[comp.sys.mac.comm] Mini LocalTalk Network

patfieldk@gtephx.UUCP (Kevin M. Patfield) (02/21/91)

I would like to be able to network together my SE and my Plus so
that the former could act as a file server for the latter (which
has no hard drive).  I would like to retain the use of both
machines, however, so a dedicated server like Appleshare wouldn't
do it.  And, of course, I'd prefer something a little less

I recall past references to "PublicFolder" and "SingleServer".
Do either of these do what I need?

Additionally, what hardware do I need?  I plan to use the phone
wiring to connect the two machines.  Do Phonenet and its clones
actually do anything other than connect to an RJ11 jack?  I'm
quite able to connect a DIN8 plug to a phone cable, heck I could
even add some pad and termination resistors if necessary, if so
what connections do I use?

Thanks in advance for any help.

Kevin Patfield, AG Communication Systems, Phoenix, AZ
UUCP: {ncar!noao!asuvax | uunet!zardoz!hrc | att}!gtephx!patfieldk
Internet: gtephx!patfieldk@asuvax.eas.asu.edu
voice: (602) 581-4812        fax:   (602) 582-7624

mbarton@isis.cs.du.edu (Michael Barton) (03/01/91)

In article <228@jordache.gtephx.UUCP> patfieldk@gtephx.UUCP (Kevin M. Patfield) writes:
>I would like to be able to network together my SE and my Plus so
>that the former could act as a file server for the latter (which
>has no hard drive).  I would like to retain the use of both
>machines, however, so a dedicated server like Appleshare wouldn't
>do it.  And, of course, I'd prefer something a little less
>I recall past references to "PublicFolder" and "SingleServer".
>Do either of these do what I need?

Networking the two machines together occurs on a couple levels.

First, you need to wire the two machines together, using either 
Apples Appletalk hardware (expensive) or something like Farallons
PhoneNET.  I have used PhoneNet, and it works wonderfully using
standard telephone wire.  Be prepared to spend $30 for each node
(you will need 2).

Secondly, you will need a System which includes Appletalk.  I'm
not up on all the levels, but System 6.0.5 comes ready to run.

Thirdly, You need some software to talk via appletalk to the other
machine.  You mentioned Public Folder, which was placed in the public
domain by Claris.  This Chooser device works well, but is a one-way
move - in other words, you can 'Fetch' something from the other machine,
but the user on that machine must have placed that file in a special
folder, and you can't send it back to the other machine (you must go
to the first machine and 'Fetch' it from the second). If you want 
full blown file transfer (ala Appleshare)  I know of EasyShare, AllShare,
and SingleShare, all of which allow the 'Server' machine to remain
a useful Macintosh.  I have only used SingleShare, primarily because
the version posted on the boards was fully functional (the others
were only Demo versions).  We are still in the process of determining
whether SingleShare will work for us.  You can, of course, buy TOPS
at $300 per machine....

Hope this helps...
Michael Barton