from the 2M to 4M, but it hasn't been tested under heavy load. BeaverGate 0.85 from University of Toronto available via anonymous ftp madhaus.utcs.utoronto.ca; filename is /pub/beaver-0.85. The documentation says they are "evaluating the legal issues involved" in distributing the source. The component programs (smtp_recv, smtp_send and the QM bridge) will run under MultiFinder, but general issues of performance/reliability cause a dedicated server to be recommended. " 1. A QuickMail Bridge for sending and receiving e-mail to and from TCP/IP based networks, such as the Internet. The bridge uses the TCP/IP SMTP protocol to deal directly, as an equal, with all other nodes on the network. No local host is required. 2. An SMTP receive and SMTP send program. These are used by the QuickMail bridge, but also can be used independently. The SMTP receive program accepts mail using the SMTP protocol and puts it into a folder. The SMTP send program checks a folder for files, and sends them using the SMTP protocol. You can use these two programs to implement your own SMTP bridge to your favourite mail package, or to build your own mail package. 3. A sockets interface for MacTCP(tm). This can be used by program developers writing or porting their own TCP/IP based software. The SMTP receive and SMTP send programs are two examples of programs we have written using this sockets interface. Provides SMTP services." I've just gotten BeaverGate and the SMTP facilities would probably work with TOPS Inbox that was part of our upgrade to PC/Mac TOPS 3. MAIL CLIENTS I'M AWARE OF [I can't really offer any comments yet] POP2 HyperCard stack: POPMail 1.6a from the University of Minnesota boombox.micro.umn.edu /pub/POPmail.... This is a companion to the MailStop POP2 server including extensions to encrypt the password during network exchanges. There is a PC implementation available. POP3 Application: Stanford's MacMH 4.0 (I believe a PC version is available). This is not free, nor is source code available, but a low cost licence is available for universities. The documentation is available from jessica.stanford.edu. POP3 Application: Eudora 1.1 by Steve Dorner from ux1.cso.uiuc.edu /mac/eudora. Source code is available as a compressed tar archive. Also works with comms toolbox. Can periodically check server for mail. POP3 Stack: HyperMail 1.0b2 from lilac.berkeley.edu as MacPOP. Also available is the source code for a UNIX POP3 server, popper. POP2/POP3 stack: Mews 1.4 by Chris Keen and Charles Lakos available from ftp.utas.edu.au /pub/mac. I don't know whether source code is available. Also handles net news. Thanx, Danny Thomas, currently vthrc@uqvax.cc.uq.oz.au, though you could try thomas@vthrc.uq.oz.au if the pop2 server's still going Vision, Touch and Hearing Research Centre, c/o Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, University of Queensland, AUSTRALIA 4072 61-07-377-2799
jwn2@qualcomm.com (John Noerenberg) (10/05/90)
> DESIRABLE SERVER FEATURES > [A thoughtful, but lengthy description of useful server features] Almost everything you desire is possible if your gateway machine is running Sendmail. Of course this presupposes your gateway is running under UNIX. You *could* do this with A/UX on a Mac, if you don't want to invest in some other UNIX box now. In fact, UMinn's gateway is a Mac II running A/UX (Dave Johnson will correct me if I'm wrong :-)). In your list of known POP3 clients, you omitted MIT's TechMail. It is a very well executed Mac application (as opposed to a Hypercard stack). It is PD and sources will be available with V2 due sometime this fall. You can get it via anonymous ftp to net-dist.mit.edu in /pub/TechMail. I've been using TechMail here at Qualcomm without any major snafus. Cheers, jwn2
wezel@bio.vu.nl (Jos van Wezel) (10/06/90)
In article <1990Oct4.210925.14006@qualcomm.com> jwn2@qualcomm.com (John Noerenberg) writes: > >In your list of known POP3 clients, you omitted MIT's TechMail. It is >a very well executed Mac application (as opposed to a Hypercard stack). Except that the current Techmail wants the 109/tcp port number, which is set aside for POP2 servers. Maybe the upcoming sources will relief this. It is definite trouble to run a POP3 server on the POP2 port as there are very good POP2 clients too. Another botch is the 32K limit on messages. Maybe we were wrong, but about 4 or 5 pages (hexcoded) of wordprocessor output is the most you can send away. Then there is the simple password encryption used by Techmail. This is not standard and effectively means you cannot use other POP3 clients on its server. True, it has a very nice Mac appeal and gives nice printouts. However I found the new Eudora (1.1) as good in those respects. But I do hope the next release improves these misses. Jos van Wezel Computergroup, Biol. Lab., VU, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.