[comp.sys.mac.comm] BBS Software recommendations wanted

shrike@cup.portal.com (Arthur P Bebak) (02/14/91)

There have probably been a million of these in theis newsgroup, but what the
hell, here goes again:

A friend of mine runs a small mail order business and is interested in
automating some of his operations. Specifically one of the things we'd like to
do is to set up a little corner of cyberspace in the form of a BBS with product
info and order taking functions online. Basically a customer calls in and can
download some files (GIF pictures, product info), upload comments, and place a
credit card order. Needless to say we are looking for something fairly basic,
uncomplicated and inexpensive.

The question then becomes, what kind of BBS software is out there which will do
the job. We're interested in something in the $150 range (a shot in the dark,
is this reasonable?), with a fairly large installed base, good support, and
lot's of fans. We're not compu-weanies so some decent hacking interfaces would
be nice. 

So fellow netlanders, any experience running PC BBS software? Favorites,
anti-favorites, rave reviews, comments, harangues and general rantings
gratefully accepted. E-mail or postings are fine, I will summerize to the net
after about a week (I'm sure there are many lurkers who are interested in this

Thanks in advance

shrike@cup.portal.com			"I'm your mallard!" - Plucky Duck