[comp.sys.mac.comm] using Mackermit and ZtermDIR

kenc@vaxb.acs.unt.edu (03/08/91)

In article <28958.27d60fe9@kuhub.cc.ukans.edu>, horcel@kuhub.cc.ukans.edu writes:
> 	I have the Zterm .85 comm. program and I use it often in ordet to
> connect to the VAX.  However, I got to use MacKermit when I want to download
> something to my mac.  Isn't it possible to download with Zterm?

Well, I'm trying to use the same software set up.  I've been told that the
local LAN on campus is connected via black boxes called 'SYTEK' boxes.  They
seem to work allright, except for the kermit limitation.  This is supposedly
caused by the fact that the syteks use the same ^s/^q that z/y/zmodem protocols
use.  *sigh*
  Far as I know, (short of writing my own telecomm protocol) there's no other
  One exception:  I frequently get .hqx files.  I type them on the VAX, and
they get streamed to Zterm.  then I save them as text, and can un-hqx them.
  This works well, as most of the Mac stuff out there is hqxed.
  My problem is a little more esoteric.  Has anyone found that using Zterm
causes the screen to flicker?  Actually, the bottom half of the zterm screen
gets refreshed.  Usually, this doesn't cause much of a problem, but I've
recently started using software that depends on being able to show inverse
video reliably.  Is there anyway to turn this refresh off?
| Ken Corey  aka... kenc@vaxb.acs.unt.edu                        |
|  "We MUST succeed, otherwise we run the risk of failure...."   |
|                            -Dan Quayle                         |