yee@ucbvax.ARPA (Peter E. Yee) (11/28/84)
On the subject of Bay Area railfanning: I, being a UCB student, don't spend a whole lot of time at trackside. However, on those rare Saturdays when I've little else to do, I take my bike to the Santa Fe tracks which run through Franklin Canyon (Between Pinole & Martinez). Early in the morining I stand a good chance catching a fast TOFC freight with SD40's and their kin. Most of the other freights on this line run whenever using mostly rebuilt GP30/GP35's. People say those prototype GE B39-8's are testing on the Santa Fe, but I have never seen one; in fact, I've never seen a GE in action on that line. Actually, that's not entirely correct. Once I saw a huge derailed C30-7 (#8146) at the Richmond, Ca yard throat. Seems one rail broke as the train pulled into the yard. Incidentally, that GE was paired with a rebuilt F45. Every once in a while, Santa Fe dispatches a whole string of F's from Bakersfield to Richmond, but they usually return immediately. I find the SP quite boring in the Bay Area. I don't care much for their paint, and I'm admittedly sick of SD40T-2's. A good place to watch trains is the UP (formerly WP) Altamont line from Stockton to Oakland. The UP runs those big Centennials on many fast freights but I hear they are going out this December. The WPV (Western Pac. Van) train usually features a "Big Jack" on the point. The WPV is scheduled to run from Stockton to Oakland, arriving in Oakland at 12pm. That means it should be romping through Niles Canyon sometime in the mid morning, but I'm not positive. Since I don't spend a lot of time actively railfanning, I spend my time passively railfanning by reading CTC board magazine, an *excellent* source of Western railroad news. Their news is accurate, in depth, and black and white and stunning color photos complete a great mag. I recommend a subscription. Is there anyone out there who is interested in railfanning and black+ white picture-taking? I'd love to chat about paper, chemicals, films, techniques, and getting that "Ted Benson" look. A final word about the law: The Santa Fe property in the East Bay is posted "No tresspassing", but they don't seem to mind as long as you are friendly, courteous, and careful. However, as far as I know, the yard in Richmond is off limits to railfans. Apparently people hitch rides and sometimes fall off and hurt themselves. Everywhere else, I don't know. Are their any yards in the Bay Area where railfans can get good photos of equipment? Comments on any of the above would be greatly appreciated. -Tim Zahnley -El Cerrito, CA PS:Excuse the spelling misktakes! --------------------- Replies to ..ucbvax!yee
hkywong%ucbcory@Berkeley (Harry Kim Yee Wong) (11/30/84)
>> UNION PACIFIC << In the last two to three weeks, seeing DDA40X's on the point of WP van trains (or any train for that matter..) has become increasingly rare if not nonexistent altogether. This is due to the advent of cabooseless trains, which require a receiver box to be installed in the cab of the lead locomotive. So far, only UP SD40-2's (yecch!!) have been equipped with these receiver boxes. Now that nearly all of the trains coming into Oakland are cabooseless, and depart sans caboose, I have not heard of a single instance in which a "Jack" led on a West or Eastbound cabooseless train. >> SOUTHERN PACIFIC << Bay Area SP operations have been a recent source of much of the interesting motive power happenings over the last two weeks.. If you are interested in GE B-Boats or U-Boats, one need only look as far as the SP loco facility in Oakland. Recent GE visitors include.. B30-7's: 7803,7776, and (others that I cannot remember offhand..) U33C's !!! : 8689, 8725, 8720(?) Having U33C's on the SP is a rare treat these days, especially in Oakland! B36-7b : SSW 7771 Cotton Belt's only cabless GE came on the LABAT pig train with the following all-star lashup ssw9380/ssw7771/sp5110/sp5112/spSD?? B23-7's: SP 5110,SP 5112 These little GE's are more common out in the eastern end of the system (i.e. -s. From what I can tell, this is only about the fourth or fifth known instance in which B23's have visited Oakland ..ever. In terms of pool power, the presence of Rio Grande has pretty much dried up in Oakland, as well as on the SP overland route west of Sparks. The last couple of trips my friends took to Roseville Yards (on their way to WP's Feather River Canyon), they saw no DRGW power whatsoever. Hopefully, this will change when SP business levels pick up. --Harry (hkywong@ucbcory.BERKELEY) ( More news later when I can get down to the tracks again.. (i.e. after finals....))