wjohn@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu (Wesley John) (03/05/91)
A question to all of you out there who might be using serial Eudora with a networked modem, how are you doing it? My problems coming from using Shiva's NetModem on an AppleTalk network. Trying to open a serial Eudora connection results in Eudora giving up with the error message: "serial port is busy." I've successfully been able to connect with AppleLink software. After several messages that tell me the serial port is busy, AppleLink allows me to retry the connection, and eventually I get through. Am I missing something obvious? If anyone who has successfully used a networked modem with serial Eudora can please tell me how they did it, I would be most grateful. Thanks -- # wesley john University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign # wjohn@UIUCVMD wjohn@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu ..!{uunet}!uiucuxc!uiucux1!wjohn