rtp1@quads.uchicago.edu (raymond thomas pierrehumbert) (01/19/91)
I just got a new Prometheus Promodem 9600M, which is a v32 modem with v42 error correction and MNP5 data compression. On a terminal session, the speed improvement is obvious, but the speed and cost of the modem got me interested in actual throughput on a file transfer. Using Kermit on a binary file, with a 9600baud connection, the actual transfer rate on an upload is only 1200 bits/sec. For a text file, the transfer rate is 2400 bits/sec, suggesting that the data compression is working. However, all these numbers are far from 9600baud. Do other people get similar transfer rates? With Kermit (I am using it under Versaterm)? Where is all the overhead coming from? Is there some better file transfer protocol I should be using that turns off the error correction (does the newest versaterm do this, maybe?). I got Macknowledge with the modem, but I don't like it very much, and haven't been able to get it to work (it always seems to connect me at 1200 baud). Please reply to rtp1@midway.uchicago.edu