[comp.sys.mac.comm] Whither ZTerm?

rjb1@GTE.COM (Richard J. Brandau) (01/11/91)

I was about to send in my shareware fee for ZTerm when I noticed that
the version I had (fresh off Sumex) was over a year old, yet all the
docs and abouts and etc seemed to promise great enhancements in the
immediate future.  Has anyone seen any newer version than 0.85?  (That
version isn't so bad, but I'll find something else if this is a
dead-ended program.)

ollef@sics.se (Olle Furberg) (01/12/91)

In <rjb1.663607652@bunny.gte.com> rjb1@GTE.COM (Richard J. Brandau) writes:

>Has anyone seen any newer version than 0.85?

That's a FAQ, and the FAA (since several months) is:

  "The next version will come out very, very soon; Keep your eyes open!"


lriggins@blackbird.afit.af.mil (L. Maurice Riggins) (01/12/91)

In article <rjb1.663607652@bunny.gte.com> rjb1@GTE.COM (Richard J. Brandau) writes:
|I was about to send in my shareware fee for ZTerm when I noticed that
|the version I had (fresh off Sumex) was over a year old, yet all the
|docs and abouts and etc seemed to promise great enhancements in the
|immediate future.  Has anyone seen any newer version than 0.85?  (That
|version isn't so bad, but I'll find something else if this is a
|dead-ended program.)

Well, it's a very popular program among folks hitting FidoNet BBS's primarily
for its simplicity, ANSI-PC font, and Zmodem capability, but they've all been
bemoaning the phantom upgrade.  I gave up waiting for decent VT100 emulation
and went with White Knight.  Has the ANSI font available, good Zmodem and
VT100/102 and capable scripting.  The interface is anything but simple, but
it's not too hard to figure out.

Maurice      INTERNET:    lriggins@blackbird.afit.af.mil (

      Opinions expressed here do not reflect those of my employer nor
      constitute an official position of any U.S.Government agency.

jimb@silvlis.com (Jim Budler) (01/12/91)

In article <rjb1.663607652@bunny.gte.com> rjb1@GTE.COM (Richard J. Brandau) writes:
>I was about to send in my shareware fee for ZTerm when I noticed that
>the version I had (fresh off Sumex) was over a year old, yet all the
>docs and abouts and etc seemed to promise great enhancements in the
>immediate future.  Has anyone seen any newer version than 0.85?  (That
>version isn't so bad, but I'll find something else if this is a
>dead-ended program.)

The author is active on GEnie providing customer support activity.

He still speaks of the complete rewrite version due RSN, which will
have some macros, etc.

You will certainly have to decide for yourself whether it really
is dead. I don't think it is. I don't know the reasons for the
complete rewrite, but these kind of things cost time.


     __           __
     /  o         /      Jim Budler      jimb@silvlis.com      |  Proud
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