[net.followup] Fubar

lpa@houxo.UUCP (L.ANDRES) (08/31/83)

FUBAR stands for F&%*@# Up Beyond All Repair.
'Foo' and 'Bar' are results of that acronym...

				Andy Andres, AT&T CP Labs(??), Neptune, NJ

israel@umcp-cs.UUCP (08/31/83)

I believe the term 'snafu' is similar, standing for 'Standard
Navy Army Foul (or 'F---') Up'  and comes from the military where joint
ventures would always have communications and other problems coming up.

~~~ Bruce
Computer Science Dept., University of Maryland
{rlgvax,seismo}!umcp-cs!israel (Usenet)    israel.umcp-cs@Udel-Relay (Arpanet)

larry@grkermit.UUCP (Larry Kolodney) (09/01/83)

I thought SNAFU meant System Normal, All F#$^$*ed Up.
Larry Kolodney (The Devil's Advocate)
{linus decvax}!genrad!grkermit!larry (until Sept. 8)
(ARPA) lkk@mit-ml (after sept. 1)

halle1@houxz.UUCP (09/01/83)

Actually, the term SNAFU means: Situation Normal: All F___ed Up
(use your choice of the two alternatives to fill in the blanks)

petec@umcp-cs.UUCP (09/02/83)

 SNAFU is also 'Situation normal - all f**ked up'.
Call-Me:   Pete Cottrell, Univ. of Md. Comp. Sci. Dept.
UUCP:	   {seismo,allegra,brl-bmd}!umcp-cs!petec
CSNet:	   petec@umcp-cs
ARPA:	   petec.umcp-cs@UDel-Relay

joelt@tekmdp.UUCP (Joel Thorson) (09/02/83)

No, I believe 'snafu' means

	'situation normal -- all {$ROT13+} shpxrq {$ROT13-} up'.

mmt@dciem.UUCP (Martin Taylor) (09/02/83)

SNAFU -- Systems Normal, All Fouled Up