[comp.sys.mac.comm] MacLayers on ULTRIX

phil@cutmcvax.cs.curtin.edu.au (Phil Wild) (05/09/91)

I was wondering if anybody had managed to get MacLayers running on
a VAX running ULTRIX.

It compiles fine - but does not seem to work! The error seems to be in
the packet info! (but I am not an expert!). I am guessing this has something
to do with the way a VAX stores bits (in reverse order I am told)

If somebody has gotten it running can they give me some info on what they did
etc etc.

Thanks in Advance!


  /\  _______\ ================================================================
  \ \ \____  / Philip Wild            / phil@cutmcvax.cs.curtin.edu.au
   \ \ \/ / / Dept. Computer Science / psi%050529452300070::SWILDP
    \ \/ / / Curtin University      / SWILDP%cc.curtin.edu.au@cunyvm.bitnet
     \  / / Perth                  / uunet!munnari.oz!cc.curtin.edu.au!SWILDP
      \/_/ Western Australia      / Tel: (09) 385 8717

klingspo@mozart.cs.colostate.edu (Steve Klingsporn) (05/09/91)

Hmmm...I'm running my "home/base" machine in ultrix here at Colorado State U
(we have terrible facilities and a lousy sysadmin CS staff), and it works
okay with me.  Have some gripes about MacLayers itself, such as the need
to use a "real" term program for file transfers ("real" ones)...

Steve Klingsporn