[comp.sys.mac.comm] Hayes Applications Developers Conference

tnixon@hayes.uucp (03/19/91)

Wednesday-Friday, 24-26 April 1991
San Francisco, California.
We would like to invite you to Hayes' Second Annual Developers'
Conference taking place 24-26 April 1991 at the Parc 55 Hotel in San
Francisco, California.
In order for you to develop leading-edge products, Hayes will show
the potential for developing the next generation of communications
software applications.  Attending the conference will be a great way
to get acquainted with Hayes and to learn about the newest
technologies for high-speed, multi-tasked communications and the
support programs that Hayes offers developers.  This three day
conference will focus on the following topics we feel are of interest
to you:
DAY 1 - Wednesday
ISDN - Integrated Services Digital Network
        ISDN is a standardized network that integrates voice, data,
        and image communication needs.  We will discuss the many
        opportunities for ISDN applications which use the unique
        capabilities of ISDN through our standard interfaces for
        ISDN:  Hayes Standard AT Command Set Enhanced for ISDN and
        the Hayes ISDNBIOS Interface.
DAY 2 - Thursday
Future Technology Directions
        Consists of a review on emerging standards, including the new 
        facsimile DCE standards (Class 1 and 2).
        This interface, necessary for high performance serial port
        operations, eliminates data loss, improves system throughput
        and offloads the CPU during high speed serial communications.
        We will provide you with an understanding of how to implement
        this important Hayes technology.
        AutoStream is an interface for multisession operations on
        serial data channels.  It supports multiple software sessions
        through X.25 Packet Switching Networks (X.32/Dial-up X.25).
        This segment will provide an understanding of how to
        implement AutoStream in your environment.
DAY 3 - Friday
        LANstep is Hayes' new Local Area Network Operating System.
        This network overview provides information on multi-tasking
        applications opportunities.  LANstep interfaces include:
        LANstep Network API and LANstep Mail API.
A conference brochure and registration form with pricing and other
information is available in the Developer SIG on the Online with
Hayes BBS -- 1-800-US HAYES (800-874-2937) or +1 (404) HI MODEM 
(404-446-6336). Please select option 9 on the main menu to access the
Developer SIG.  Seating will be limited, so please register early.  
We look forward to seeing you there.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call:  Shereen
Eltobgy, Hayes Developer Conference Coordinator, 404-449-8791
Toby Nixon, Principal Engineer    | Voice   +1-404-840-9200  Telex 151243420
Hayes Microcomputer Products Inc. | Fax     +1-404-447-0178  CIS   70271,404
P.O. Box 105203                   | UUCP uunet!hayes!tnixon  AT&T    !tnixon
Atlanta, Georgia  30348  USA      | Internet       hayes!tnixon@uunet.uu.net