(Bill Gray x2128) (05/04/91)
I have abandoned attempts to make the antique Apple 1200 modem work on my elderly Mac +. I got a brand new in the box Volksmodem 1200 at a recent sale (paid fifteen whole American dollars for it), but these come with a truly bogus DIN 5 connector. Anchor (the Volksmodem mfg.) told me to eat dirt and die when I tried to order the correct cable from them. The doc that came with the modem shows the DIN 5 pinout, but I have no hardware doc for the Plus. Can anyone e-mail me a pinout for the Mac Plus phone port? It would be _E_N_O_R_M_O_U_S_L_Y_ appreciated! Bill -- : : : : : My gun is safer than Ted : : Unisys has enough problems without being : Kennedy's car. : : blamed for my personal opinions. : :