jahayes@miavx1.acs.muohio.edu (02/01/91)
This is a somewhat relevant request, I think. I've been trying to retrieve so-called "gifs" from alt.sex.pictures, but neither Giffer nor GifConverter will read them: the first claims they're not GIFs (I think they're RLE, whatever that is), and the latter tries to open them then fails saying it's due to a disk error, which is ridiculous. My text editor, for example, can open the files in question with no trouble. I've tried sending them with headers intact, stripping all the headers, binary, ascii...nothing works. Does anybody have any constructive suggestions for getting them to open up, presumably with GifConverter? I suspect there's something I'm not doing properly in the file transfer, which is why I post here. BTW, I'm reading the files in netnews on an ibm mainframe, saving to files, then ftp-ing the files to my mac via a GatorBox. This has worked in the past for gifs posted to other newsgroups, and also works fine when I ftp to archive sites and retrieve gifs from there. What's the difference in this case? E-mail, please; I'll summarize if there's interest. (P.S. I am not a registered user of either GIF-viewing program; part of the reason for going through this is to test them out to see which one(s) I want to register for. I'm ethical, honest I am! It may turn out that I don't want to use either one.) Josh Hayes, Zoology, Miami University, Oxford OH 45056 jahayes@miamiu.acs.muohio.edu, or @miavx1.acs.muohio.edu. Either is fine.