[comp.sys.mac.comm] what's wrong?

zee@fwi.uva.nl (Daniel M. van der Zee (I89)) (03/06/91)

Several days ago I posted a question in this group about binhexing and unsitting
mac-files on a unix machine before transferring them to a mac. I got several
replies on that question.

Here's a brief summary:
 1. Get the following files from an info-mac archive:

 2. "sh" those files and compile them on your unix machine using the "make"
    You get three executables: mcvert unsit and macbin

 3. Now get a binhexed mac-file somewhere. eg "foo"
    and execute the following commands:
      mcvert foo.hqx
      unsit foo.sit.bin
      macbin -d *

 4. Now use a communication program to download the file to your mac using
    macbinary mode.

This should work for most people. The repliers to my message use this method
My situation is somewhat different in the last step: instead of using a comm.
program I can access my unix-directory through a network using my mac. A 
friend gave me a copy of AFE and the module "macbinary to mac". I tried
to use that module to convert the macbinary files to macintosh binary format and
everyting seemed to be OK (resource fork in order, type/creator restored). But
I had problems with all four files I converted using this method. Two HyperCard
stacks couldn't be opened (passwords no the same and created by a newer verion
of HyperCard though I use version 2.0v2), an init and an application both 

Has someone ever experiences the same problems and what was their solution?
(I think the problem is in the last step using AFE)

PS: I'd like to thank all people that send a reply to me through mail.

Daniel van der Zee
e-mail: zee@fwi.uva.nl